Do you still READ blogs?

June 7, 2016

coffee shop

(Photos by Morgan Blake for IHOD)

I sat down to write this week after the week long blog break (which hasn’t happened in ….years dare I say?), and what I thought would be a rusty brain produced some connected sentences and congruent thoughts! I am crediting the elimination of other distractions that week such as social media and netflix (I survived and actually loved it – gasp!). I also took some time to dive back into more reading. Sometimes, I am so busy creating content for my own blog, that I don’t get to visit some of my personal favorite books, mags, and websites for a little scoop of news or thought provoking content. It got me thinking about the high speed level of entertainment our culture is producing, and if we still have the attention span to actually READ through articles, writings, and stories? For instance, have you made it this far into the post yet? Bravo! Test one passed! (wink wink) I found it encouraging to see this study that social media usage has actually significantly dropped this year. Dare I say we are catching on that it isn’t all that fulfilling in the end? It serves it’s purpose, but I think we all crave more than snaps and images from time to time. However, I know a good portion of IHOD’s social media audiences rarely click over to read the full story based on questions I receive on the social apps. 

a good read


So if you do take the time to still actually READ through blogs, magazines, newspapers, and good hardcovers, when do you do so and by what form? First thing in the morning? Before you go to bed? A carved out time on the weekend perhaps? Do you email subscribe to your favorite sites? Maybe just a click over on social media? Good ink on paper? I am interested to hear, as I find this topic worth diving into a little more.

If book stores are dying off and apps are thriving, it poses the question of how this is affecting us as a whole? In some ways, I welcome the app life. I mean, thank the lawd for Amazon prime, weather apps, and email access! Even still, I don’t think I will ever tire of the slower method to taking in information. Fresh print, writing in a journal, sending snail mail to nearest and dearest, and sitting down on Saturday mornings with a cup of coffee to catch up on the writings of some of my favorite blogs. For instance, I read Erin’s recent post that stopped me in my tracks, and immediately had me re-shifting the way I approach friendships. I finally sat down to read the last issue of Darling Magazine from cover to cover, and ate up the visual art along with it. I appreciate more than a good visual scroll, and tend to re-visit blogs that take the time to use the lost art of vocabulary. Heck, if blogging wasn’t my job, I’d probably venture down a life without social media for a while like my lovely friend Amanda.

I am curious though if others still enjoy the same? I love how my husband Gabe doesn’t have social media. He reminds me the importance of reading from different news sources to do our part in understanding what is going on in the world around us, and drawing our own conclusions. My sisters are also a really good at encouraging cool reads, and are currently recommending podcasts to each other to listen to. Elements of a well rounded mind, right? 😉

Anyways, thanks for reading if you made it this far! You have earned yourself a modern day attention span award! Would love to hear your thoughts on this. Also, please leave me some of your favorite magazine, blogs, and sites you visit regularly if you feel inclined!

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  • I love a well written blog, so yes, I definitely still read them. Usually when I’m stuck on a project and need a mental reset. I have my favorites and sometimes there are just things I click on from facebook.

    And I love reading books – preferably in printed form, but I’ll read them on my phone if I can’t get anything else. I’m currently part way through “Far From the Madding Crowd”, “The Great Gatsby” and “The Queen’s Own Fool”

    Books I will always adore. The lifestyle blog deluge does make the same type of magazines feel less relevant, but I still love a good design magazine.

    • Melody, thanks for the comment! I am looking into the book reads:) I too will always adore a good cover to hardcover, and am a sucker for a good design mag!

  • I still read blogs, the Sunday paper, books and magazines. I love the “Bloglovin'” app and read a few blogs over breakfast and sometimes while watching baseball at night. I live for Sunday mornings, when I can dive into the Sunday paper, while watching CBS Sunday Morning with my coffee. I’m most interested in reading artist blogs…..Crystal Moody is one of my faves at the moment.

