Happy Birthday to my Bestest Friend.

June 22, 2010

My best friend and sister and I have birthdays a day a part. She is almost exactly two years older:) Mine is today and hers is tomorrow. We always talked about growing up and living next to eachother with our kids. We are living that dream this year. She lives less than a mile down the road….

“An older sister is a friend and defender – a listener, conspirator, a counsellor and a sharer of delights and sorrows too.” -P.B.

So, Happy Birthday to my best friend and sister. I am blessed to have you in my life! I thank God for you and the example you have always been for me.

Our husbands surprised us with Michael Buble tickets for our birthdays!! Excited would be an understatement….

Meet the Blogger: Chris of Postcards & Pretties

June 21, 2010

Tell us the story behind the name Postcards and Pretties:

There is no real story behind the name. Since postcards are mainly used to send short messages to people, I saw my blog as a virtual postcard where I would be able to share my ideas and inspirations with my readers in different parts of the world… and not to mention I liked how two words sounded together.  J

What has been the best aspect of blogging for you?
It’s a tie…the best things for me about blogging is getting all the ideas I dream about out and being able to share them with my readers. I also love the blogging community – I would have never thought that I would meet such incredibly talented people {fellow bloggers, photographers, vendors, etc.} from all over the world with a common goal to inspire, create and support. I love that!

Your inspiration boards are incredible! What are your resources for inspiration?
Wow! Thank you! Let’s see…Antique shops, flea markets, magazines {online or print} and wedding and design blogs are mostly my main resources. I find inspiration in pretty much everything and anything.  I’ve noticed since I began blogging I tend to be more observant and keep notes of random things that could possibly transform into next weeks inspiration board. I’ve even began to carry a small journal in my bag for whenever I get inspired.
Do you have a current favorite color scheme or wedding trend?
It varies…but I would have to say soft neutrals – lots of cream, soft brown, pink and peach – to me there is something warm and casual about those colors.
I’m also a big fan of simple and intimate outdoor weddings especially with vintage/heirloom pieces mixed in and diy projects.

Just for fun-What is your ideal way to spend your weekends?
Sleeping in!! but that never happens. I love to visit local farmer’s markets, doing a bit of shopping and spending time with my nephew and niece.

Find more Postcards & Pretties Here:

* Find all the resources for the photos on Chris’ blog! Thank you Chris for being a part of the series and sharing your inspiration with us! Can’t wait to see more!

DIY: Free Printable Father’s Day Shirt & Tie Card

June 17, 2010

Father’s Day snuck up on me pretty fast!  There are some really cute Shirt & Tie cards out there, but since I have limited stores where I live, I knew I couldn’t go out and buy one. PLUS, as I have mentioned before, HANDMADE cards in my family are A BIG DEAL 😉 So I made one for my son to give to his daddy. This is a super easy printable card for you to pass on to your father or hubby! Download, Print, and customize. Read further for directions!

– Download and Print. (8.5 x 11)
– Cut along top center dotted line and fold and crease over solid lines.
– Cut the bottom dotted lines to create the tailored shirt look.
-Customize by adding colored paper on the inside fold, buttons on the shirt cuff, 
and tissue paper in the shirt pocket. Get creative!

Let me know how it goes! I hope this makes someone smile:)

News: Need your advice! + Shop Updates

June 15, 2010

Hi friends:) I just got back last night from our little vacation. We traveled to St. Louis and Louisville for a wedding, visiting old friends, my sister’s graduation party, and soaking up time by the pool:D I am wiped out and avoiding unpacking…he he. It was so much fun though and well worth it.

I am in the process of adding lots of new items to the shop. Just wanted to give you a peak of my design process. I am always finding inspiration through imagery and it often turns into an accessory design:) Here is just one example..

Also, NEED SOME ADVICE! I would like to open a second online shop site other than etsy for a few reasons. Does anyone have a shop on bigcartel.com or any other online market place? I need your feedback! Let me know your experiences…pros and cons!

Look forward to catching up with some blog reading:) Be sure and check the shop for new items popping up this week!

Inspiration: Meet Katrina of Pugly Pixel

June 14, 2010

*You all know I am crazy about Pugly Pixel Clip Art. Well, the girl behind Pugly Pixel happens to be a super cool chic with many talents. So, I was thrilled when Katrina agreed to interview today!  Thank you so much for letting us get to know you better!*

In 5 words, describe Katrinaeasy breezy beautiful cover girl. Just kidding — I’ve been watching a lot of America’s Next Top Model. Did you know that there are ANTM marathons on Saturdays?  
When someone asks you about what you do for a living, how do you describe it? I maintain websites, but mostly these days, I simply follow the fun and try earnestly to follow my enthusiasms.

What got you to start blogging?

In college, I applied for a job on campus.  It was a programming job and I thought I had it in the bag because I had a lot of computer science theory under my belt.  But they were looking for someone Net-savvy, someone adept in the latest (latest at the time, anyway) Web 2.0 technologies, which revolves around social networking communities, blog platforms, and such, none of which were really familiar to me.  After failing the interview miserably, I decided that the best way to learn about Web 2.0 would be to immerse myself in a lot of social networking communities (blogging, Flickr, Twitter etc). The best side effect of that failed interview was blogging, which has been my creative outlet. The blog has also opened doors for friendships with like-minded people.

You are constantly spoiling us readers with free downloads and resources. What sites do you turn to for inspiration? Most of my inspiration for the freebies come from the world of print media and stationery.  I take note of simple and effective magazine layouts.  Japanese craft books are another source of inspiration. 

( Mr. Rabbit Sir Etsy Shop)

Your favorite way to unwind on the weekends: America’s Next Top Model marathons.  I love Mr. Jay.   Mostly, though, I enjoy watching transformations and the make up artists on that show really deserve more credit.  Oh, and when I’m not watching ANTM, I’m usually chuckling at the cooky antics of my pups, Taco and Chico.

Find Katrina Here:

Meet me at A Diary of Lovely

June 9, 2010

Hey friends:) Just wanted to let you know I am over at Helena’s lovely blog for her “My Stuff” series:) Helena is such a sweetheart and I have loved getting to know her. I was so honored that she asked me to be a guest! So if you have a moment, head on over and say hello!

Style: J. Crew Wedding Launch

June 4, 2010

If the J.Crew Wedding Line had launched just a few years ago, I am pretty sure I would have chosen the bridesmaids gowns from here. They are elegant, graceful, and charming….Check out the full collection here. They now sell everything wedding!

My sister and I always joke about how we wish we could get married all over again. My wedding day was the best day of my life. For you bride to be’s- hope this is inspiration for you! 

Happy Weekend!

P.S. So grateful to Katrina of PuglyPixel for giving Graphic Designer’s like me such fun clip art resources! 
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