My mother the hero

May 12, 2013

mm and girls
(my mom is the beautiful one in the middle:))

I don’t believe I have ever officially introduced my mom here on the blog, but I talk of her often. Mainly because she is my standard of heroic motherhood to which I hope to stand even at waist length someday. She raised and is still raising eleven children. I was the second oldest, so in many ways, I saw her grow over the years. With each year, and each child, she gave more of herself…her heart, her time, her energy…..and each year I saw her become a better version of herself. I guess that’s how it works!

She cooked dinner every night for as long as I can remember.

She and my dad made many sacrifices of their own so that we each would have the right education scenario for our different needs.

She shared our joys and shared our sorrows.

She made my childhood an imaginative world, challenged me to be steadfast in my faith, encouraged me to be strong in those blurry high school years, and cheered proudly through every small accomplishment I ever achieved.

She is now a very best friend. I miss her each day, and sometimes wish I could go back to my happy childhood… with my sisters by my side, dancing to music or rollerskating in the basement (to records of course)….or as we got older…chat at the kitchen counter.

It is a beautiful thing to witness how she loves each of her children in their own way and all with her whole heart. I hope to carry this into my own life. I have much to learn, but what I know, I received from her.

Now I get to witness my own children come to know and love her, and I am thankful for that. Wishing away the miles in between us today!

Who is the strongest woman you know?

Here are some of the super sweet moments I found on instagram from those who took part in #mothersdaypostcard fun! Thanks for sharing them with us:
@thelilyfield // @dressupfiles // @oliviaainsworth15 // @camp_patton //
@daraschultz // @sarahunfiltered // @lifeinmod //@jessicoffey

mothers day postcards

Wishing you all a beautiful mothers day! Hope you get to spend it with loved ones. 

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