One Truth: My worst date ever

January 31, 2013

Well, I think you all will find my worst date experience an entertaining one, and so I am letting you have a chuckle on my expense…

I seem to have only had awkward first dates. There was another in which the boy started crying before we even had dinner… will share that gem for another time perhaps.

(how I wish the date would have been. via Design*Sponge)

My Freshmen semester of college (before I met Gabe), I met a guy who liked to play tennis. He was pretty friendly, and since there weren’t many other guys who played, I eagerly agreed play a match. He casually mentioned afterwards that we should hang out sometime….

I saw him across campus a few times..always talking to some girl (which in retrospect should have been a hefty hint). One day he ran to catch up with me and asked if I wanted to hang out with some people in his dorm building that night. I had friends who knew him so I thought nbd… would be good way to meet more sophomores and juniors and escape my freshmen only boy crazy dorm wing.

I walked into the dorm and he was there in the main lobby. He introduced me to a few people and then told me we were hanging out in the social room of the guys wing. He took me into the small social room that apparently he had reserved … for just us. My thought process….oh snap. So with the lights off he turned on the movie Princess Bride (which I used to like and now loathe. I wonder why.) This wouldn’t seem to be all that bad if it was a guy you had a crush on, but nope. No attraction to him whatsoever and hence tense awkward silence on my part.

However, he must have read into the situation a slightly different since he…..wait for it…..decided to start tickling me. I was so flabbergasted that I brushed it off by laughing awkwardly. (I mean what on earth??) In a matter of seconds he went from cool to creepy. When he tried to tickle me a third time I basically slapped his hand and asked him to stop. In my naievety, never wanting to offend someone mindset, I sat through the entire movie in mortification, said a hasty goodbye, and successfully dodged him for the rest of the year.

This is the summary of the date in which I was tricked into and tickled against my will. It could have been worse right??

Okay well now its your turn friends. Worst date experience??

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  • Haha. That’s so weird… I’m speechless.

  • stop it. i cannot believe this.

  • bhahahaaa!!!! absolutely CRRRRREEEEEEEPY! hahaaa! good for you smacking him.
    Worst … we went to dave and busters, didn’t let me win anything, made me pay for half and every time we past a volzwaggon bug, he punched my leg – like hard…. TERRIBLY TERRIBLE!

  • I’m laughing. Can you say “OH MY GOSH!?!?” Boys. What goes through their heads sometimes?! I would have ran before the movie started!… because I have no grace with this stuff! I had a guy confess his love for me my Junior year in college (I had ZERO interest in him – other than a friend) and I seriously started LAUGHING, uncontrollably, when he told me. AWKWARD.

  • Hahaha… oh Anna that’s horrible!! Glad Gabe had the Austrian experience, surely he could have spared you a horrible first date!

  • Oh my gosh!!! too creepy!!!!! I’m so sorry you had to go through that, but I’m so glad you shared it, cause it’s way hilarious!!!

  • Literally dying…this post absolutely made my day in so many ways!! Way to survive, Anna!

  • So awkward! I have had a lot of worst date experiences. Sadly I am the kind of person who gives people 2nd chances…not something you should do if the first one tanked.

  • What would make a grown person think its a great idea to tickle another grown person? Lol !!!! No one enjoys being tickled lol – no one!

  • Oh. Oh dear. I feel uncomfortable just reading about this! And I most likely would have done the exact same thing and sat through the rest of the movie, too…ah, freshmen. 😉

    My most awkward date was probably the one I had *after* telling a guy (that I genuinely cared for, just not romantically) that I just wanted to be friends. I thought we were hanging out as friends; he apparently massively misread me and thought we were still dating. When I had to say it again, halfway through the meal, he screwed up his face and said, “Why would I want to be friends with you?” — and then proceeded to sulk silently through the rest of the meal. I spent as much time in the bathroom as I could get away with. Awk. Ward.

    …but even that doesn’t sound nearly as awkward as your crying guy! Seriously, we’re going to need to hear that story now. Thanks for sharing your pain to brighten up our morning. 😉

    Margaret @ SlowMama

  • lol awkward!! My worst first date happened when we agreed to meet at daily mass and go to lunch after. I slept all the way through lunch time daily mass (I had been working a ton and was SO tired– but how embarrassing) I called him apologizing over and over and he was so nice and still asked me to come to lunch. With untamable bed head I ran out the door and met him, and we had awkward stop and go conversation and waited an hour and a half to order because we were both reluctant to say we were hungry first haha!! I got into his truck after lunch to run an errand with him and 50 yards down the road we got into a car accident (we were both fine). He had to go straight to his house where he walked outside to take a call and at that moment his whole family and extended family walked in and I had to introduce myself as the strange girl that just got in a car accident with their son!

