Birthday wishes.

June 22, 2018


I am someone who has made goals and to-do lists since I was old enough to have a Lisa Frank notebook. I have always loved dreaming and doing, but this year, I am feeling the tug to pull back (hence the minimal blog posts). This past year brought some of the hardest days of my life, but it was also a year that my eyes were opened to the miracle of what each day is. I have never felt so content and grateful for the life surrounding me. It’s not easy for a chronic over-productive person to ever be still, but I have never been more aware that we can easily miss the best parts of our lives if we are always looking ahead at what is next.

I woke up to a text this morning from my sister Jana reminding me that the day you are born is a day that heaven celebrates. God celebrates every person’s life, and today as I look at my children’s eager faces to have me open their homemade cards, I got a glimpse of that. I see His very personal love through theirs.

Gabe made birthday breakfast for everyone, and as I blew out the candles my wish was to live the above words as best I can this year.

Thank you to each of you for being here! I appreciate the love and support you give our family.

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