
October 6, 2014

Duchess and Lion Co www.inhonorofdesign.comDream Catcher BabyDuchess and LionDream Catcher Baby Dresses | IHODDuchess and Lion Co

Look One: Dress by Duchess and Lion Co. (available for pre-order tomorrow) // Hat: Baby Gap // Shoes: Old Navy // Glasses: Target
Look Two: Dress by Dream Catcher Baby c/o // Cardi: Old Navy // Hat: mama’s // Shoes: Old Navy

It presents a whole new meaning for the words: strong-willed. New vocabulary with mixed consonants and expressions for every occasion. My life is never short of entertainment.

Three with a little girl is drastically different than three with a little boy. Snakes, snails, and puppy dog tails are replaced, with sugar and a whole lot of spice with a side of sass. My little wild flower seems to have inherited the strong will of her mother and the stubbornness of her father. Lord help us all…

And yet, I am so grateful she has that strong will. It’s the one that will help her fight the good fight when it seems the world around her is giving up. It will help her finish strong when her team is behind, and there is only a minute left on the clock. It will also help her stick to her guns when the wrong boys come calling. It will help her stand by the people she loves and never waiver in that loyalty……….but how do I help turn that will to all that is good?

I am realizing in raising my little ones, that the daily battles are building my own patience and strength of will in the process. How do I help this fiery wildcracker hold on to that iron will, without letting it become Veruka Salt or Regina George?…Well Gabe and I are still figuring that out. We have looked at each other many a times and ask, are we doing the right thing? What ARE we doing??

Little by little, day by day we are learning. We hope to raise these little ones with strong minds and loyal hearts who hopefully will be able to make good decisions on their own when the time comes. Gabe and I pray for this every night. In the process it is a lot of consistency, setting clear guidelines, always backing each other up, and loving them unconditionally no matter how tired we are.

My little Veronica Rose is our live comic section in the daily newspaper.
As I always say, I wouldn’t wish this age away for anything.
Every age is my favorite.

Now go check out these incredible mothers who hand make the most delicious dresses and other things for little peeps! Duchess and Lion and Dream Catcher Baby

Photos by Chelsey Heidorn (she is so good with kids!)

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