    I totally know what you mean about social media and just the break neck pace of modern life eroding attention spans. I see it in myself and even more so in my 15 year old son!!! If he doesn’t have a screen in his hand, he’s immediately bored.

    I’m feeling the need to pull back away from social media lately. It can be such a time suck for such little reward business wise. It often just makes me feel bad……That I’m not measuring up to others, that I’m not killing it on Instagram, etc.

    OK…End rant. I appreciate and read your blog often Anna and admire your success and transparently. Cheers

    • Sounds like you are pretty well rounded to me Jennifer! I hear you though about the social media pressure. I really like to check who I follow from time to time to make sure they are accounts that are a benefit to follow and do me good! Social media can either harm or be of benefit if we let it I guess!

  • omg! i was curious to read your thoughts on this and am so appreciative of your support and encouragement — thank you for the sweet little shout-out! i don’t read many blogs, but yours is a voice i respect, admire and appreciate, so i like to check in here and there for sure. and like melody, books i will ALWAYS adore. 🙂

  • Caroline

    “In some ways, I welcome the app life. I mean, thank the lawd for Amazon prime, weather apps, and email access! Even still, I don’t think I will ever tire of the slower method to taking in information. Fresh print, writing in a journal, sending snail mail to nearest and dearest, and sitting down on Saturday mornings with a cup of coffee to catch up on the writings of some of my favorite blogs.”

    This is so true for me! I’m trying to reach that balance. We are inundated with virtual content and it’s so much easier to passively watch Snapchat stories than pick up one of the Real Simple magazines piling up in a stack or a good book! (Or write my own words down!)

    I think your blog is one of the more interesting, thought-provoking, and worthwhile sources out there.

    • Caroline that is so true! It’s easier to scroll and view often times than direct our attention towards something that requires more time but may be of deeper substance. Thanks for the comment and for reading! x

  • I still check my Bloglovin feed daily, but I often if I’m the only one who reads blogs anymore. We’re such a ‘snap” and “gram” society now. A well-thought out, well-written blog post is a gem! Pulling those sentences from your mind and structuring them into a post worth reading is not an easy thing and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

    When I’m not reading blogs, I like to check out the new release section at the library, listen to the NPR One, and read articles I’ve saved during the week to Pocket.

    • Whitney thanks so much for the feedback. I love Bloglovin’ as well! It’s a great way to keep my favorites organized. I so appreciate when I find a good read too, which is probably why I keep challenging myself to write more:)

  • Tina Powell

    I’m probably older than your typical demographic at 56, but I absolutely enjoy reading your blog! I first encountered your blog when you were pregnant with Rocco, and my daughter was pregnant with her first child, I loved reading about your growing family, style and outlook about life in general and continue to enjoy your posts.

  • I do read blogs sometimes…I read yours :). But I definitely read a lot less than I did when I used to blog. I was more engaged in blogging then. However, if I see a social media post about a blog post that sparks my interest, I will click over. I do like to support all those bloggers out there trying to get some engagement with their posts because I know how hard it can be!

    • Same here Gina! I used to have more time to get twenty minutes here and there, but now I’m down to a few minutes if I’m lucky or the weekend mornings. I have to make it count therefore! Thanks for sticking with IHOD so long. I am honored, truly!

  • Kristen

    I love blogs and still read them everyday! I love food (smitten kitchen and pinch of yum are favorites) and design blogs (style by Emily Henderson and Chris loves Julia are favorites). I read them from my Feedly app on my iPad during pockets of time in the morning and evening. I TRY not to have my iPad or phone out too much in front of my kids which is a huge reason I never read books on my iPad. From their perspective it just looks like more screen time.

    Thank you for linking to Erin’s recent post. I loved it so much and really felt like it was reassurance from a friend which is what we all need from time to time!!

    • Oh those are some of my faves too that I like to check in with! And such a good point with screen time.

