Our morning power hour routine. (+VIDEO)

September 6, 2018


This year we are back to the hybrid model school for our 3 older kids. On the days we head to school, we have some routines that help us get out the door on time. Having been through several mornings filled with mishaps, I finally learned that the morning power hour makes all the difference for getting started on the right foot. Our power hour routine changes depending on the day, but in this post, I am outlining how we start our school days, and what gets us all going!



  • Get up and get dressed! I feel a big mental shift when I actually take the time to get dressed, wash my face, and put on a little makeup. It wakes me up, and also helps me feel ready to take on the day.
  • Morning prayer + coffee – Starting the day with 10-15 minutes of silence is something I now look forward to. As you can imagine with 5 little ones, it’s often the only silence I get till nap times;)
  • Wake up the kids – We get out uniforms the night before so we aren’t hunting for socks at 7AM, so after I wake them up, they can get dressed and ready themselves (unless I am braiding hair of course). While they are brushing teeth and getting dressed, Gabe and I get breakfast and lunches ready.
  • Breakfast + Pack Lunches – Most mornings I will prep breakfast while Gabe preps lunches or vice versa. It makes it a ten minute part of the morning. We either do overnight oats, eggs and canadian bacon, or greek yogurt bowls. The babies are usually still sleeping during this whole power hour, which certainly helps speed things up!
  • Daily Probiotics – . We managed to steer clear of sickness last year and I attribute it to 2 things: cutting out sugar and daily probiotics for the family. Our gut is linked to so many aspects of the way our bodies function, so focusing on gut health has been a priority of mine. (The gut makes up 70% of our immune system.) A healthy gut can positively boost not only your immune and digestive health, but also affects mood, memory, sleep, and child development. We have been using Renew Life Ultimate Flora Extra Care line and Kids’ Ultimate Flora chewables. The kids’ probiotics are berry flavor, so it is like a stampede of little feet whenever I pop that bottle out! I like these because there are no artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners which was important to me. Renew Life Probiotics are also made with more good bacteria than the leading brand.
  • Playlist on the drive to school – We have a 20 minute drive to school so my kids always request music. I have a few playlists made with their favorite soundtracks, which definitely contribute to a smooth squabble-free ride to school! I also take advantage of this time to say a little prayer with them, and go over our family mottos. (ie: Always look for the person who needs a friend, respect for our teachers, attitude of service, etc.). I look forward to that short time with them.




Even if the day ends up being a tough one, it’s incredible how a positive start can impact how you face the day. I certainly see this for myself, and I see it for my children as well. I used to be a more fly by the seat of my pants type of person until the fast pace of my life finally demanded I be more intentional with every hour.

I would love to hear how you start your days because I know it looks differently around the world! What gets you going? **Check out the Renew Life Back to School sweepstakes, where you can share your own tips and pictures of your morning Power Hour routine for a chance to receive a Renew Life Back to School Power Hour kit, product bundles and other prizes! https://www.renewlife.com/powerhour

*Thank you Renew Life Probiotics for sponsoring this post. Opinions are my own.

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  • It’s so fun to see what other people do for their morning routines! I need to get into a better habit of one in our home!


  • Hi Anna!
    Wow your morning routine is something to inspire too!
    My oldesr decided to take a 0 period (crazy kid!) so I’m now trying to find a new routine. So it pretty much looks like… up at 5:45am, get son up at 6am, I go iron both sons clothes, turn on my computer (I work from home), grab a cup of coffee, get other son up about 6:30am, pray over them both (they actual remind me if I forget!) take oldest to school, come back and younger son gets ready. They are pretty self sufficient as far as getting ready (no braiding for me) During this time I usually start getting organized & preparing for my work day Then drop him off and come home and I start working. If I’m lucky I get a quick workout in a couple of days a week and my showers I have to admit are getting later and later in the day? I really miss a moment of quite prayer or reading a verse in the morning or actually tasting my coffee? but this new schedule has really thrown me off my game. As soon as my feet hit the floor I’m off and running. My evenings are no less crazy. I thought getting up earlier would give me more time but I actually feel like now more hours of the day means more stuff to fill those hours with! I’ll get with the program soon (I hope) ☺️?? Your reminding me just how important mornings are and they really do start the tone for the day ? Thanks for the motivation!

  • Thank you for the motivation, Anna!
    Having 5 kids is a big difference, as I am a mom of just two kidos – 5 and 2. We are all waking up late, as we stay late at night, and it is the younger one who wakes up all family- he is our alarm 🙂 Thank God we do our own business so no angry boss at work waiting for us 🙂 In 2 weeks, my daughter us staring a school which will be early in the morning -so I will certainly copy some (or at least try to copy, I know you are for a long time early bird ;)) of your routine!
    Thanks for sharing!
    And don’t forget about custom wall decal we were contacting you before!

    With love from Turkey

    • Hi Alex! Oh yes I have definitely had those days where the baby is my alarm clock. ha! This is the first time in a while I am not either expecting, have a newborn, or have a nursing baby;) Hope you all are doing well!

  • Even though our route to school only takes about two minutes…my kids LOVE LOVE Magic Tree House Books on tape. Has saved us on some crazy road trips and errand runs.

  • No matter what, I can never seem to find time to squeeze in quiet time for prayer/Bible reading. And I don’t have ANY children! The way you present your life with 5 children (both the fun and the not so fun) really encourages me that I could just have one! Just the thought of one has terrified me for many, many years! Thank you for being an encouragement and inspiration!

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