I wanted to pass along a few fall activities for kids that have been a hit at our house. We do the same ones almost every year, because I know they are relatively easy and take under 10 minutes of prep!

1. Caramel Apples
This is easier than you think, thanks to caramel candy melts!
-Caramel melts (I like how these caramel melts are unwrapped and don’t get too hot and stringy)
-Large apples

1. Add skewers to the middles of the apples.
2. Melt caramel on the stove or in a microwave-safe bowl.
3. Dip apples into the caramel, and immediately dip into a bowl of sprinkles.
4. Set on wax paper to cool.
This is something that even the toddlers can try with supervision. They loved this so much that they request it every year now.

2. Homemade playdough – We have made this so many times over the years, because it makes enough for 6 different colors, and it can store up to 3 months in a storage container. It is super soft and doesn’t stick to any surfaces! We add cinnamon in the fall to make it smell good. We also have substituted with peppermint around Christmas time!

Homemade Cinnamon Spice Playdough Recipe
- 4 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 1/2 cups salt
- 8 teaspoons cream of tartar
- 2 tablespoons cinnamon
- 4 cups lukewarm water
- 4 tablespoons coconut oil
- Food coloring

- Stir together dry ingredients in a medium-sized pot.
- Add the water and oil.
- Cook over low-medium heat, stirring constantly.
- Once the dough starts to thicken, keep turning until it forms a ball and all wet spots are cooked.
- Remove from heat and allow to cool for a few minutes on the countertop or wax paper.
- Divide into sections and add to gallon-sized bags. Add your dye drops. Knead the dough inside the bags until well mixed.

3. Painting Pumpkins – I am always amazed how much my kids love to paint and re-paint the same lone pumpkin. They use washable paint and will wash off and re-paint several times over the course of October. Easy and fun entertainment! I usually set out big sheets of newspaper or paper bags outside so the mess is easy to clean up!
Do messes stress me out sometimes? 100 percent. There are certain things banned from our house (ahem — glitter), and I won’t attempt anything too complicated. My kids have loved the simpler stuff just as much. Also, we average about one or two crafts per season. 😉 What are some other easy ideas we should try this year?