7 years of Marriage looks like…

June 29, 2015

7 yearswedding day

Today Gabe and I are celebrating 7 years of marriage.
Each year, the one behind us looks very different from the year before, and we realize more each year how LITTLE you actually know about marriage until you are in the depths of it. We both are continually learning from each other, from our children, and the great examples of marriages of some of our peers and mentors. I don’t think you can ever fully prepare for what marriage holds, but if you are lucky enough to find someone who is willing to always seek the best for the other, chances are, you will do just fine. You may even end up ridiculously happy. Gabe has never given up on loving me through my best and my worst moments, which continues to encourage me to reciprocate the same level of love. The consistent, never waning love through the both the highs and lows is what mounts up to an intimate history that you share only with your spouse. Ultimately, that is the best gift of marriage. A love that holds each other. A love that never gives up or gives out, and changes your personhood for the better…

love and marriageanniversary

We were able to celebrate last night with a fancy date, but today has been quite simple. We were laughing over the fact that our first few anniversaries involved detailed homemade dinners, breakfasts in bed, hidden surprises, and well prepared gifts….
Not today. We got up in a rush to head out to church, celebrated a special little two year old’s birthday with friends, family naps ensued, cleaning up party messes, making dinner, cleaning up more messes, going through bedtime routine, and now winding down the day with our feet up with plans for a movie marathon if this exhausted pair can make it through even one. However, there were some handmade cards exchanged, as well as many glances of gratitude, love, and admiration. There were small gifts exchanged after being prepared in haste, but never have they meant more. How different this 7th anniversary looks from our first, but we agreed that the level of happiness is deeper than its ever been. I don’t think I’d ever rewind the clock. 

childhood summersplash pad

We both are counting down the days till the new little baby this year of marriage will bring, as well as watching this year’s milestones of our children together. I look forward especially to the every day routines we have developed over the years. 7 years ago, walking down the aisle towards Gabe, I realize I only had a glimpse of what marriage really looked like, but it was enough to know fusing my heart to his would be the best YES I would ever give. You never stop choosing to say yes in your marriage, and they mean more each day than that very first.

Gabe doesn’t have social media (I kind of like that about him), but he does read IHOD, so as I type this post and my throat swells up with gratitude, I hope he catches this on our 7th anniversary, and picks up through the lines, just how deep that love and gratitude goes. 😉

*Other posts we have written on marriage: Dating through your marriage, keeping the flame lit, and one habit we commit to.

*Photos taken in the last few weeks by family or with my iphone. Wedding photo by TimWill.

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  • Such a beautiful post. I agree that the more you are in marriage the harder and better it gets. We also celebrated seven years this year (in April). I never understood when people said marriage could be hard…I just thought if it was hard then it wasn’t the right marriage. Over the years I have learned that is SO not the case! It takes work but it’s also very easy at the same time.

    Happy anniversary to you and Gabe! xoxo

    • Gina, we got married the same year? How cool! How true it is…growth as a person requires a little pain and pruning;) To make one life from two people requires a constant surrender in love. It makes it all the more valuable!

  • What sweet and dear words 🙂
    Thank you for showing and proving to this next generation that marriage can be done well and with LOVE !
    My husband and I have been married for 18 years . And we do truly love each other more today than the day we got married . You are SO right when you say that each year looks different . But it can grow in to such sweetness .
    Thanks Anna for this encouraging Post . Many blessings on you and your husband and family for many years to come .

    • Wow congratulations on 18 years Leticia! That is something to celebrate! Thank you so much for the kind words – it is so encouraging. Cheers!

  • Sharyn Busick

    What a delightful and tender post! The true depth and richness of a marriage can really be felt when looking back over all the times you could have given up, but solemnly vowed never to. You are a great example for your children and the many folks that observe your life on the regular. Keep up the great, great work! ?

    • Sharyn that is incredibly kind and encouraging so thank you! And I completely agree…those vows start to hold the deepest value! Thanks for reading:)

  • happy anniversary!!! xoxo

  • Super de duper congrats!!!!!

  • Aw, Happy Anniversary to you & Gabe! What a beautiful post! It reminds me of that Brad Paisley song “I Thought I Loved You Then.” And I couldn’t agree with you guys more… as much as I loved the newlywed phase I would never want to rewind the clock!

  • Aww, Happy Anniversary to you and Gabe! My husband and I are about to celebrate 7 years in August! It is crazy how fast time goes by, isn’t it? They’ve definitely been the best years 🙂

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