Style Watch: Fancy your Baby Bump

October 15, 2010

So happy to come across these photos of Mira Duma. A fellow expectant mother daring enough to wear skinny belts and stilletos with a baby bump. I liked her immediately:) 

Its that time in my pregnancy where all my clothes are getting a little to snug and tight. Flowy shirts and flat boots are what I am craving to wear right now!
Hope you enjoy this beautiful October weekend!

*Drawing one lucky girl’s name of the Shopbop giftcard giveaway today! Will contact the winner!

DIY Feature: Chevron Tray

October 14, 2010

This Chevron Tray is a perfect follow up to last week’s DIY.  I spotted this some weeks back on Everything LEB. Such a cute, resourceful, and easy DIY. An easy way to add a modern piece to your home! For the full step by step visit here!

*Tomorrow is the last day to enter the 100$ Shopbop gift card giveaway! Don’t miss your chance!

CHEERS to 365 days of Adventure!

October 12, 2010

One year? Really?! Its been one year since I started my new adventure as a small business owner. My blog came just a week after! So its time to celebrate a few things:) What a snowball effect it has been this year…. I can only sit back and be amazed reflecting on how God can bless the smallest of efforts and allow them to surpass your wildest dreams! Moved from Atlanta to small town, KS and decided to keep the new beginnings going and start something new. I attended my first craft fair and started my etsy shop one week later!
I look at what was accomplished this year and thank God for allowing me to do something I love and pay off some loans in the process;) I look forward to this coming year with new goals and aspirations and can’t wait to see what the next mile marker will look like.
THANK YOU to each of you reading this who have supported the blog or business. I can’t tell you how many times it was the words of encouragement from a customer, friend, or reader that kept me going.
SO CHEERS to you!!
*I will be sponsoring a few giveaways to celebrate! Stay tuned!

Inspirational Spaces: Erica’s Home

October 11, 2010

The Studio Office

Outdoor Room

Master Bedroom

Erica, of Moth Design Blog, has incredibly beautiful ability to turn a home into a dream space. She is a mother of 5 handsome boys! Don’t you want to see more photos of her lovely home after viewing these? You can find the rest over on Moth Design. She not only has one fun and inspirational design blog…she has THREE! Believe me, they are each as good as the next!

Little Moth (for children decor)

DIY Feature: Chevron Pilows + Wallflowers

October 7, 2010

I have been on the hunt for Chevron pillows so when I saw this, my problems were solved!
 Now all I need to do is bust out the sewing machine:D
Find the full tutorial over at Dana-Made-It

Easy, inexpensive, and fun! What a perfect party decor! Paper Napkins or Tissue paper is all you need. For the full tutorial visit Dana- Made-It!
Dana has a wealth of DIY’s and tutorials that are worth a visit! She is so talented!
Is it Thursday already? Yay! I am looking forward to the weekend:)

Blog Crawl: Big City Dreams to a Small Town Reality

October 4, 2010

Thank you Beth for asking me to participate in this year’s blog crawl. This one really made me think! Trying to turn my life into an open book…intimidating! But somehow I had some major realizations come to mind! Here is a little snapshot of my life as an open book…..




Life will never slow down so you only have to make the most of each day that is given to you. 
I woke up recently to realize that if I die tomorrow I would die a happy person….
The things I love in life such as design, art, photography, food, fashion, travel, etc. etc. etc. are all things I would give up forever if I could just have my husband, children, family, and faith. Take those away and my life would be insignificant. Being in a small simple town and being cut off from many of my favorite things has given me this epiphany of sorts;) So I realize that if my life’s story read only these characters in its pages, it would be a book that I was proud of. 

Be sure and check out yesterday’s Blog Crawl post from The Alternative Wife and tomorrow’s story from La Bella Bungalow.

Thanks for reading my story:D

Color File: Hints of Crimson

October 1, 2010

I really love neutrals with pops of color. So, when I saw this spread on J.Crew, I swooned (as I usually do when visiting J.Crew). A subtle does of crimson is all you need to take your outfit up a notch.

We are blessed with a perfect weather weekend to bring in the first weekend of October! Happy Friday!

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