Going clean routines.

September 14, 2016



This past year I have been slowly converting to I guess what you would call a clean freak. I read labels, watch all the documentaries, and read articles that help me become more aware of the products I am introducing to my kids. You can say it’s the mother bear in me. I don’t trust many brands these days for full disclosure so I try to read up on my own and ask the advice of friends and family who are also in the clean freak category. (wink wink) Everything from the contents of our medicine cabinets, cleaning supplies, fridge, and pantry have been evaluated. I still have a ways to go, but there are some simple things we have changed around here to move in the right direction. We have had such a good experience so far with the Seventh Generation products, that I knew I would have a similar experience with their new laundry detergent packs.


To be honest, I was super attached to my detergent, but after reading how harmful some of the ingredients could be, I just couldn’t justify it anymore. I hadn’t thought much before how detergents,  soaps,  makeup products, etc. are so easily absorbed by our skin. I know I can’t control every potential health hazard, but I am more than willing to make preventative changes if possible. The Seventh Generation laundry packs are free of optical brighteners, dyes, and VOCs. That alone was enough to get me to try them out. I also love that they have worked for years with the health of families in mind by giving full disclosure of ingredients used. Makes it a good deal easier on us as parents!


My previous experience with “clean ingredient” laundry packs was that they wouldn’t dissolve in the laundry machine and hence the clothing wasn’t washed well and never smelled so good either. However, happy to report that these laundry packs are doing just as good of a job as my old liquid detergent, since they are formulated to dissolve in all temps. All my stains are removed which is a must with little boys who wear their clothes hard!  I’ll add a few drops of essential oils in too if I want additional scent.





I have a few set days a week I try to tackle loads of laundry. We wash sheets to start the week fresh, and Rocco and Max have caught on to the fact that they get some fun entertainment in the process if they weasel their way on the bed when I am trying to make it. Their giggles are contagious though so it’s worth the extra time it adds on to the process. Always a good break to my over serious game mode of Monday morning.

I hope these posts about what we are doing to become a more health conscience and clean ingredient family are helpful to you! I know I always want to hear from my friends about what is working for them. I choose to only share products and companies that we have tried and tested, and are genuinely happy with. If you have any recs on healthy snacks for kids btw, I am all ears! We are always looking for good options.


*This post is sponsored by Seventh Generation. Thank you for supporting the brands that make this blog possible.

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  • Your boys are so adorable! Their smile is priceless! 🙂

  • I totally understand your “mama bear- ness”- i never really cared about ingredients myself until I became a mom. Tnx for a great suggestion! P.s. I just cannot get over the fact how amazing you look- didn’ t you have a baby like yesterday?!?!

    • Ah thank you so much Nada! I am actually still preggo in these photos! They were taken before Azelie arrived:) She was a peanut! And I agree, totally didn’t care until I had babes!

  • Thanks for sharing. I also haven’t had very good luck with the “clean” laundry detergent because the clothes don’t seem so clean. I will have to look into these.

    You also mentioned makeup. Do you have any suggestions on makeup/skincare lines?

    You’re kids are so cute! They always look so happy!

    • Heidi, I agree I was having the same problem! The packets wouldn’t dissolve or the stains weren’t removed! Hope you like these, they have worked great for me so far!

      I feel like I still have a lot to learn with makeup products, but recently a friend introduced me to BeautyCounter so I’ve been some of those products out!

  • We have been using Seventh Generation for years now and we love it! To add some more yummy scents to our fresh laundry I’ll add whatever essential oil I feel like (usually lavender) to some wool balls in the dryer ??. Also, congrats on your precious baby girl…Enjoy this sweet time together as a new family of 7!

  • Danielle Dow

    Hi Anna,

    I love the sheets on your bed! Where are the linen looking ones from, if you don’t mind…

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