Take 3: Dollops of Spring Color

January 18, 2012

{Sources: 1.  2.  3. via pinterest}
*Will be making some changes to the blog in the next few days so if you see any funny business that is why;)

Giveaway! Taylor Cable Sweater from a+ro!

January 17, 2012

So excited to have such a fun giveaway to start off 2012!
a+ro is a contemporary knitwear line that combines chic comfort with superior quality at an affordable price point.  Fresh from their Fall 2011 launch, a+ro sweaters are already a favorite among celebrity moms such as Jessica Alba and mom-to-be Jessica Simpson that you can buy at sites such as Bloomingdales and Revolve Clothing.
You can see how I styled my Taylor Open Cable Sweater in yesterday’s post! I am telling you, its the softest sweater I now own. I have worn it 7 days in a row. Not kidding. It has gotten me through this cold week in GA:) I am so thankful to a+ro for sending one over AND letting me give one away to one of my readers!
To enter to win one of your own Taylor Open Cable Sweater valued at 150$ (must be an IHOD follower or subscriber):
1) Like a+ro on facebook, and leave a comment letting us know you did so!
(check out the album full of celebrities in a+ro wear!)
Additonal Entries (leave a separate comment for each):
2) Tweet about the giveaway.
3) Share the giveaway on facebook.
example tweet: Just entered the #giveaway over @inhonorofdesign for the Taylor Sweater from celebrity loved a+ro! http://bit.ly/zRIrK8
Giveaway open to international readers, and will run through next Monday night! 
Best of luck!

Color Files: Gold Rush

January 13, 2012

1. / 2. / 3. / 4. / 5. / 6. / 7.
{via Jcrewing}
Snow flurries hit Georgia this morning! 
I am perfectly happy being snuggled inside with my little ones all day:)
Happy weekend!
Will be back Monday with a new True Beauty Files link up post!

Rachel Bilson Inspired: Rhinestone Trim Shirt

January 12, 2012

I saw this cover of Rachel Bilson for Nylon Magazine, and thought it was such a fantastic ensemble. She is one of my favorite fashionistas because she pulls everything together so effortlessly without ever revealing too much. This shirt is a really easy DIY that doesn’t take much time, and is a great statement piece to add to your wardrobe:)
Since this is not a shirt that will have much life span, don’t go and use your nicest white button down.
Your Supplies:
White Button down or polo (mine thrifted for 4$)
Black Ribbon (I used a wider grosgrain ribbon that best fit the trim of my shirt)
Multi-shape Rhinestones (I used two packs from Hobby Lobby for a total of $3.50)
Hem Tape
Glue Gun
Total Cost of the shirt: 8$ 
Now being a crafter I had the ribbon, hem tape, and glue gun so you can calculate cost accordingly.
1.) Pre-measure your ribbon along the front side of your shirt. 
(I singed the edges of the ribbon to prevent fraying.)
2) Place hem tape along the edge (avoid button holes so that the shirt can still button), and iron the ribbon over to secure. If you don’t have hem tape, hot glue would work.
3.) Place rhinestones in random order along the ribbon using hot glue until you reach the end of the shirt. If you don’t plan on wearing it untucked, only place them till you reach the waistline.
Style your shirt the way you wish and you are done!

There are so many color options you could do for this if you wanted to create a different look. Please not e that this shirt will not endure the washing machine and would need to be hand washed!
 Totally easy and fun to wear! Be sure and share your photos on the IHOD FB page if you try this project! I would love to see them!

Take3: The Sunny 16 Rule, Lenses, and Free Photoshop Actions!

January 11, 2012

I took a few semesters of photography in college, and we went over darkroom, aperture, lenses and lighting, etc. However, since we got our new camera last year, I have yet to sit down and read the manuel on how to work a DSLR. Its a whole new world I need to master. 
{via redbubble}
I am definately a visual learner so this image immediately caught my attention. Its an easy way to translate what f-stop your camera should be on when you are snapping your subject.
Also for those of you looking to take your photography to the next step, this is a great post on how to choose a lens for your camera.
Also, I get a lot of questions on what I do to my photos. I use photoshop actions from a range of places. The pioneer Woman’s set was the very first I ever started using. They are fantastic! You can download them here for free. Its an instant way to improve your photo. She has many other helpful tips to check out!
I think that is all I will give you for now:) You can check out more photography tips I posted here and here. I have a lot to learn myself. My husband is the one who takes most of the photos here on the blog and I do the photoshop editing. Lucky for me he is more skilled than I am…

My Katniss Everdeen Moment

January 10, 2012

I have this really cool little brother named Paul. He is my kids favorite Uncle.
When we were in St. Louis, he wanted to practice his archery so we all piled in the car to see what this was all about. He gave me a lesson, and I must say….
I had my Katniss Everdeen moment.
I think if I had one of these in my backyard it would fast become my stress relief outlet.
It was quite exhilarating.
{My sister Jana (aka Primrose), and her amazing scarf..}
{My beautiful sisters Angela, Jana, and Madeline}
My sisters make everything an adventure. They were climbing trees and causing a scene in the archery fields at Forest Park. It was all very entertaining:) Can’t imagine life without them.
Paul was very patient with us. He has such a big heart.
So, speaking of Katniss Everdeen, The Hunger Games movie comes out in 71 days…just an FYI;) I tore through the trilogy last year. Definately the must read of 2011. However, now I am in need of some new must reads! Let me know any books you have read recently that were fantastic. Not just okay…. but FANTASTIC!

The True Beauty Files: A link up party for the Modern Modeste!

January 9, 2012

After much debate, consulting friends, readers (and you all came up with some fantastic ideas), and my very wise sisters, I finally decided to call this series…
A lookbook for the Modern Modeste
(title coined by the lovely Katie of NOLA, and tagline by the lovely Grace Hester)
I want this series to not just be a lookbook on modest fashion, but a parallel to interior beauty as well….as stated in my favorite Audrey quote below, “the true beauty of a woman is reflected in her soul.” So my hope is that as each of you link up, we encourage each other that not only is modest hottest;), but that the way we dress as women can be a fantastic representation of our dignity, value, and self-worth. Are you with me?? 
{Dress: Francescas, Boots: Gift from Husband, Earrings: F21, Bracelets: c/o Poshlocket, Necklace worn as a Bracelet: BMB, Watch: Fossil (similar)}
Here are the simple requests:
~Link up your outfit posts that represent classy modest fashion. It can be from this past week or this coming week. (The link option will be open till next monday.)
~Add a button or link in your post that links back to this original post. 
(For those of you who already created your posts, no problem!)

Thank you for all the positive feedback and support on this! Can’t wait to see what you style mavens come up with! Cheers!
fyi: Button subject to change…



“The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It’s the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows & the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years.” 
~ Audrey Hepburn

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