Rocco Samuel: First weeks of life.

August 27, 2015

First weeks of life - IHOD

 “And she loved a little boy very much – even more than she loved herself.” – Shel Silverstein

Life with four little ones is as busy as you would expect it to be, and probably more so, but thankfully this new little one brings a familiarity with him as well. A deep rooted confidence takes over as I get to know little Rocco. I know I have been here. It all will settle well. This new life has brought with him that very familiar newborn smell, the tiny sounds and grunts, the long 3AM parties, and the way he fits perfectly into my arms.  It’s all a welcome familiarity of the most rich moments of my life. I feel selfish with time wishing the newborn days would linger a little longer, and that I could pause the ages of my children. This time around, I know just how fast it goes. Wasn’t Max just this size? 

a father's arms - In Honor of Designsiblings - IHODsibling lovebrothersEat Local | IHOD
Veronica and Rocco


little ones

The new experiences I welcome too. The shift in family dynamics has brought some hair pulling moments, and some exhausting days, but as we all adjust to the change, so has each of our demeanors. A mother’s heart can duplicate another for each child, but I am seeing that happen for my children as well. Witnessing their love for Rocco has been perhaps the greatest of it all. After a cranky first few weeks, they each have suddenly turned a new leaf as it always happens just in time it seems. A little older, a little more mature, and a proud adjustment to their new role as guardian, sister, friend, etc. There are still many squabbles and referee times as I try to feed the baby in one hand and keep Max from the draining the dish soap bottle with the other, but thankfully there is so much more love to go around with it all. I mean….it is obvious Rocco is never left alone…

brothersBig sister - IHODmotherhoodRocco Samuelstroller ride


My children have offered me the gift of seeing life beyond material possessions, wanderlust, and the pursuit of success. They have given me the ability to see the eternal and intrinsic value of our relationships. A mother to her children, a child to its mother, a sister to her brother, a father to his sons, etc.

 Since I know how quickly time can pass, I have wanted to just hold Rocco Samuel all day long, or wear him in his wrap, or tote around in his moses basket so as not to miss a thing. These photos will help keep these memories. Lord knows I need the help in the memory department as I just found the milk in the microwave, and my coffee in the fridge….

bear cubsstory time - IHOD

I’ll give you all that update on life with four kids soon. I am still in a postpartum fog. I am trying to be more patient this time around, and am allowing more room and time for the new groove to settle in. So for now, it’s just sleeping, adjusting, eating, feeding, relying on family, friends, and a whole lot of prayer. Figuring out this grand adventure one day at a time. x

*Rocco’s striped blanket is from Little Unicorn, bear hat from baby Gap, striped onesie from Native Wilds, Eat Local Onesie from Twiddle and Tweet, and bedding is from Anthro.  My extra hand and saving grace is the 4moms Mamaroo and BounceRoo, a gift when Max was born.

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  • You have such a beautiful family! You can see the love and happiness you all share for each other. It’s amazing how quickly children grow—I know it’s so cliché, but it’s so true! Every time I see my nephews and niece (which is very often), I feel like they are so much more matured, taller and more talkative! It’s so important to slow down and cherish every single moment.

  • Oh my word! I’m loving that Eat Local onsie!! So cute!

  • You look like a pro already! And I love all the pictures of kids holding Rocco – he’s so loved

    Happy Medley

  • Shannon Hearts

    He’s precious beyond words. Congratulations on your little blessing. I bet your other children are loving every moment of this experience with their baby brother.

  • Beautiful baby and sibling photos. I loved this post partum post because I am due with number 4 in November. Each baby I have learned to slow down a bit more (totally opposite my personality) so I already find myself planning help the first few weeks and thinking of easy meals. I saw your Chicago post and date night and you look fabulous. You really seem to bounce back. I have easy-ish pregnancies but the first two weeks, and 6 weeks, and 3 months are always a big adjustment–for me, for the baby, and for the family. Glad you are finding your rhythm and appreciating every moment.

    • Lauren, thank you so much, and congrats!! Cheers to the quad squad! And you sound just like me. I am thankful these babes have taught me to slow down and look around me. It would be too easy to buzz through life. And don’t be fooled by my Chicago photos. I should have pointed out just how foggy brained and tired I still feel. ha ha! I came home an slept as much as I could. It takes me at least 6 weeks to really be back to normal…but three months is more accurate!

  • they are all so sweet xoxo

  • Heather Jones

    Love seeing these updates- Rocco is just adorable! I am 36 weeks and counting down the days until my sweet one’s arrival. I also have the same mamaroo as yours, hoping she loves it!

    • Heather you are getting so close! So excited for you! And the MamaRoo was the only thing that soothed Max when he had silent reflux, so I am a life long fan:)

  • These children teach us to be humble and day-in-day-out loving! We stretch physically and then we learn our heart stretched too!! I love these moments. Thank you for sharing them!

  • Your words and pictures are so beautiful! Love this: “My children have offered me the gift of seeing life beyond material possessions, wanderlust, and the pursuit of success…” I always feel like you’re a kindred spirit when I read your motherhood posts. Thanks for sharing!

  • Just precious!!! I can’t decide which picture I like best…might be Rocco with the teddy bear. He’s beautiful and no doubt will be just a lovely kiddo as the rest are!! You look fabulous and so do these pictures. I also, love that you’re keep it real with the coffee in the fridge and milk in the microwave. AND that things are not always rainbows and unicorns -gives encouragement to those going through the same things. Wish you’d been blogging when mine was a wee one – he’s 15!!! You were in elementary school I’m sure!!!

  • Yet you’re still blogging, how is that possible?!? 🙂 Huge congrats, Anna! Your family is beautiful and Rocco looks perfect. I can’t imagine doing this 4 times around, it’s hard work! You’re one inspiring mama! Much love and yummy food and lots of rest to you and little Rocco. <3

  • Pat Schwab

    Loving all the photos. There is always something magical about a sleeping baby.

  • Anna , I just have to say that is so wonderful the way you are displaying Babyhood as such a beautiful and treasured gift ! It’s a rare thing in the world anymore .
    Sure, you are being real sharing with us that you are tired ect …but also showing the pure moments of preciousness that come from have a little baby to love . It’s more deeper than I can write here but I hope you can catch my drift . You are gifting us by sharing little Rocco and your other one’s LIFE .
    p.s. Love the little T-shirt that says”eat local” …I think he is pretty much living up to his motto’s . Mommy is pretty “local” 🙂 bravo !!!

  • This is such a beautiful set of photos. Many people make it seem that a new baby is a nightmare and there is so much stress involved, but a new baby is a blessing and this beautifully illustrates the family bond. Gorgeous

  • […] Rocco’s birth story and first few weeks of life. (Which feels like last month….HOW.) […]

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