      So glad you read Erin’s post. She has such a gift for writing, eh?

  • I’ve been craving good blogs again lately, and and I’ve discovered that thought-provoking content is hard to find. I read three: yours, Erin Loechner, and Emily Henderson but I’d really like to discover more great writers. I LOVE instagram, but there’s nothing like a raw and engaging blog post to go along with the social medias.

  • I’m here, read it all ?. I’m also diving back into blogging more, because I miss it and was so focused on social media. With that I’m back on blog lovin every few days (morning, mid-day, or late at night) going through and actually reading. I’m also trying to just sit and read s good book once a month too! So keep up the blogging!!

  • Jordan Davy

    I’ve been struggling lately to get into Instagram, unlike all of my friends. But I realized the reason is because I read blogs! I’m way more addicted to Bloglovin. Instagram is too quick and impersonal. A blog not only gives more depth with writing, pictures, and a specific subject, but the blog style itself reflects the person much better. I like that you can have your own voice and identity with a blog.

  • Eleanor

    I do read blogs! Work at home mama and freelance designer so I often need a “break” from staring at a computer screen. Quickly read up on blogs, I guess it depends on the topic but I only follow blogs that post things I’m interested in. Books are my normal outlet as well but when working I need a quick break.

    Social media… ugh social media. I’m on it because of a local mom’s group and we constantly share what’s going on so it’s largely my social outlet, but I try to stay off it otherwise. I rarely share pictures or thoughts so I’m a fly on the wall of social media I guess. I used to share more but for whatever reason I just don’t… I just send pictures of my kiddo to family and share occasional family photos but not much these days. Trying as always to live in the moment.

  • Yes, I read blogs and have a number of regular reads that have been the same for 5+ years.
    That said, I feel like this post warrants a second question? Do bloggers care? It seems that so many bloggers are all about the sponsorships (and in many fashion or mommy blogs,gaining “fangirls”). They don’t seem to genuinely care about their readers anymore, and insult their intelligence by writing things the way they do. They just care about the money. So yes, readers are still here. Are the writers?

  • I feel like I only started reading blogs in the last year – so behind the trend! I don’t have 4 (or any) children, so am probably in a different predicament but I normally read blogs for 15, 20 mins when I get home from work to rejuvenate me before I crack on with dinner and life admin! I feel if I come home and slob on the sofa, I just kind of vegetate there, if I pick up a magazine I flick through it aimlessly for ages, I can get stuck too long in a good book, but I am quite good at picking a couple of blogposts off bloglovin’ reading them and then feeling in the mood to go and be productive! When you see all these other people to doing exciting and lovely things with their lives, I think it makes you less likely to just do nothing with those few weeknight hours!

  • I totally still read blogs!! I think I don’t read as many since there are some people that I might follow more on social media and there are some people that I definitely want to keep up with via blog. I tend to read blogs via bloglovin and when I can’t add a blog on there I may not keep up as well. I still need blogs in my life though! grams are such snippets and snaps are so silly and behind the scenes… blogs have layers and depth and you don’t have to feel guilty that you’re clogging up someone’s feed when you’re the blogger!

  • Oh I agree so much. Yes, I do still read blogs, I have a couple favorites, yours included that I check regularly! And I read books – real books, haha! I pick it up while Cam is studying or the kids nap or I have ten minutes here or there. I recently read Story Mama and thought it was great. I purposely have never joined snapchat, never go on fb and dont have twitter, periscope, etc. I really only have instagram for social media and try to only go on it when the kids are sleeping or I’m by myself. I don’t want them to think my silly phone is more important than they are, but it’s so tempting to pick up all the same. Also! I’m with Gabe on the news! Though still my fave is watching videos from Special Report since it’s my old stomping ground and Bret is one of the real journalists left. Love you for this post! Such good food for thought!!

