results for birth

Introducing our baby GIRL + Birth Story.

September 20, 2019

On Monday, September 16th 2019, at 4:05pm our baby girl made her way into our arms! I don’t think I could accurately put into words the experience of her birth, but this is an attempted summary…. and her name and meaning at the end!

I thought Max would always take the cake of difficult births for me, but this one stole the crown. Despite the difficulty,  it was still one the most powerful experiences of my life. I think many moments made way for this one, and I have come to realize….I would have never been able to receive it as the gift that it was without the storms I walked through first. 

what to pack in hospital bag

Birth Intentions, Birth Prep Aids, + Hospital Essentials.

August 21, 2019

Considering Azelie came 4 weeks early, I started scrambling over the weekend to pack a bag this time to be ready to go! (The braxton hicks are already starting. Yikes!) As I am learning more about the perspective and narratives surrounding birth in our culture, it is no surprise I was under the impression it was as simple as choosing to have an epidural or not. After sharing more of my experience about healing from past birth experiences to prepare for this one, so many of you had some encouraging tips and resources I started to dive into. My eyes have been opened to how more importantly than a birth plan is preparing yourself mentally and emotionally for bringing your baby into the world. I wanted to share a few things that have helped me prepare for this birth, as well as what I am bringing in my hospital bag…


Preparing for birth by healing from the last.

June 10, 2019

I have gone through birth 6 times now, and you would think it is something that starts to get a little easier. However, as I approach my third trimester, I I feel the anxiety starting to creep in. I still hold onto so many what-ifs and memories from a few hard experiences that I haven’t fully faced and worked through.


Birthday wishes.

June 22, 2018


I am someone who has made goals and to-do lists since I was old enough to have a Lisa Frank notebook. I have always loved dreaming and doing, but this year, I am feeling the tug to pull back (hence the minimal blog posts). This past year brought some of the hardest days of my life, but it was also a year that my eyes were opened to the miracle of what each day is. I have never felt so content and grateful for the life surrounding me. It’s not easy for a chronic over-productive person to ever be still, but I have never been more aware that we can easily miss the best parts of our lives if we are always looking ahead at what is next.

A Rainbow Unicorn 6th Birthday

April 17, 2017


Veronica turned six this past week and before we headed to Tennessee we had a little birthday celebration with her aunts and uncles, nanna and papa, and a few of her little friends. Veronica has always been our very happy, imaginative, colorful, and bright little wildflower so it came to no surprise she wanted a “rainbow unicorn mermaid” birthday. I couldn’t quite pull off the triple theme but I’d say we got the rainbow part down;)

I loved celebrating this day with her. I just want to remember her eagerness to decorate, how she babbled all about her party to Zelie (and made her a special guest), and how much she flashed her toothy grin with those freckly cheeks all day long. Here are a few pics from the day…


A Very Hungry Caterpillar’s First Birthday

July 25, 2016

first birthdays

Our little Rocco Samuel turns one this week so we had a crew of family and friends over to celebrate this Very Hungry Caterpillar’s first birthday. Like each of my children’s birthdays, they are always bittersweet for me. Letting go of the babyhood phase of their life and accepting that outside of your control, they are growing faster than you can grasp. Rocco has been healing balm for some very tough days for me this year, and so it is especially hard to swallow that he is already one. Gabriel, Veronica, and Max were so excited to celebrate their baby brother’s birthday that it motivated me to make it a fun theme for all of them. He may not remember the little details, but for me it is just a part of celebrating his irreplaceable life. Here are a few snaps I was able to get during party chaos!  VIEW FULL POST

A 5th birthday party for wildflower.

April 11, 2016

My little April wildflower turns 5 years old today. When you have a house of boys, a “Bubblegum ballerina princess tea party” seems like an inviting challenge to make birthday dreams come true. I always swear after each birthday I am going to keep it reeeeaaaal simple from here on out, and then my hyper active love for a good color scheme kicks in, and twelve hours later you are sitting in a pile of balloons wondering how on earth I am going to complete such a task. Regardless, I think I may have enjoyed the day as much as she did. I’ll never forget how her face lit up though when she saw that cake, and how she clasped her hands together and jumped up and down when she saw the balloons. 


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