Maximilian Francis: TWO yrs old.

June 29, 2015

Two years old | In Honor of Design

I’m telling you, June is not short on excitement around here.
“Max the moose” was born a few hours after our anniversary dinner two years ago. I seemed to have blinked this year and woke up with a toddler….or mini man-child. I knew the only thing Max would want for his birthday is cake, balloons, and his best buds so that is what he got. Noticing my keep it simple theme this year? 😉 VIEW FULL POST

7 years of Marriage looks like…

June 29, 2015

7 yearswedding day

Today Gabe and I are celebrating 7 years of marriage.
Each year, the one behind us looks very different from the year before, and we realize more each year how LITTLE you actually know about marriage until you are in the depths of it. We both are continually learning from each other, from our children, and the great examples of marriages of some of our peers and mentors. I don’t think you can ever fully prepare for what marriage holds, but if you are lucky enough to find someone who is willing to always seek the best for the other, chances are, you will do just fine. You may even end up ridiculously happy. Gabe has never given up on loving me through my best and my worst moments, which continues to encourage me to reciprocate the same level of love. The consistent, never waning love through the both the highs and lows is what mounts up to an intimate history that you share only with your spouse. Ultimately, that is the best gift of marriage. A love that holds each other. A love that never gives up or gives out, and changes your personhood for the better… VIEW FULL POST

Fourth of July Party Favor Packs + Weekend Reading

June 26, 2015

Fourth of July Surprise Packs4th of July Party Packs | IHOD

We are going camping with my family for Fourth of July Weekend (don’t worry, this preggo will be sleeping in an RV), and I thought it would be fun to surprise the kids with some little distractions for the trip there. Super easy to throw together and customize, which makes for fun Fourth of July party favor packs. I got everything from the $1 bin at Target! Total cost for everything was under $15. Some ideas to get you started….

Fourth of July Surprise Packs
Paper staws
Glow sticks
Flag hankerchief

The instax mini camera we gave them on our last family trip to use when we were out exploring. It’s pretty hard to break, and seems to give them an incentive to pay closer attention to their surroundings. I chuckle over the polaroids coming out of that camera.

And some weekend reading/viewing:

A few friends of mine shared this awesome take on what Victoria’s Secret Bathing suits look like on real women. 

My new one stop spot for party supplies.

My love for stripes runneth over.

Date Crates! Really digging the Sushi one.

What do you all think of the new search and explore option on instagram? 

Taking note for our camping experience next weekend…14 Camping Hacks.

I’ve got to see this place in person. The end.

Enjoy your weekend! We have an anniversary and a little 2 yr birthday party to celebrate:) 
x, Anna

P.S. Started a shop section for an easy way to share my favorite fashion, home, and children’s finds with you all:) Will update regularly!

3 ingredient Strawberry Pie

June 25, 2015

Homemade Strawberry Pie Recipe | In Honor of Design

I recently spent the week in St. Louis with my family, and we had this meal for Sunday dinner. It was delish. My sister Jana treated us all to her homemade Strawberry pie. Oh my lawd, words can’t even describe. I was shocked that the filling requires 3 ingredients. 3! The homemade crust is the recipe of the other Martha in the family…my sister Maria. These forces combined can make a wicked pie!

3 ingredient Strawberry Pie
1/4 c. flour
3/4 c. Sugar
4 c. of strawberries quartered (you can add a few more cups of strawberries if you like!)

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and pour into crust.


3 ingredient strawberry pie


Perfect Pie Crust Recipe
Brush top crust with egg whites.
Foil edges of the crust to prevent burning.
Bake at 400 degrees for 1 hr.

Hope you all enjoy and let me know how it goes!

DIY Wooden Cornhole Set

June 24, 2015

DIY Cornhole Set | In Honor of Design
Somehow next weekend is 4th of July! I wanted to share some festive fun this week that my family will personally be putting to use! Today, I am handing this DIY wooden cornhole set over to my husband, Gabe. He kind of knows a little more about woodworking than I. But hey, I did take the pics! Teamwork folks.. VIEW FULL POST

S’more Bar!

June 19, 2015

Smore assembly station

We have a pretty simple summer bucket list. It is more like a summer goals list.
One of the musts: S’mores. And then repeat as often as possible because you know.

We have a basic backyard firepit grill, and I keep some necessities in stock in our pantry for when the right nights come around. Our preferred magic maker ingredient for  that winner smore recipe? VIEW FULL POST

Our birth plan. (Or lack thereof)

June 18, 2015

via In Honor of Design

I usually chuckle when I get an email asking how I manage and balance everything so well. I make sure to assure them, I don’t know what those words mean most of the time.
Now I may have editorial content for the blog lined up a month ahead of time, as well as perfectly prioritized to-do list.  I am an expert at planning a trip itinerary in advance. I can plan a party down to the detail. I can even have all of the families work, school, or just for fun events entered as alarms in my phone two or three times to ensure we don’t forget.
However, unless organization is required, I tend to fly by the seat of my pants.

Most of the time, I couldn’t tell you what we are having for dinner the next day, more or less what we are having that night. 
We don’t make weekend plans till Friday at 4pm. 
In fact, we have our friends sign a flexibility disclosure that we may not be able to secure hang out plans till the day or hour before. (wink)
And don’t even bother asking me where each child will go to school and when. We don’t know these complex things till forms are due, and decisions MUST be made.

However, there are some things that require advance notice and a little more thought out organization than hour by hour…
For instance, a birth plan. Or lack thereof…

Did you have a birth plan for your first child? What about the second or third?
I realize that you are either a planner or you are…………….not.
Now after reading the before mentioned, can you guess which category I fall under?
If you guessed that I never have a birth plan, you are just about right. He knew!
My theory tends to be that if you make a plan for the birth of a child, that child likes to spite you, and prove you they have more of a personality than predictability. I decided to go into my first two births with an open mind, and let these babies come when they were ready, in the way they wanted to. This was probably a good thing considering the way each birth happened.

Even though all three of mine came on their due dates, they came in very different ways. My labor with Gabriel started off in a crazy way, but ended up in a paced and peaceful delivery post epidural. Veronica came quicker than expected and without the ability to choose medication. If I had any sort of plan in place, it never would have happened because of the nature of both deliveries. However, I decided maybe I would try out some sort of a birth plan for my third pregnancy and hope this would give me a little bit more control over the result this time. Ha! Max the moose surely laughed. My planned water birth never happened.

You can imagine why a making any sort of plan for the birth of my fourth is probably unnecessary. However, I do have a goal. GET TO THE HOSPITAL ON TIME. With how fast Max came, I am afraid I might have to pitch a tent in the hospital parking lot the week before my due date to ensure Gabe isn’t delivering the baby on the side of the road. Which apparantly, Gabe is perfectly fine with (can I have some of that ease of mind please?).

So there you have it my friends. No birth plan, but to call my midwife with the first contraction, and get myself to the hospital in a timely manner. I may just opt for that epidural too if I was so lucky as to have the option this time;)

Speaking of birth stories, I LOVE to read them. Especially right before giving birth myself which makes no sense whatsoever. I am a glutton for self – antagonization I guess, as I am also busting through seasons of Call the Midwife.Leave me some links if you have some good ones!

*Dress (non-maternity) by Free People c/o Shopbop, a fun similar one here.

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