this is. amazing. I want to try ittttt!
How cute are you in that cape? Awesome job. Thanks for sharing. Don’t know if I can pull it off but might give it a try.
Happy weekend to you, too. Must confess I am very keen on coats but less keen on the cape, but the ones above are so exquisite. I might have to dash out and purchase one right in time for Xmas;-)
I just want to say you are amazing! I LOVE THIS! I feel like even I can do it! I can not WAIT to get a sewing machine.
The cape is gorgeous. Love the fabric you chose! Have a great weekend!
Oh my goodness, Anna! You look ADORABLE in that cape! I love it. Great, great work.
Fabulous job! I think Audrey would be proud…:) Have a great weekend!
I WISH I could sew. This is adorable. Beyond adorable.
YOU LIE! You could not have made that fabulous super stylish cape by your own two hands! How do you do it all mama? Totally inspired..but hopeless on the sewing machine…so I will just stare in wonder at how adorable you look in yours…
off to fish out my two capes from my closet. Thanks for the reminder.
LOL! Carly I am no whiz by any means but since it only involved sewing on trim, it was feasible;) Someday I will take lessons…
i’m pretty darn sure i want to be you. SO adorable!!
anna! that is the cutest thing ever. i can’t believe you made it! love!
I absolutely love this! It looks amazing on you! You are so incredibly talented to make this!
Wow – you outdid yourself! I def. do not have the skills to make this, but I would buy this! Beautiful job, Anna!
Love this! <3
So classy and fabulous and lovely all in one!!! I’m in LOVE with this cape! Too bad I can barely sew a button 🙁 And the top knot just “tops” it off! Beautiful as usual Anna. This may be one of my favorites of yours!
Oh thank you so much sweet friend!
You look absolutely amazing in your cape Anna! I think I’ll ask my grandmother if she could help me with it, because she owns the only sewing machine I know, haha 🙂 Hope it can stitch through this thicker kind of fabric :s x
Smart thinking;) Make sure and use a thick needle but you should be good!
Audrey Hepburn has long been my most favorite fashion icon, especially now that skinny pants are back in style! But let me ask you – I see a lacey top poking under that cape – where did you/could I find something like that? Also, I plan on making this over the weekend. I got 2 50% off coupons to Jo-Ann’s. One for the tweed and one for the velvet trim! Thanks for the inspiration and great tutorial!
Oh yay! Sounds like a perfect plan to me;)
The lace tunic is from PBJ Boutique (linked above!)
Good luck to you! Hope it turns out!
So cute! It turned out so well!
I love this Anna! It is so beautiful and you look fabulous in it! I want to make one!
Wow! This is great! I’ve been longing for a cape for quite some timee. I think this is perfect!
Oh…. how i love this!!!!!! YOu look perfect with it!!!!
So elegant and classic! But I’m afraid enough of my sewing machine (and cutting proper circles!) that it might take a lot for me to tackle… great tutorial though.
Love it! Its so darling…I’m a big fan of capes & ponchos. And I love the way you think, going with the tweed to avoid sewing a liner. LOL would totally do that…
My thoughts exactly…ha ha ha!
I design clothing for a living (and even had a cape in our fall 2010 collection) and I am so impressed with this! Seriously, you did good. I’m going to have to make another one with your instructions. 🙂
Such a cool compliment Melissa! Thank you! Your line is fantastic:)
Audrey Heburn makes for the best fashion inspiration! And capes are so in now. Thanks for another fab DIY Anna! It looks amazing on you. So pinning this.
Rowena @ rolala loves
One more comment: You know what would make this even cuter? Making a mini version for a little girl! I just might need to learn to sew now!
Wow Anna, GREAT job you’ve done here! The cape looks splendid on you and so couture. Audrey would love to war it too! xx
That cape looks great, Anna!!! I wish I had more sewing skills…I have problems threading the machine!
Enjoy your weekend!!
the cape is fantastic! i will definitely be pinning this, and attempting to make it soon.
this is fabulous! someday i will learn how to use a sewing machine, and when i do, this will be my first project.
Baaah! I just squaked like a bird when I saw this. You are just too beautiful, and I love your cape. I can actually try this without seriously ruining anything, I think. By the way…I have a little something for you: http://hellopasadya.blogspot.com/2012/10/anna.html
Oh! Could you email me your address by any chance? I know that seems like a super strange request, but I’d like to send you something. 😉
my goodness, if i could pull off a classy cape like you!! i love it!!
xo meghan
I love this Anna! I’m super intimidated by my sewing machine too but might have to give this a go!!