  • But something went right because we are still dating 3 and a half years later 🙂 haha

  • Hilarious. I can definitely empathize, although no one has ever tried to tickle me (?!)…I always say that I haven’t been on many good dates, but I have a *lot* of good stories. 🙂 My top three worst dates:

    3. I went to coffee with a guy who was very sweet. Too sweet. I discovered that he had zero backbone when we were on the patio at Starbucks, facing a very busy street, and a cyclist was hit by a car. She ended up being OK (considering), but she screamed very loudly after she was struck and it was pretty scary. My first instinct was to get out my phone and dial 911. His first instinct was to shout “I can’t stand the sight of blood!” as he grabbed his stuff and bolted into the Starbucks. Suffice it to say, we didn’t go out again.

    2. I met a guy at a party. He seemed witty and charming at the time. He asked me out via email (one of my friends gave him my email address, with my permission) and we exchanged witty banter back and forth until we went to dinner. All seemed like it was going well until the food came. He talked incessantly WITH HIS MOUTH OPEN, made incredibly awkward and eccentric jokes/remarks the entire evening, and simply put, weirded me out. Again: no second date.

    1. In my brief online dating phase, I went out with a guy who seemed normal enough: he was an engineer and a bit socially awkward, but I was open to the possibility that he could surprise me. Half way into dinner, he tells me that in addition to a work deadline he has to meet, he has a freelance writing assignment due the next day. I asked him who he was writing for and he drops this bomb: his freelance employer was none other than the most popular DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS fansite. Dead serious. I am surprised I was able to keep a straight face as I asked him about how he got into that sort of thing (it began at KB Toys back in junior high) and what he actually wrote about. Oh man. The world is a strange place, that’s for sure.

  • Hahaha this is fantastic. Guys are so weird.

  • I always get sucked into the “fake date” (as I like to call ’em) with guy friends with the line, “what are you up to this weekend?” Naively, I respond, “oh nothing.” Then they move in for the kill! Geez. Maybe I’m too nice, but really what makes guys think it’s ok to be so creepy!!! Sorry you got tickled 🙁

  • i had a guy sit across from me at dinner and ‘no joke’, asked me what i thought his best feature was.

    because he really thought it was his hair.


  • oohhh awko taco…i can’t stand being tickled and especially by a guy in a dark room with Princess Bride on….I was uncomfortable just reading that…. My worst date was Senior year of Highschool when this boy asked me to his football banquet..i didn’t want to go but dangit i’m a people pleaser so i said yes…as it got closer my awkward anxiety set in and i was wanting to back out so bad but he already bought tickets…First of all i had to pick HIM up at HIS house and take us to HIS banquet…before i picked him up i cried the whole way to his house…that’s how much i didn’t want to go!!! Then at the banquet he finished his food first then asked if he could finish mine before i was even done…It will always go down as worst date of my life!!!

    Emily @

  • omg bahahahaha this gave me a good chuckle. thanks!

  • This is creepy… Can’t they tell?
    I went on a date with a guy who was much older then me. I was 16 at the time and he was 22, he came for a 2 weeks vacation and we hang out (as a group) almost the entire time. He brought flowers for me and we went for a walk in the park. He was leaving the town the next day and gave me a piggy bank as a present (to save up money to come see him). I mean, seriously! lol
    I mean, I WAS young and stupid but not that much. He left and I never heard from him again.

  • OMG that’s ridiculous! And my worst date wasn’t entirely terrible, but one little thing made it awful. The guy I was out with said, “So what’s it like being adopted?” I’m not adopted. At all. I never said that. So I say to him, “I’m…not adopted?” and he goes, “Oh, well I thought you were. I mean, you’re name’s pretty white.”

    End scene.

  • Ha! Sooooo awkward!! My worst “date” wasn’t supposed to be a date at all…the guy tricked me by saying we could go grab coffee and then drove me way out into the boonies of the small college town we lived in and then pulled the car over and said “get out”….I seriously thought I was going to die so I just stared at him and the clueless dude must have noticed my inner freakout because then he explained he was going to teach me to drive a stick shift (that sounds so creepy as I type it) because I had mentioned I didn’t know how…so then I had to endure an hour of trying to drive his stupid car, still totally creeped out. Worst. I learned my lesson! Next man I let take me out was Zac, my husband, thank the LORD 🙂

  • OMG hahaha that is so hilarious & horrifying at the same time! Why why are most first dates just awkward?! I had too many awkward movie theater first dates where I quickly realized I absolutely didn’t want to date this person, but they sure were feelin’ it and so thus spent the next hour 1/2 – 3 hours sitting as far away from that person as humanly possible (difficult considering its a movie theater) while they continue to attempt leg touches and hand holding. Gag.

    xo, Courtney

  • I was giggling in uncomfortable-ness for you, the entire time reading this. Tickling is a quite a bold thing to do on a first date! I have a good one but it pains me to even think it. College, dorm hallway, roses, guitar, serenade…. And an incredibly awkward conversation after the performance because it wasn’t gonna happen!

