Poloroid Composites by Juan Felipe Rubio

March 17, 2010

Poloroid Compostitions by Juan Felipe Rubio

This was such a cool post that I saw via Lona De Anna’s blog that I had to share! 
Each one tells a story without any words…

Happy Wednesday!


Style For the Weekend: Blush Tones Edition

March 12, 2010

Brought you by Ann and Anna:) Hope you enjoy! Check out Ann’s new shop!

2) Gumball Sunglasses, Anthropologie
3) Steve Madden Trinitie, Piperlime
8) Gold Studded Heels, Shop Ruche

Fun Links from this week:

~Get a custom closet for under 200$ – Advice from an expert!
~Just got my shoe fix at Target;)
~A very clever use for Apple Crates!
~A beautiful sunshine treasury that my headband was featured in…

Have a wonderful weekend friends!


Meet the Blogger: Lauren Willhite of Color Collective

March 8, 2010

 Lauren Willhite, Color Collective

Start us off with 5 words that describe you:

Describe your job, and the best things about it…

I’m currently doing freelance graphic design; specifically website design, logos, and print.
1) When I create something that I love AND the client loves, it makes me happy:)
2) I can be creative all day long. 
3) I am constantly looking at inspiration.

 4) Since I work from home, I get to work in my PJ’s

What inspired the blog Color Collective?
A few things! These past few months I have been trying to figure out what my dream job would be. I came to the conclusion that I would love to be a color designer someday. I’m not even sure what that means–but if it involves choosing color palettes, finding color inspiration/trends or producing mood boards, I’m in (and available, so if you have any suggestions feel free to contact me)! Also, as a designer and blogger I have realized that there is a lack of good online resources for color palettes. I wanted a blog where people could be inspired by art and discover current artists and designers, and also have a resource when they are working on a project and need help with color suggestions. My husband, also a graphic designer, sometimes struggles with finding just the right colors, so whenever he is designing a website or logo he goes to 
Color Collective and picks a palette!

What is your process for finding new color pallates and co-ordinating color schemes?
I bookmark just about everything I come across on the web (and in real life) that I like and that inspires me. I find the art and designers that I enjoy through other blogs, flickr, etsy, etc… Once or twice a week I will go back though the bookmarked pages and pull images that use amazing colors and perfect combinations. From there I take them into photoshop and play around with the colors from the images (love that eyedropper) until I find a lovely palette composed of 5 colors.

Name some go to resources for your design inspiration:)
I just counted, and I have 150 blogs bookmarked–I check almost all of them daily!  
Here are a few of my morning tea reads: 
Design for Mankind, Share Some Candy, Coco + Kelley, Print & Pattern, Oh Joy!

Favorite thing to do on the weekends?

I love having different theme parties with a small group of friends. This weekend we are having an ice cream social, and in a few weeks a shimmer and shine dance party! It’s a great excuse to get together with friends, and be creative with party decorations, attire, food and drinks.

Find more of Lauren here:

Thank you Lauren for the interview! If you missed any of the other interviews, find them here!

Slow Readers Book Review: Half Broke Horses

March 7, 2010

My CS3 Software stopped working over the weekend…..of course in the middle of some major graphic design projects…It may be an interesting week. So in case my blogging is choppy and inconsistent…you know why! 😀

I FINISHED THE BOOK! Remember how I told you about Slow Readers here? So glad I joined the group, because it has gotten me reading again. I am making the time to do something I love. Our first book was an incredible read…

I was sucked in right away…. The opening scene is set by a flash flood that threatens to take the lives of three young siblings. The oldest,  Lily Casey Smith, with her wit, smarts, and fearless demeanor directs them all to safety. The chapter follows with many more incredulous scenes and stories re-told by Jeannette Walls, the true blood grand-daughter of Lily Casey Smith. Jeannette Walls tells the story in the voice of her grandmother, and captures the details and essence of the era. Set in the early 1900’s, Jeannette reveals the character of a young girl whose courage and gumption get her through the brutal hardships and surprising circumstances of her life.

This character’s life humbles you to no end, and makes you appreciate the luxuries that American women are allowed in today’s time. Lily’s spirit and humor is contagious, and this NY Times Best-Seller has you wanting to know more when the book ends. The short two-five page chapters also make it easy for you to pick up where you left off. 

This book was an adventure that takes you into an era when people fought hard for what was theirs, valued the land and all things God provided through it, and didn’t take anything for granted. When I was finished I felt like I had learned from Lily’s mistakes and victories throughout her life:)

photo via Jamwithsand

I hope you get the chance to read this! And if you are part of Slow Readers, can’t wait to read your review! What book are you reading now??


Free Printable – Luggage Tags

March 4, 2010

With spring around the corner, everyone has the itch to be outside, see new places, and TRAVEL. I am dreaming of catching the next flight to the beach! So, I made these luggage tags for 🙂 They are 4 x 2 in. , can slide in a plastic cover, and have a front and back side:) Hope these different colors will match your luggage! DOWNLOAD HERE and print on CARDSTOCK.

Where are you dreaming of traveling to?


Monday Inspiration: Meet Jennifer from Style Your Life

March 1, 2010

Tell us about how you got into being a personal stylist?!
I have a B.S. in Fashion. I have 17 professional years of Fashion and Interiors experience. I have done everything from manage clothing stores to owning one to being a department store buyer. 

I have always loved clothing and decorating. As long as I can remember people have asked me where I get my clothes, and if I would take them shopping and help them.

So I figured why not get paid to do it? I have the BEST job in the world. It is so rewarding to help someone redo their wardrobe or home. It really has a big positive emotional impact on their life.

How do you stay on top of the fashion world?

This comes very naturally to me because I love it so much! I read a lot, go to the shows (LA Fashion week it coming up), watch TV and movies. You name it I am always watching and learning. 

Please tell us about your 5$ Virtual Outfits! I am fascinated…

Well I started this blog as a portfolio for local clients so I could show them what I do. It is very visual! Well then I started getting emails asking for help from people that didn’t live near me, and this idea came to me!
Here is how it works: The virtual client pays $5 per set (through Paypal), I send them a questionnaire, then from their answers and body type lifestyle and needs I put together outfits for them from online stores! You can read all the details here.

Where do you want your business to be in a year (or 5 yrs)?
I ‘d love to continue doing what I do, I truly love helping the average women look awesome! I have a couple other projects I am working on as well, but I can’t let the cat out of the bag, yet. 

What are three current favorite shops you go to for fashion resources?
Anthropologie,  Target, J.Crew

Name three trends you see for the upcoming months that will hit wardrobes everywhere:
1) Wedge Sandals (since we are headed to spring summer)
2) Boyfriend Jeans will continue to be big.
3) I think leggings are going to stick around, so if you haven’t already go buy them 😉 
4) Lace also started last fall but I think it is hitting mainstream fashion so everyone should  get a pretty off white lace blouse. I know that is four but I couldn’t stop 🙂 

Here is where you can find more of Style Your Life:

Thank you so much for letting me share your blog Jennifer!
Would you like to be considered for a Meet the Blogger interview? Send me an email!
Have a lovely week!

Friday Style: Emma Gordon London + Links

February 26, 2010


Whats not to love about Emma Gordon? The detail, the color, the material….all so beautiful.
You can the entire collection here. Visit the facebook fanpage. 


~For the end of February, visit the best engagement shoot I have ever seen!
~I’m thinking about doing this theme for my son’s first birthday. Any other ideas?
~ Alli shared this link on how to make your own laundry detergent! So simple!
~THANK YOU Jamie over at IMAGINE blog for featuring me today! Check her beautiful blog! 

Happy Weekend!!

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