HAVE TO MAKE!!! You are simply amazing, and I adore style from the 40s, 50s, 60s!!!
Wow, this is amazing! I think I could handle this level of sewing. I want to make a plaid one!
Oh my gosh, I didnt like capes till now haha! Yours is so adorable and it looks store-bought, great job! Hopefully one day I’ll get around to tackling something like this!
Gah I NEED some of your talent in the sewing department! That cape is TOO CAYOOT! Awesome job girl 🙂
this is amazing! i want one like now!
Wow, Anna. This is so impressive. I’m not a sewer but I might hint at this to my mom or mother-in-law 😉
You are rocking that cape lady 🙂 The idea is genius and the tutorial seems not too complicated, but I guess it’s just you being super crafty 🙂 Great post.
Have a nice weekend!
I LOVE this outfit; capes are chic – and yes, they’re a bold statement, so they can be a bit intimidating, but you styled this perfectly.
The Fashionable ESQ
so neat! that’s a great looking cape!
Love it! Jess
love the cape anna! very chic
Wow that’s great! I’ve been looking for some cute versions of capes when I found this, I’ll totally do this for my trip to Scotland! Thanks for sharing!
Oh wow! This is one of the best DIYs i’ve ever seen! I’ve always loved that cape but never found the perfect one. I think now i’m going to make one for me!
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Very Audrey, and very, very cute! I’m glad that you are conquering your fear of sewing machines! Great tutorial. 🙂
Super cute, and super simple. Just my cup of tea.
This looks amazing, its coming into summer here is oz 🙁 I’ll have to wait until winter to make this.
xx Tanya
you are beautiful and amazing and i hope i’m a quarter as chic as you when i have kids… or ever in my life. period.
how did i miss this??? love, love, love, love, LOVE!!! XO brynn
Gorgeous!!! I love it, and I love the way you wore it. Will have to try! Thank you.
I went to make this and ended up having to make two trips for twice as much ribbon and a second, larger cut of fabric. Fun tutorial though!
Oh that is amazing! I love it!!
The cape is so classy. And the shoes and bag are great.
I’m writing to you from Argentina, and I really loved this tutorial, it’s so easy!!! thank you so much!! Regards!!
[…] came in handy. I started a search for an easy cape and actually found one named after Audrey from In Honor of Design. I made a slight tweak by cutting more of an oval shape instead of completely round and I also […]
[…] from In Honor of Design Audrey Cape […]
I am trying to make this but I am confused and afraid to make my first cut because the fabric is so expensive. Did you cut a square out of your fabric the length of your wrist to your neck then do the semi circle after your folded that square into four? My neck to wrist is 22.5 inch and my fabric isnt big enough for a complete semi circle so I thought I must be doing something wrong!
I thought the same thing! I had to modify the design to get that ammount of fabric to work also 4 yards of ribbon was not close to enough so I had to buy about another 2 yards or so. But I still think it is gonna look cute!
Simple but stylish I’ll introduce my blog ~ ~ ~ thank you ~!!
[…] Hepburn Inspired Cape DIY. […]
[…] In Honor of Design wants us to express our inner Audrey with DIY Cape Tutorial […]
[…] In Honor of Design wants us to express our inner Audrey with DIY Cape Tutorial […]
[…] suitable to get out of the house and do […]
This is so pretty and such a great idea. Have to try it!
[…] velvet-trimmed button-front cape (DIY here) calls for fancy pants. Black coated denim with suede booties create a look that’s perfect […]
[…] for layering over a comfy sweater, your favorite stretch jeans, ruby red lips, and boots. This DIY cape tutorial was actually featured on buzzfeed last week! […]
Why do you still have 1 yard of fabric posted on this??? It’s not “technically” two yards – it takes TWO yards! I just bought a yard of nice wool fabric because I didn’t read the fine print. UGH.
It honestly takes more than 2 yards, ibhad to modify the design even with 2 yards.
[…] Just because its winter doesn’t mean you should sacrifice style! Look like Audrey Hepburn with this great sewing project. Tutorial from In Honor of Design. […]
[…] Photo: In Honor of Design […]
[…] velvet-trimmed button-front cape (DIY here) calls for fancy pants. Black coated denim with suede booties create a look that’s perfect for a […]
Thanks so much for the amazing tutorial! I absolutely love how classy it is, and it looks stunning on you! I made one for myself from your pattern!
This is huge! I have been trying to figure out what I wanted to do with some fleece I bought for local nursing home patients. It gets just as cold in the summer with the AC on as it does chilly in the winter months. I originally thought of lap blankets and shoulder scarves…but this idea is awesome and easy to achieve! And dare I say…stylish! Many thanks for this giant inspiration!
