christmas time

Happy New Year!

January 5, 2024

christmas time

This year felt like two years in one. The first half was facing some of the hardest decisions we have had to make as a family, and the months of a big move following. The second half of the year was landing our feet in a small town and starting over again.

cristmas morning
siblings on christmas

There were days I didn’t think I had it in me to uproot again, and yet Gabe and I both knew that the answers to many of the hopes and prayers we had for our family were waiting on the other side of this move. It felt heavy and hard in the moment, but once we took the leap so much of that weight lifted. I wasn’t expecting to feel so much immediate peace as we unloaded our boxes into this old home.

christmas morning

Our first Christmas here felt like a celebration of these new beginnings and new memories. The joy was contagious on Christmas morning.

christmas morning

This has always been our time of year to put on the brakes and truly rest. We don’t get to take much time off these days, so we value these few weeks with our kids. Despite missing our families far away, I can’t shake the overall sense of gratitude for this home and town that have given us the gift of feeling rooted.

Appreciate each of you who spent time with us this year. I am really looking forward to sharing some new things in this year to come!

Wishing you peace and joy,

Anna & Gabe (+ family)

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  • Happy New Year! Your move has been so inspiring! I’m looking for my version of your town outside Philadelphia – though we’ve lived with our three small kids in center city all their lives — sometimes it’s just too much and not enough of the feeling I’m desiring. I’m actually a little envious that you had a town with family and traditions and closeness already available. It sounds like a dream to not have to seek it out on your own. To live near my sisters – another dream! Thanks for not ignoring the nudge that you weren’t in the right place. I appreciate you and how you spend time with us — sharing your home and family.

    Can you please tell me what your Christmas tree skirt is? It looks huge and perfect for that train, that I’m also wondering about. Both look like excellent surprises for my kids for next year.

    Thank you!

  • We’ve weathered the storms and are now embracing the chance to rebuild and reinvent ourselves.

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