I come from a big enough family where it feels like a party every time we gather. Since so many of us have moved back to the Atlanta area we decided to get together for a Halloween party. We tend to turn every gathering into a performances/skit night or dance party in some way so we just used Halloween as an excuse for a fun night. We might as well call it the Pickwick Club. (I love you if you know the reference.) Everyone came over in costume, and without fail it turned into quite an entertaining evening…

Cobwebs is about as spooky as I like to decorate, and the kids were sooo excited to help me scatter some around the house. Everyone brought a dish to share which ended up being a really good menu:
Charcuterie Platter
Homemade Mac n Cheese
Apple Pie
Caramel Corn
Mulled Cider

I wanted to pass along Gabe’s Brown Bag Caramel Corn recipe too in case you want to make a batch this season. It is delicious, and they make good popcorn balls too.
Brown Bag Carmel Corn
1 cup butter
1 tsp salt (If using salted butter or Kosher salt, which I prefer, I will use ½ tsp)
2 or 2 ½ cups of popcorn kernels
2 cups packed dark brown sugar
¼ cup light corn syrup
¼ cup honey with an extra generous squeeze
½ tsp vanilla extract
1-2 dashes nutmeg
1 tsp baking soda
1 large brown grocery store bag
– Pop the popcorn and dump into paper bag. Mix butter, salt, brown sugar, corn syrup, honey, vanilla, and nutmeg in a medium sauce pan, and bring to low boil. (We like our caramel corn a little chewy, so I let it boil about 7 minutes stirring regularly. Continue to boil if you prefer it crunchy. )
– When the caramel has boiled the allotted time, vigorously stir in the baking soda.
– Once mixed, pour the caramel into the paper bag with the popcorn and gently mix until popcorn is evenly coated.
-Dump coated corn onto a greased cookie sheet to cool.
Eat to your hearts content!

Our entertainment was the game Killer Wink (Have you played?!), as well as our themed performances and skits. I failed to get a picture of my mom and dad as St. Francis and Shaun the Sheep which won the night in my book. It was quite a humorous night. Gabe and I may just share “The Perfect Cheer” if we get the chance this week over on instagram;)
Now to finish up costumes for the kiddos! They have only been counting down the days till trick or treat night since last Halloween!