The Brand Market Workshop – Part 3

November 26, 2013

Final segment of the Atlanta Brand Market workshop recap:)

We had some big changes occur a few weeks before the workshop happened that are worthy of note! Savannah and Jenny were so instrumental in laying the foundation for this new venture, and were so wonderful to work with this past year. Due to their pregnancies, moves, and other major life changes, they realized the BMW was something they no longer could tackle. Although I am sad we no longer will get to work together, I am so thrilled for them to experience so many new adventures their life is about to bring.

I was lucky to have two phenomenal ladies step up to the plate to still make the workshop a spectacular one…

Brand Market Workshop

group at bmw
bmw 06 (1)

Leslie Kerrigan - BMW One on One Sessions - BMW

BMW - Instructors bmw 71 (1)bmw 67 (1)

bmw 70 (1)

bmw 46 (1)

Mandy Rye of Waiting on Martha lead the way in the Branding portion of the workshop, sharing the story behind her biz, her rules of ethics, secrets to success, strategies, and tips for making big strides in a short amount of time. We were all ferociously taking notes.

I also shared my portion on marketing, going over how to grow your business through social media, a breakdown of a memorable media kit, pitching to your dream brands, and even studying the brands of a few successful friends who have made it big! (A big thank you to Camille Styles, Little Hip Squeaks, Freshly Picked, and Hilary Rushford for sharing some wisdom with us from afar!)

Leslie Kerrigan of Seniorologie wrapped up the workshop with a portion on photography, lighting, and photo styling. She also snapped some gorgeous headshots of each attendee to use for their professional portfolios and sites.

The day included one on one sessions in which I got to chat with each individual on their business….their goals, their business strategies, and a plan of action on how to get there. This of course was my favorite part…I am so energized by talking with entrepreneurs and doing a small part in helping their business succeed. I can’t wait to see where they go!

I really am so excited about the upcoming workshops we have in store for 2014! You can hop on the email list on The Brand Market website if you want the announcement of what cities and dates we will be hitting up next:)

Chelsey Heidorn is the awesome photographer behind these photos.


*Part One and Part Two of the workshop in case you missed!


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