  • lol..oh that is bad! Super creepy on the whole tickling thing and to be tricked into it is worse! 🙁 I think dating at FUS was always a hit or miss, lol.. 🙂
    PS: i linked up with the mama style post…but i don’t see my link on your blog or the others. Did i not do it right?

  • Okay, this isn’t exactly a date, but it was a relationship that only lasted about a week, which in the great scheme of things (and once you’re married) is about the same length as one date.

    We met at a Target of all places. We kept bumping into each other in the same parts of the store, and as we were leaving at the same time, he asked for my number. He seemed alright. We had a couple little dates, but I should’ve known something was off when I met his family in the first week. They weren’t a problem–they were really nice and seemed to like me. But within a week? That’s pretty quick, even at 20.

    But then came the confessions…like, how he’d gotten fired from a Sam’s Club for punching a register’s credit card machine because his ex-girlfriend had made him mad.

    And then one day we were on the phone while he was driving around during his lunch break to get some fast food. Talking, talking, and then suddenly, “Shut up! I’m ordering food!” So I hung up.

    About 20 seconds later, the phone rings. I pick up, and he shouts, “Confirmation, confirmation, CONFIRMATION! When I SAY something, YOU NEED TO RESPOND!” So I ended that little blossoming relationship. It wasn’t as easy as I’d hoped, though. He sincerely thought that because I’d been mistreated in the past, I was afraid to let someone love me/take care of me, blah blah blah. That I deserved something better (better being him).

    HA! Crazypants.

  • Oh my gosh, that is so awkward!

    My most awkward date was with this one guy I met through some of my filming buddies. At first, I thought he was really cute and funny. I also thought he was older than me. Turns out he had one of those faces that could pass for a twenty something or a teenager… so, I guess he decided to use that advantage to lie to me about his age… he was quite a bit younger. I didn’t really have any intentions of “dating” him, but one day he took me out on I guess what you could call a date.

    First, he took me to a cemetery! I’ll admit, I like going to cemeteries and I like Tim Burton films, whatever. But all I could think of the whole time was “what the heck is going on?!?” I don’t want to go to a cemetery with a guy… weird! He wanted to look for his grandfather’s grave… telling me his dad wouldn’t tell him where the grave was or anything about the guy. Then he took me out to eat. We ordered our food and luckily the conversation wasn’t dead, but once we got our food, he took like, two bites, while I’m woofing down on some quesadillas. He looked really anxious and kept tapping his hand or foot. I felt so uncomfortable. The waitress even looked weirded out…

    After all that and finding out he lied about his age, I found out that he was a compulsive liar, and he wasn’t a good one… he told so many awful lies when all our friends would hang out and everybody started to realize it. I tried to not pay a lot of attention to him so he wouldn’t think there was anything going on… and he would have “panic attacks” if I hadn’t been paying attention to him. He ended up not hanging out with us after I dropped some pretty clear hints that nothing was going to happen. AHHHH. O_O

  • My best friend in high school convinced me to go to a prom (not my schools prom) with someone I didn’t even know so that she wouldn’t be alone. So of course I said yes because I would do anything for my friends. Well lets just say that my date ended up rolling a joint in the back seat of the car we were driving and then ended up licking the surface after he was finished. (Mind you I am the good girl type) I was completely appalled. Needless to say I have never gone on a blind date since.

  • Oh my! Laughing/cringing…

    I think our particular university was especially susceptible to such awkward dating encounters…I know many women (including myself) who had similar cringe-worthy experiences.

  • I love that this is your worst. Don’t get me wrong, it sounds uncomfortable, but it also sounds almost pleasant in comparison to mine.

    I had been dating a guy off and on for a few months. We had broken it off in the fall and hadn’t talked much. After Christmas break he showed up at my apartment with a handmade necklace & seemed sincerely interested in getting back together. The next night he took me to eat & to his frienf’s apartment for a big get together. Everything was great until another girl he was apparently interested in came. He left me on the couch and proceeded to flirt with her for an hour. Finally I got up and told him I was walking home. He hardly noticed as I walked out the door.

    I was mortified & angry. Of course, I’m glad it ended things between us because it wasn’t going to work out.