    • Amanda, that is so wise. I recently hired a social media intern so I could cut back on time involved on my least favorite apps;) I also try to keep it to specific times a day, and there are days I am real good with that, and others where I fail miserably. ha! Thanks for the rec, I can’t wait to check out World Magazine! x

  • Oh and I forgot to ask – have you ever heard of World Magazine? They write some of my most favorite editorials 🙂

  • Chelsea Wagenaar

    I think about reading all the time. Literally! I just completed my PHD in English with my concentration in writing poetry. Just today I showed my college students a study that talks about “embodied semantics”–when we read about an activity, say swimming for instance, the same portion of our brain is used as if we were actually performing the activity ourselves. It allows our brains to have the experience even if our bodies cannot. So, yes I read! I do look at some blogs that are very picture heavy and often a bit perfect for my taste, but those tend to drain me rather than feed me. I prefer to read thoughts with depth, vulnerability, and a willingness to push past the material aspects of mothering into the more spiritual and emotional territory. Just one reason I love IHOD! I always wish I could sit and have a conversation with you!

  • Eva Leuthy

    I must say I’m a sucker for good old paper! I carry a notebook that I yet to take notes in rather than my phone and I never read on my phone or computer except for when one of my teachers puts a reading online. I do read blog posts a lot, in fact I read three before deciding to comment on yours; but I find myself reading then more on my phone now than my computer because i get Google now notifications when I read on my phone. And I love reading paper magazines, duh eating the pages and writing in them.

  • Oh I just love your words and thoughts on the topic. I, too, have been wondering if people are still reading the words that I’m writing, but for me nothing replaces reading a blog and really hearing more than a little snippet on social media. My dear friends, Laura and Emily, have started a podcast (a branch off from their blogs) called Risen Motherhood, all about how the Bible and motherhood intersect and it’s been wonderful for my heart to meditate on in this crazy season.

  • I actually prefer reading blogs to IG or other social media these days. Anyone (and everyone) can create editorial-looking photo shoots showing off their apparently perfect life… but not many people actually have something awesome to say. You have good stuff to say and I’d like to read more of your thoughts on things on the blog 🙂 The ‘perfect’ images we see EVERYWHERE cease to become inspiring at a certain point.

  • Bethany

    This is great! I still love blogs, especially yours! 🙂 I find that when I limit my social media, I sleep better, and I’m much more inclined to read a book. I love good books!

  • Blogs have a special place in my heart because they helped with my transition into motherhood SO MUCH. I learned a lot from them, but also felt less alone just by reading about other moms’ journeys. I read through the Bloglovin app.

  • Honestly, I make time to read my favorite blogs and magazines on the weekends. I typically do it on Saturday and spend the morning reading. I find that if I don’t magazines just become coffee table dust. And my favorite blogs are just sitting without ever being read. My favorite news site is theskimm. They send a daily email with news. Except on weekends. It’s the only thing I read every morning.

    Also I’m a Android user and my Google Now page keeps me updated when sites I visit have updated content.

  • I do still read blogs, usually on my lunch break or at night after my daughter goes to bed. I have my usual favourites (like yours!) and occasionally I’ll look at a few new ones, but I usually stick to old faithfuls.

    But lately I have been making more of an effort to put my phone or laptop down at night, just watch TV and chat to my husband, and then go to bed a little earlier so I can read a good book. My reading has really suffered since I had my daughter four years ago and I want to try and rekindle my love of books!

  • Such a good post, I have used to carve out time every morning to sit with my coffee and catch up on my favorite bloggers. There was something so refreshing about slowing down to sit and read. Then life got crazy and for almost a year i focused on only the small story you get on social media, then it hit me… I felt like I missed my friend. A good read, flipping the page of a book or actually getting the full story someone just hinted at. Ive also tried to implement a social media/phone Sabbath. 🙂

  • Love this post!
    I am hoping to have blogging as my job one of these, days, so as you know and understand, I am just trying to be consistent and crank out good content on all avenues of social media these days. However, there is such freedom in the times that I am not checking my stats, or losing my time scrolling through pinterest and instagram. The feel of holding a book in my hand. Or reading a Real Simple magazine. I love reading blogs instead of just the snippets on Instagram. I love the meat. The soul.

