Sink or Swim

August 22, 2013

sink or swim

(art print via Wesley Bird)

As you may know, we are launching our website for The Brand Market tomorrow, and its hitting me like a ton of bricks how crazy the past few years have been. Sometimes you are just in swim or sink mode. I have been swimming hard for a few years now, and there are moments you want to just let go and sink, but something tells you to keep going. So you hang on to your motivations and passions and keep swimming. Maybe a fast freestyle lap or maybe just a dog paddle pace, but you keep going with your eyes focused on the light at the end of the water…

A brief (or maybe not so brief) summary…

I saved a paper from when I was little from a Mad Libs booklet that asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down teacher, artist, or singer. I grew up thinking I was always going to be an elementary teacher since I loved to help others. I started my major in Early Childhood. Second year in, I was realizing it wasn’t the right fit (all those standards and benchmarks…) and it scared the pants off of me. Wasn’t this what I was supposed to do? Why doesn’t it feel right? I was dating Gabe at the time and he knowing how much I loved the creative world, threw out the idea that I should transfer to art studio. What?? Art?? There are no jobs in art, and I am not talented enough, and yada yada yada…

The idea kept poking and prodding until I yielded. I now see God’s hand in Gabe’s words. I switched my major (and schools) and signed up for a Graphic Design class. That professor in that class was brilliant. She challenged me, saw potential in me, and encouraged me to explore this as a career option. Knowing ultimately I wanted to have children one day, I knew this would be an ideal option for working from home. Again, God’s hand worked in that moment through my professor. I wish I could find her and thank her…

Web designer, art teacher, full time freelancer, etsy shop owner, design directer, lifestyle blogger…..all titles I have had on my business cards since graduating. Each of these steps lead to the next. Some doors I timidly walked through, and others I sprinted through. All with the ultimate goal in mind of using my strengths and loves for a greater good.

Well I am standing here looking at this door we are about to walk through and feeling just a tad overwhelmed. How did I get here? How have I managed to keep swimming for this many years when I was so tired and out of breath? Yet its all so clear at the same time… distance is achieved without taking steps in between.

Feeling a flood of gratitude for being able to do something I love so much that allows me to be at home with my children. I know they are my most important work in this life and being able to have a career that enables me to raise them and show them a creative life is humbling. Gabe is a champ for always being my listening ear and sounding board as I have tried to  search for and discover just the right shoes to put on. I am so grateful.

I feel like I am always launching something….whether its a new baby or a new website;) Thanks for all the love and support along the way. I think I will chill out and stay a while once I walk through this open door. I will always have to keep swimming but I might grab a margarita and a life vest and just coast for a bit…

Love, Anna

P.S. Stay tuned tomorrow for The Brand Market website launch and super cool giveaway. We would love for you to join us on facebook and instagram!

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  • So proud of you teaching others with your talents!! And being at home with your babies! Ahhh…the dreams that come true! 🙂

  • Beautifully said, Anna! And so happy you always kept swimming 🙂 You were the first blog I ever read, way before I knew what I was reading was even called a blog. I believe it was a “DYI – how to hang your jewelry post” – saved my life 😉 So all those little steps along the way, you were always touching lives. Can’t wait to watch your new adventures unfold and excited for you to sip that Margarita! xo

  • Keep on shining, Anna. You are reflecting a ray of truth and beauty for so many. I am proud of you, dear friend!

    BTW, I’m thinking of redoing my entire hair situation so I may need to call you for a designer primo taste consultation. 😀


  • Sounds sort of similar to me. I was “undecided” for my first 3 semesters of college and one of my professors encouraged me toward Graphic Design. It really was why I was there in the first place but I guess I needed that extra validation that I had what it takes. Life has led me in a different direction but design is still a passion I have that effects my every day.

    Best of luck to you on your newest venture! Can’t wait to see what its all about. You have so much talent Anna and I am grateful that you share it with us 🙂

  • So, I love you on Instagram and I am JUST NOW visiting your beautiful blog. My goodness, I am so excited for you! You will do marvelous things. You’ll do wonderful.

  • Seriously, this was so inspiring Anna. It actually made me teary-eyed.

    “I feel like I am always launching something….whether its a new baby or a new website;)”

    – Favorite quote of the day!

  • beautiful words. right now i feel like i am swimming so hard– sometimes against currents– to get my little endeavors off the ground so i, too, can stay home with my some-day children. somedays i do want to sink, when im exhausted from a late night or overwhelmed with the future. thank you for your encouraging words.

  • Love this! As I get closer to my relaunch I get these feelings as well. I often reflect on my life as a designer and where it’s going. Looking forward to continuing to read about your journey.

  • This is beautiful, Anna! I want to climb through the computer and give you a big hug!!! So proud and excited for this next step for you. xo

  • Loved this post Anna – you are a champ.
    Can’t wait to coast along with you as you continue your journey! Congratulations on all that you have done and continue to do =)
    Ashleigh xxoo

  • I am so happy for your dear. You are such an inspiration. Keep swimming and keep motivating others to try what they really love to do.

    Good Luck for your new website/business.


  • I really enjoyed reading this Anna. You are such a light & I love how you share so openly and candidly. Big congrats to you on this new venture! I am so very happy for you!

  • Great blog. Loved reading and getting wonderful ideas.

    Happy Friday!

  • […] I am so thrilled to start this adventure with Savannah and Jenny, and I am so thankful for the road that got me here. […]

  • Way to go Anna! I see all your wonderful successes and it makes me want to keep swimming!

  • Anna you are truly an inspiration! I find myself in limbo quite often about what I really want to do and where I am heading professionally {I have a lot of things I LOVE to do}. Love hearing about your journey! Thank you so much for sharing!

  • this was a very inspirational and relatable post. thank you for sharing. it seems like there are quite a few of us out there going through struggles and overwhelming feelings 🙂

  • I love reading about your story and journey. I also love that you thought you wanted to be a teacher, and then ended up marrying one! Oh, how good God works 🙂 So excited for this business and for all the ladies that will have the opportunity to learn from you and the other two gals. What a blessing you are to other creatives, Anna. Thank you for sharing your talent and using it for the greater good 🙂

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