  • Tee hee Anna, this may have been bad and a little creepy, but it’s also funny 😉 My worst date ever? A date with a guy who was my first love in school. I met him again years after in Berlin, where he studied. He invited me to his apartment. He hardly talked and then suddenly kissed me. Only to tell me, 2 minutes later, that he couldn’t really see me, because he had a girfriend already. What???? God, i felt really stupid. A year later, he came by my place to make up for his behavior and get serious this time. But by than, i had met my future husband already …. Some things are just not meant to be!

  • ewww… i have definitely had my share of some AWFUL dates. i, like you, was too naive to get myself out of such awkward situations… one time a guy kept asking for a kiss after a date and i was trying to change the subject. we eventually played paper-rock-scissors to see if we would kiss… i lost and we ended up making out. haha. ridiculous! i wish i could laugh at my 19 year old self.

  • Is it bad that I’m laughing?! Hahaha! “Tickled against my will” is just so funny! Hehe 🙂 I’m so sorry that you had such a bad, but it has made for a very funny story!!

    I had a similar awful date in college (minus the tickling) where I’m watching a movie with a guy, lights low, not really sure if I’m into him just yet (this was our first “date”. Well he goes in for a kiss during the movie and I dramatically dodge him by jumping to my feet and exclaiming “I’m not that type of girl!” LOL!! Talk about uncomfortable for everyone.

  • oh no anna this is awful!! truly one of the worst dates I have heard of – tickling? Really?! 😉 I’ve been on a few awkward dates…once the guy went to pay for us and realized he had no money! So I had to foot the bill! He didn’t score any points that night 😉

  • Haha this was hysterical! My worst ‘date’ was in high school when the guy had me wait for 30 minutes in a Wendy’s while he ran to the nearest ATM machine to get money for my $5 burger. In retrospect it was very sweet, but I would have rather just paid for the fast food myself and spent that half hour doing something more fun 🙂

  • I have no words. So weird!

  • HaHa!! Loved the post and all the responses above! It made me think what my worst date was! Def with a guy who the minute he met me told me that he was living with his girlfriend but he wouldnt mind playing around with other people!!! Very annoyed. My response was that if you dont respect your other half you def dont respect yourself!xoxo

  • Hmm. I’ve got an interesting date for you. We went to see a movie and during the movie he decided to be all smooth and put his arm around me. Except he elbowed me in the nose. Then after apologizing profusely he put his arm around me again but my necklace was digging into his arm so he took my necklace off during the movie and accidentally left it in the theater. I still married him despite all of it =)

  • That is too funny! Tickling on the first date (or second or third) is NEVER cool! What was he thinking?!?

    I’ve had so many bad date experiences that I can’t keep track but the worst ones always ended with “…and he made me pay for everything!”

    Loving these One Truth posts – keep ’em coming!

  • I cannot stop laughing reading the stories above. It reminded me of a date with this boy who I think was trying to impress me. I had just moved to Dallas and he wanted to take me to this large movie theater (AMC the Grand I think). We spent an hour and + in the car because he was lost and could not admit so. At the end, he finally called one of his friend to help him find his way. I was not impressed about the whole thing I have to say and I couldn’t wait to be home. Can you imagine how it got very awkward when we kept on going round and round,and still not getting anywhere.Also, it was not the safest place to be lost, it was a side of town I wouldn’t want to have a flat tire!!

  • Oh my goodness. What on earth is right!!! I’d have died- being tickled is my least favorite thing ever! Thankfully I haven’t had too many awkward dates. I guess the worst one would have been a few months ago when my friend tried to set me up with a family friend of hers. Her mom hosted a bbq at her house to try not to make it too “forced”. The guy came along with his ENTIRE family. Holy about pressure. I just wasn’t into it…which made it so awkward. Ugh! The worst.

  • oh, no…that is, ummm, wow! uncomfortably awkward for sure! you poor girl 🙁 and the worst part is that he ruined the princess bride for you. totally not cool!!! thanks for giving us all a good laugh 😉 XO Brynn

  • hahaha, I had a really bad date that actually never made it to a date! I was in high school, and this guy who I had a major crush on invited me to a party (he was in college) and my mom made him come up home to introduce himself and then told him that she wasn’t going to let me go! Of course, he never called again! You can imagine how furious I was!!

  • OMG!! I just laughed so hard! My worst date experience is too long to tell. But let’s just say it started with my landlord handing him a package to give to me in the driveway, he got lost like 5 times AND beer was spilt on both of us by a very drunk hockey spectator. 🙂 I AM IN LOVE with this new site design!!!!

  • He should have kept going and took of your shirt and bra and tickled your bare breasts. After that he should have kept taking off your clothes and tickled every inch of your body while he, with a smile, watched as your pussy got wettter and wetter. Then he should have tickled that until you came. Bet you would have had a good time then.

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