21 Dates of Summer: Dates 9 and 10

July 27, 2012

Summer is slipping through my fingers! This was our last date in St. Louis. We got to go out for dessert with my mom and dad. Since we only see them a few times a year, it was such a treat. I ordered a dessert that was apparently was sized to feed the masses. (I love Cheesecake Factory.) It was so nice to talk with the older and wiser, married for 31 years couple whom we look up to so much.
(Top: c/o Windsore Store, Shorts: H&M)
We have a local antique market that opens only one weekend a month. We love to treasure hunt. Gabe looks for a good pocket knife or an old history book, and I usually hunt for a good furniture piece to fix up. Its awesome to share mutual interests with your spouse, but even when we don’t, its good to get into the practice of seeking and encouraging their interests to grow in friendship. Gabe has done a chivalrous job of doing so in our marriage and I am forever grateful to him for it:)
And some fun links for your weekend!:

I am kind of stoked for the olympics. I go crazy for them. That is why I geeked over this infographic.
Quite possibly the coolest ice cream packaging.
Love discovering new blogs like such.
This totally do-able and super cool DIY serving tray.
These ideas for displaying large scale photos are fantastic.
Happy weekend!
P.S. August sponsor spots are almost full! Email me if you would like a sponsor info package:)

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