I just officially hit full term for this pregnancy which seems impossible, and yet I am somewhat relieved to have made it through the summer! This has been a healthy pregnancy, and I am so grateful for that. I just finished packing my hospital bag (I have had a few early deliveries!), and wanted to pass along the checklist! Since this is my 8th baby I have really narrowed down what is and isn’t needed for 1-2 nights for a hospital delivery.

Hospital Bag checklist:
You don’t need much! I mainly just want to get out of my hospital gown and into my own pajamas and socks after I have the baby.
–Packing cubes help to easily find everything
-Overnight bag (similar one to pictured above. This weekender bag also looks like a good option!)
-Pajamas (Cotton modal set + floral set)
-Cozy socks
–Lounge Set for going home (runs large)
–Nursing bras

-Heating pad (I brought a rice filled aromatheraphy heating pack that Gabe was able to heat up for me for back or post labor pain)
–Postpartum disposable underwear (Not necessary, but my sister who is a doula introduced me to these. I just appreciate a little additional support than the hospital kind)
-Overnight toiletries (Toiletry bag + makeup bag I use)
-Lanolin or calendula balm to help with those painful first breastfeeding weeks
-Nursing pads (Hospital may or may not have these)
–Deodorant (I love the brand WILD)
–Lip balm – All that breathing tends to leave my mouth so dry!
–Hydration packets – LMNT packets help with staying hyrated throughout labor
–Protein bars – You need energy throughout labor even if you don’t feel like eating! I usually pack a few RX bars to keep me going.
–Diffuser and essential oils – This always helps me so much with creating a calm and tranquil environment for laboring. This time I packed Frankinscence, peppermint (for nausea), Peace and calming, and clary sage (for post labor pains), and lavender oils.
–Pain relief cream for sore muscles (This stuff works wonders)
–Portable charger for earphones and phone or extra long charger cord
-Prayer cards or pictures of your family if you want to have visuals

Baby needs:
The hospital provides just about everything you need for those first days including diapers, but if you want your own outfits, hats, swaddles, pacis, etc. for your baby you can bring your own!
Baby swaddles
Sleepers (I really love the quality of Spearmint baby and Loved baby)
Take home outfit
Baby announcement sign – haven’t brought one before, but bringing one this time for a pic:)
Pacifiers of preference if you use them!
Bottles if you aren’t able to breastfeed

Put your partner in charge of packing the extras!
-Our own pillows and cozy blankets
-JBL speaker (to play my birth playlist during labor)
-Any additional snacks
-Camera and charger
-Baby carseat
I saved some of my postpartum essentials here as well as a list of favorite essential oils for labour and postpartum here.
I hope this is helpful! If you are having a c-section birth I know extra recovery items may be needed so leave your expert tips below!