  • I read a couple of blogs with bloglovin from my bed, and it helps me wake up at 6am so I can go for an early morning run with a friend before my girl wakes up.
    I don’t always read every word of every article, not as a book… But if the article is interesting enough I’ll read it all.
    But nothing beats a good book 🙂

  • Good thoughts. I love others’ blogs (yours included!) but sometimes it is hard to get to all of them because there are so many talented designers and writers out there. I have not had time to write either and have cut down to once a week. Hopefully, I will return to writing more frequently in the future but now I just have too much on my plate for work and it’s summertime too!

  • Honestly, no I don’t read blogs as much as I used to. I just don’t have the time.

  • Melissa

    I still read several blogs, I love the different perspectives, personal styles, design ideas, personal stories of all the bloggers I follow. I love the link to Design for Mankind, never ran into that blog in all the years I’ve been reading blogs, thanks for sharing. I think you have a wonderful growing family.

  • So as a blogger, I still read blogs, but I have become very aware that bloggers are often just trying to get more pageviews, clicks, etc so they really make it not a great user experience and that makes me sad because I think community is going away.

    The Adored Life

    • Alissa, isn’t that true! It’s kind of a turn off for me, even though I understand first hand how pageviews are important if you are blogging for a business. I just know that if I only composed clickbait posts I would lose my motivation. I agree that the community is now more on social media.

  • Kathleen Witzel

    My day starts with strong freshly brewed coffee and some good blog reading. I do have my favorites that are inspiring and get me going in the morning. I do have to limit my time, however, and sometimes depending on the content, do have to skim through. I appreciate your words today and share your opinion of balancing our sources of the written word. A good book can’t be beat!

  • Absolutely! I fall behind on Instagram and don’t bother with Snapchat, but I consistently read a few blogs, including yours. I look for more of the human touch or the personal sharing or insights that give me a deeper or richer perspective. I think blogging is where you reveal more of the soul and the heart, whereas IG is more about pretty or compelling images (for me as a reader, anyway). I do get weary of social media and find myself taking breaks from it for days at a time. I find books more deeply nourishing and satisfying than electronic media and I sometimes drip everything to finish a good one. I also read the print version of the Wall St Journal (the national and foreign news, not so much the Dow Jones!) and it feels like a luxury and a treat. Once my kids are older and in school for longer, I hope to have more time to read, because there comes a point at which social media starts to feel stale. Anyway, i read and enjoy your blog and I rarely miss a post. And I sometimes read all of the comments too! How’s that for nerdy? Haha

    • I always value your input Trish so thank you for taking the time to read and comment here and there. I think we are similar in how we approach media and what we choose to intake.

  • I read.

    This blog always and a couple others – in full always. Others by selection.

    Books and magazines in paper form.

    Newspapers online via newsletters or Google Newstand mostly.

    I used to read books all the time/any time but I’m in that new mom stage where I want every second with my baby, especially since I went back to work. I have books on the nightstand so maybe soon.

  • It always takes me a few days to read blogs. I either do it when I have a few free moments in the work week or on the weekends. I used to read many more blogs, but the ones I have stuck with are the women who I feel connected to, who have less about fashion and the fluff and more about what they are going through. The fluff is fun too, but there’s so much out there that the blogger’s unique experiences are what’s worth reading.

    • It takes me forever to go through all the blogs I would like to visit, which is probably why I have narrowed it down to a few regulars. Those are the sites too that have meaty content and not just photos. The ones who I can connect with their words in some way. Thanks for your feedback!

  • Canaan Stevens

    Pretty much yours is the only one I read. And my sister-in-law’s blog. I just don’t really take the time to sit at my computer to follow any more than that.

