Diary of a SAHWM

September 19, 2014

In Honor of Design | Chelsey Heidorn Photography
Photo by Chelsey Heidorn from our Family photo shoot.

Every day that I have been a mother, I have been a stay at home working mother. (SAHWM)
What I would call a mother who is sincerely trying to balance it all, who desperately wishes she had more hours in the day, more organization, more patience, and more coffee. I have had a range of titles, trying to figure out what works best with my family. From a graphic designer, accessory shop owner, blogger, and now creative business consultant, every week of motherhood has been a fight to balance the two worlds for fear one may squash the other. A work hard at night so that I don’t miss to much of their sweet little lives during the day mentality.

“Normal Day, let me be aware
of the treasure you are.
Let me learn from you, love you,
bless you before you depart.
Let me not pass you by in quest
of some rare and perfect tomorrow.”
-M.J. Iron

This is a quote I stumbled on through my friend Elisse on instagram and I wrote it up to keep by my bed. When I feel the anxiety of not being able to keep up, I go back to this. Really, the only important thing to me in this life is trying my best at being a woman of God, a devoted wife, and a loving mother. In that order too. The rest will not matter when I meet my Maker. I can only take each day as it comes, and do my best at all that has been placed in my life. That is the only “balance” I seek.

So when the balance doesn’t seem to exist and we order take out for the second time that week and anxiously await for Gabe to walk through the door, I cling to those priorities and let the rest fall where it may. Chances are, if my task list is crossed off, my house is a mess. If my house is spick and span, I probably have an overflowing inbox. And that is okay. As long as I have gotten plenty of kisses from Max, time to hear about Gabriel’s latest leggo masterpiece, time to dance with Veronica to the record player, and time to just be with Gabe uninterrupted. Normal every day struggles, let me learn from you! Let me not pass you by!

When the day comes that we have conquered the student loans and I can be a full time stay at home mother, I will throw a large party hearty! Until then, I am thankful I have the opportunity to do work that I truly love and am passionate about while I raise my children.

Just some thoughts I wanted to share with you because behind all the polish posts, there is just a normal gal trying to make it work the best she can. Behind the jet setting and glittering opportunities, there is a SAHWM typing against the clock watching netflix in hopes of both meeting a blog post deadline and getting up early enough to help her son get ready for school.

x, Anna

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  • Just what I needed to read today….beautiful!

  • Anna, I loved this post and have been a reader from afar for a little while. Your key hopes of wishing you had more hours in the day and more patience are right now what I think of all the time. I go between waves of peace about knowing ‘what it’s all about’ and then thinking about how God so fearfully made us. He made me both mothering, nurturing and…driven. To create. (Just finished my first novel and can’t stop thinking of my second. Did I mention I have kids in 2, 1, K grades and a 16 month old?) I think the key is prayer. To understand what He wants and how He wants us to connect. Because I think he does! So thanks for your poem on Instagram (I am kadylady76). I love what you are doing in here in this corner of the world.

  • I can relate and totally appreciate your honesty and transparency. I struggle with this myself. Being a single mom, I feel an insurmountable amount of pressure to succeed and produce. But I also know that man cannot live on bread alone and that I only get 1 chance at being a mom to an 11 month old named Benjamin. Some days I’m more of a mother than a fashion blogger other days-vice versa. And I always feel guilty about not being able to balance it perfectly. I’m glad to know I’m not alone in this.

  • Beautiful post! Thanks for sharing 🙂
    Much love from Zoe

  • […] Diary of a SAHWM. This spoke volumes to me and I love the honesty in it! […]

  • Very well said, you’re dedication is inspiring, and you’re absolutely right, your responsibilities to your family are all that will matter in the end

  • You are such an inspiration Anna 🙂 And I love the quote, I just saved it myself. xo

  • You sound like my daughters and daughter in law. Hang in there.

  • Beautiful Post ! Just what I needed today !
    Blessings to you ,
    From one regular SAHWM to another 🙂

  • lovely! keep up the great work!

  • I hear you loud and clear! I struggle in the striving to “do it” all too. I don’t work for income, but have been a SAHM for 12 years now and contemplate at times what I will do when they all leave my nest?? Our oldest started high school this Fall!! When I feel the drag and pull of a need for a tidy house, a sparkly blog post, a “keep up with Ms. Jones” mentality, I remind myself who God says I am and who I want my children and husband to say that I am! When my kids leave, I want them to say that they were loved fiercely by a mom who taught them how to fiercely love Jesus!!

    Stay the course, dear Anna, God is with you!!

  • Beautiful post, very inspiring! Just discovered your blog and I really love it x


  • ANNA! How have I never seen the acronym SAHWM? I love that. I want to drive to your house + help you fold the laundy! I want to pick your business brain + let you know how much you have had an impact on my life! THIS POST IS AMAZINGGGGGGG!! Exactly what I needed to hear today. I admire your heart of gold, sweet friend! Thanks for breaking things down + sharing your rawest feelings. You have got it figured out if you ask me 🙂 Love you!


  • Ha! Totally describes my reality as well… working at night to be able to care for my 2 little ones by day. It is very challenging but just remember that the really intense years of having little ones at home are short… once they are all in school, the pressure will ease up a bit and it won’t be so crazy. At least, that’s what I tell myself. Also, you mentioned that you are working just to pay off your student loans, but I don’t think you should stop once you reach that goal. Why not continue? You’ve done something extraordinary, building all of this up from nothing, based on sheer talent and hard work. At the same time, you inspire a lot of people… you post beautiful posts, but your content is also rich because you share your life and your hopes, dreams, and struggles… and a lot of us can relate to that. So I hope you don’t fold it all up in a few years. I hope you continue and keep growing. The sky’s the limit!

  • […] learned the meaning of a new acronym today. Anna at In Honor Of Design used it in her latest […]

  • Yes. This. So much. Thank you!! OXOXOXOXXO

  • I think you just wrote my heart. Thank you for this.

  • I *love* this. Now that I am pregnant I think even harder about what is ahead and how we will balance it all. I would love to be a SAHWM through the in home party business that I have. No matter what we decide is best – it will be a huge transition! I have copied down that quote and I plan to put it somewhere I will see it often. <3

  • […] learned the meaning of a new acronym.   Anna at In Honor Of Design used it in one of her […]

  • […] learned the meaning of a new acronym. Anna at In Honor Of Design used it in one of her […]

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