A Celebration of Life: Gratitude with guest Brandi of NYAO

April 14, 2011

Readers, please welcome Brandi from Not Your Average Ordinary, one of my very favorite people in the blogosphere! She is such an inspiration to follow, and I am so grateful to her for being a guest here! She has graciously written this post while I am away on baby break to continuing the celebration of life week!

The celebration of life begins with your first thought in the morning, an abundance of gratitude that no single sentence could contain, gratitude for all the wonderful things in your life.
I’ve no doubt that for many mothers, the first thing they hear in the morning is a child’s cry or a voice that has found its way into your room, because you are the most comforting thing in the world. You can forget to take that moment of gratitude, especially when all you want are those few extra minutes of sleep.
The celebration happens throughout the day, whether you’re spinning in a field drenched in sunlight…or curled up indoors with a book, watching the rain smear the colors outside and shower the world with diamonds, if briefly.
All you have to do is keep your eyes open, laugh through the hard times, be thankful, and find your ways to turn your misfortunes into opportunities. It’s not always easy to do, but let’s face it: there isn’t a single party or celebration that goes the way you expect it to go. Very often, it’s better.

{first image by Marie Hochhaus, second images by Lieke Romeijn, third image by Bator Horvath}

Announcing the arrival of Miss Veronica Rose!

April 13, 2011

(photo taken by my amazing sister, Maria)
So for those of you who guessed GIRL – you got it;) I brought my daughter home today from the hospital! My heart is very full right now:)  My husband and I are soaking her up! My son Gabriel is also in love!  If you are a mother, you know exactly the feeling of that first moment you gaze at your child. It is surreal, takes your breath away, and fills your heart instantly with joy. I will share some more pics with you very soon, along with the story (it is a crazy one). Until then, thank you so much for your love, prayers, and support. I really cannot tell you how much I appreciate it!
I have some wonderful guest posts lined up this week while I try to rest up…. These amazing guest posters are helping me in this CELEBRATION OF LIFE week! I know you will enjoy:) 
Many blessings,  Anna

Color Files: Color Blocking in bold and bright.

April 8, 2011

Look 1: Dress, Bangle, Ring, Tote
If you haven’t noticed yet, I kind of love bright and bold colors:D So, the color blocking trend is right up my alley;) These were a few favorite dresses I came across this week that kind of remind me of bubblicious gum. You just want to chew on it…hmmm. Hope you enjoy!
I made it through a week of long anxious nights! My due date is Monday so we shall see what happens over the weekend:) You all are so sweet for checking in on me. I look forward to being able to share the news! Until then, I am going to be catching up on sleep and rest (since that will be hard to come by once the baby gets here) and enjoying my family. Have a fantastic weekend!

DIY Feature: Printable Alphabet Bunting

April 7, 2011

I really cannot get enough of the bunting trend this past year….put it on t- shirts, pillows, or my walls and that is fine with me:) So naturally when I saw this printable alphabet bunting, it made me quite delighted (k I don’t say delighted in real life, but its a great blog word:D), and had to pass on the love. I will be using this for Easter or birthday no doubt. The talent accross the blogosphere is amazing!
P.S. Cannot forget to introduce some new sponsors! For today, meet another Anna from KS (we were instant friends) on her blog Little Reminders of Love. She is a fun girl to follow!

Take 3: Rosy Ruffles

April 6, 2011

Spring definately has me feeling the rosy ruffles and flower sprays:) 
Thank you all for your overwhelmingly sweet comments, prayers, and support for upcoming baby! I promise to keep you posted!
If you are interested, I am guest posting today on the lovely Ashley’s blog, Lemon and Lavender, about my husband and I’s wedding day, and the love story that got us there:)
Happy Wednesday!!

9 months Pregnant… Due Date Week!

April 5, 2011

I can’t believe its actually here. Last week of pregnancy! It has flown by! I realized I had not taken but one photo this pregnancy, so I had my husband take this one a few days ago so our baby has something to refer to one day, and know that I really did carry him/her for 9 months;) The doctor told me this morning everything looks good to go, baby is super low, and that all that is left is for the contractions to start! So I am still holding to my gut on this, and guessing it will be by the end of the week:) We will see. According to the poll over to the right—>, it looks like more than half of you think its a girl, and 23% think its  boy. Does this picture confirm or change your mind? 😀 Keeping this secret has been tough! Can’t wait to share the news!
The lucky winner of the Elliven Sequin and Ruffle Clutch is #59, Giselle! Will be contacting you for info! Thanks for all who entered. Snatch up one of your own clutches if you didn’t win here!

Wise words for a Monday Morning.

April 4, 2011

I made it through the weekend without hubby:) I just soaked up every minute I could with my little guy knowing there are only a few left with just him and me. We got to spend lots of QT time together and  lots of time with his little cousins. My sister lives down the road (lucky me!) so we got to sunbathe while we watched them run and play.
Needless to say, I saw this photo and felt it was perfectly appropriate for how I am feeling today. I am sure some of you can relate;) If only my hair looked that good “messy”!
Happy Monday!
P.S. Drawing a winner tonight for the Elliven Sequin and Ruffle Clutch! Don’t miss out!
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