  • Love this! I really appreciate social media. For the first time in my life it helped me realize that a creative life wasn’t a bad thing. In fact it’s a beautiful gift! I’d been surrounded by academics my whole life, I even married one. And no one I knew skipped a heartbeat when a gloriously yellow fall tree was right in front of a turquoise door and it was just so beautiful we needed to stop and appreciate it. Then I got on Instagram and suddenly I had surrounded myself with other creatives. I didn’t feel silly anymore, I felt purpose and empowerment. But that being said, it is so hard to find the balance! I feel like I can’t find time to read a book and enjoy a show with my husband in the same day. How do we fill our lives so quickly that we don’t have thirty minutes to read a good book?! Thanks for starting this conversation. I think it’s one we need to continue to remind ourselves of.

    • Sarah I love that! I had to learn how to find a purposeful creative outlet before social media was around much so it was hard for me to be okay with making it my college degree! Probably why I appreciate social media in that regard too. A great place to soak in many avenues of visual and communicative talent.

  • Heidi Ferguson

    YES! I most certainly still read blogs. I recently cleaned out my email list with a great app on my phone (lol!) called which allows me to swipe left to get off of the mailing list or swipe right to stay on the list of ANY email! I update it maybe once a month. Felt so good to clean out, however, I kept the one’s I LOVE (obviously, one was YOURS). I do follow a good amount of people on IG (although I cleaned that out too) and if I want to read more about what they posted, I’ll go to the site from the link in their profile.
    Yes, I still read books. On my Kindle Fire only though. I get involved in a great book and will only allow myself to read it when I’m on the elliptical at the gym!!! It REALLY motivates me to get to the gym!
    Yes, I still read magazines – hard copies ONLY. I love getting my magazines in the mail. My favorites are Coastal Living, Country Living, Southern Living, Sunset, Atlanta Magazine, Style Watch & Better Homes & Gardens. I subscribe to way more than I should, I struggle to find time to read them but I manage. Usually, I’ll find a Sat and catch up on all of then! Once I’m done reading them, I share with my husband’s 88 year old great grandmother. She loves them!
    Blogs: LiL Blue Boo, Hi Sugarplum, Surviving Mommy, Pioneer Woman, The Lettered Cottage, Big Mama (have read all three of her books and laugh the entire way through them!), Simply Seleta, Kevin & Amanda, Under The Sycamore, The Weigands (Casey), Life In Grace, Miss Mustard Seed. I don’t get to read all of them everyday of course, but if a post interests me, I’ll read!

    • Heidi thanks for being here! And for sharing some cool blogs! I too have become way more intentional about what blogs and sites I visit when I do have time.

  • Annabelle

    I still read blogs. I think much less than when I was younger because you can see everyone’s latest outfits, travels, happenings etc. on social media but I have a select few that I’m subscribed to and every time an email comes I’ll read. These are the ones who have something to say, like yours, they’re honest, inspiring and real. One of my other favourite sites these days is
    Anyways, thanks for writing this blog. You do a great job.

  • Pat Schwab

    Anna, Yeah, I would like to thank…

  • I really liked the article by “design for mankind”. If you keep blogging, that is what women need (real, raw, relatable) motherhood… Infused with faith and hope and joy, which you do so well in your writing. I know blogging has spent its course (blogging led to conferences and connections and book deals and podcasts) and now the money has been made and it’s much less personal. But there is always an opportunity for good writing, by an authentic person like you about motherhood. I used to LOVE “My Child I Love You”, and sometimes I hear her voice and little bits of wisdom in your writing.

    • Well that is a true compliment. Lindsay is my brother in law’s sister and I soak up her wisdom! Thanks for reading Lauren! Encouraged by your comment!

  • I love Instagram for its quick images, but lately it’s not been fulfilling. I miss reading, and especially reading about people’s thoughts and feelings, and not just images that are done up and pretty.

