Real Chat: 8 Lessons for 8 Daughters

June 16, 2012

Since we had our daughter Veronica, I have gotten to see a new side of my husband. The way he interacts with her, holds her, talks to her. It fills my heart to the brim and I am so thankful that she will have a strong father in her life. My 7 sisters and I (along with our 3 brothers) were so fortunate to have our dad not only as a presence in our lives, but a strong and loving one. There are lessons he taught whether intended or not, that have carried through my life, and match up pretty well to the lessons Gabe and I hope to pass on to our children…

(my wedding day almost four years ago-whole family minus the me and my littlest sister)

8 Lessons for 8 Daughters:

1) As a daughter of God, you are a princess – a daughter of the King, and beautiful in His eyes.

2) Your spirit, your heart, and your mind are your greatest features.

3) Seek God’s plan for your life, and happiness will follow. God first, family second, and career third.

4) The way you dress should be a reflection of your dignity and grace, and in turn you will earn the respect and admiration of the right kind of men.

5) Never disrespect your mother (especially not in front of him!), in words or actions, for she is the heart of the home.

6) Love each other. Anger, resentment, or disagreements are a waste of the short time you have together.

7) Always apologize. No matter how hurt you are, if you were in the wrong, humbly practice the virtues of apology and forgiveness.

8) Open your home to all, for everyone is in need of a warm welcome.

This is coming from a man who would do anything for his daughters, and would protect them with his life (ask his son-in-laws!). Simple and lasting impressions he taught us in words and actions, that I am so grateful for.  Happy Fathers Day to you dad. So much love and appreciation for you!

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