[…] Une magnifique cape d’inspiration Audrey Hepburn sur le site (en anglais) In Honor of Design: […]
[…] Nestea | Anna | Style […]
[…] 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | […]
This is great. I was going to buy a cape but I can make one cheaper and in an hour. I have a November wedding to go to and the ceremony is out side, brrrr. I found the perfect dress but I’ll get cold. I’m gonna make this with a satin lining!!! Can’t wait to get to the fabric store (even though I just made that drive yesterday : ) )
[…] Picture left: ASOS Marketplace ‘Vintage 70s houndstooth check cape’ Picture right: http://inhonorofdesign.com/2012/10/diy-audrey-inspired-cape/ […]
[…] / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / […]
The measurements don’t make sense to me at all! I have a piece that was cut 1 yard doubled up and 2 yards double up? neither are square when folded into fourths and neither or long enough for the length of my neck to wrist. I’m a noob and having a really hard time deciphering this tutorial….
Same,had to modify the design and still didn’t have enough ribbon. 4 yards wasn’t quite enough…needed 6 even with not enough fabric
[…] image via […]
loving it. definitely gonna try.
[…] (Fuente) […]
[…] via 1, 2, […]
Is there a trick to sewing on the velvet ribbon? Thanks so much.
Amazing… definitely going to try it out!
[…] could probably never make this, but what a cute […]
[…] Bron […]
Beautiful cape. But… Don’t want to nag, but a lady;s coat or top always closes right over left. Not like you did, intended for men: left over right….!!!
These are beautiful! Where would the fold be in the top picture? On the left or top after its folded into quarters? Thank you!
[…] Get tutorial Categories clothing, top, women […]
Perfect…..thanks very much!!!
I read that some other people have my same problem;the fabric folded in fourth only gives a square of 18 inches.but I don’t see any solution that looking for a wider and longer piece of fabric. Any suggestions?
I will appreciate your answer. Thanks
Pourrais je avoir les explications de couture de la cape en français.
Bonsoir je viens de découvrir ce modèle , j’ai vu que vous aviez demandé les explications en français . Les avez vous eu ? Si oui pourriez vous me les faire parvenir dans ma boite mail s’il vous plaît ? D’avance merci . Bonne soirée chez vous .
Cordialement Martine
[…] In Honor of Design made an Audrey-inspired cape that we’ve fallen head-over-heels in love with. Grab the detail snow! […]
Is it possible to get the discription in “cm”?
Thank`s alot as it looks like made for a DIVA 🙂
[…] DIY Wrap Around Cape Tutorial | In … – Audrey Hepburn has long been my most favorite fashion icon, especially now that skinny pants are back in style! But let me ask you – I see a lacey top poking under … […]
[…] textures, and a revolving door of silhouettes. There are so many options to chose from, like this DIY cape tutorial available on the blog, In Honor of […]
cette cape est vraiment superbe j’ aime beaucoup, merci pour le tuto j’ en ai réalisé une rouge modèle long
a bientôt biz
[…] Zum kostenlosen Download des Schnittmusters Cape […]
[…] av HungryHeart | Cape av In honor of design | Vetekudde av The Merry Thought Kjol av Dnilva | Kimono av […]
So this post was years ago… but this cape is absolutely gorgeous! I am not a sewing kinda gal but would totally buy one from you if you wanted to make me one!! Any chance?! 🙂
thank you for sharing this beautiful patterm
do you think this would work with fleece?
[…] almost immediately came across this adorable cape pattern from Anna at In Honor of Design. It was simple pattern yet looked polished and fancy when complete, just what I was looking for. […]
I didn’t see any comment on the width of material used, could you please let me know what you used? I have been sewing all my life, and love the simplicity of making this cape as well as the classy look.
I will make this for sure!
[…] wear from fall through to spring. You can, especially channel your inner Audrey Hepburn and rock this beautiful tweed cape this […]
I love your wrap. I’m unable to get the pattern can you email me a copy? It is just Beautiful! I would love to make one for my daughter. Thank you
Does anyone know how i can add a hood onto this? I man trying to sew an Attack On Titan survey corps. cape!
Absolutely stunning! A very original, beautiful and simple look!
You look like a certified fashionista! Love the fabric as well as the style you used. Also love the fact that there’s no need for sewing patterns but the PDF instruction you shared on your blog. And the best thing about DIY projects is the sense of accomplishment. That’s why I’ve been searching everyday for different clothings I can sew at home. Thanks for sharing this awesome cape tutorial!