    I’ve neglected my blog, but I miss writing out my thoughts even though the only people reading it are my close friends 🙂

  • I have a handful of blogs I read from A to Z (this is one of them 😉 ). I have an app on my phone where all the new posts appear so I dont miss anything. I heard that this doesn’t show to blog owners as visited/read so that’s a pity. From time to time I go and check out other blogs I used to follow or sites I like but dont follow so closely.
    I’m just starting to blog myself so I am curious how this experience will change my blog reading habits and how it will influence how I’ll do my own blog.
    One more thing worth to note, because in this day and age we sometimes forget it, it always quality that matters not quantity and best blogs which tend to keep their readers are the ones where content is great even though it might be posted only once a week.

    Looking forward to read your next posts!

  • I don’t know how you have time to read anything longer than a blog post. When I do have the time, I can’t stay awake no matter how much I love the content. I only read blogs anymore. Consistently, I read yours, Jessica Garvin’s (which is actually how I found yours), and one other. I don’t subscribe. I just come find you all when I have a minute, usually during nap time or after bed time. I do love reading yours because we have a similar life situation and faith base. I wish I could bring myself to blog so I could capture our family, like Jessica does. I usually read your posts start to finish. I didn’t read the real estate one because I’ve purchased home before and know the process, but you express yourself so beautifully that I usually *want* yo read all the way through! Anyway, thanks for sharing your life with us. I love knowing that I’m not the only one facing a particularly difficult situation or rejoicing in minutia. And I love seeing your people grow! 🙂 May the Lord continue blessing you all.

    • Oh its tough to find time that is for sure! I just try to do it weekly so that I can use that part of my brain that grows cobwebs otherwise;) So happy you feel like you can read through my ramblings. ha! Thank you for being a reader!

  • i mainly read magazines including InStyle, Glamour, Bon Appetit and Parenting. I have little to no time for books at the moment, but if I hear of a good one I’ll give it the time. Otherwise I’m doing all sorts of crafts and DIY before bed and at naptime (my only “free” time!). Great post!

  • I definitely still read blogs. I believe strongly that number of people that read a blog has everything to do with the content that is in a blog. There are blogs I return to again and again because I am so drawn in. Other blogs I have stopped reading because there just isn’t much there. I am a reading professor and know how important motivation to read is.

  • I have exactly 2 blogs I follow closely, yours is one. I do find that I follow other bloggers on instagram and will click the link in their profile if what their insta post said was of interest to me and I wanted to read more. I find instagram is a quick read with usually lovely photos and that mostly satisfies my need to follow people I don’t know in real life. With 2 young kids at home I just don’t have time to read everyone’s blog anymore.

    I love reading books. I’m a part of like 3 different book clubs, but even that comes in waves. I’m not super interested in reading right now, probably because it’s summer and I want to be outside with my kids. I think there are seasons of reading for me.

  • Ah I love your blog! I just recently started reading it more consistently. Social media has been beneficial to me with keeping in contact with people, but now it is just an overload of information. I’m trying to slowly step back from social media and dedicate more time in reading great content.
    I really like RosemaryWild, HomeSong and yours! ?

  • Love reading blogs. I have my set favourites, that I normally read over my lunchtime coffee. If my day is super busy, then I’ll read them pre-bed.

    Magazines are super for those in-between waiting periods –e.g while I wait for an appointment (love Good Housekeeping and Women’s Health) , and I really love to read a portion of a good (hard copy) book before bed and /or over weekends depending what’s going on.

    All this to say, I do not have any kiddos yet, which obviously affects how much reading time I have! ?

  • I read through RSS feeds, using the Feedly app. I don’t always read every post for the blogs I follow, but I feel more engaged with content this way compared to Facebook and Twitter. I like blogs because I feel there is more depth and substance compared to social media feeds and appreciate the time bloggers dedicate to each post so thank you!

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