In the wake of this worldwide pandemic we want to take a little time this weekend to re-group for how to best serve our families and community from within the walls of our home. I wanted to go ahead and share the good things from this week….a loose daily schedule we are following for schooling the kids at home, a few things I am doing to stay mentally strong, etc.

The sacrifice jar – A little jar we keep out during the 40 days before Easter. If the kids do an act of kindness or make a sacrifice for someone else, they put a bean in the jar. On Easter Sunday, these beans turn into jellybeans or M&Ms! It’s been so cute to see the little things they are trying to do for those beans. Never would have though a jar of jellybeans could do so much motivating.

The family store – I started collecting little prizes to put in a basket where the kids can “shop” from with their own money. (Markers, stickers, activity packs, etc.) They can earn money through dollar chores all week. Dollar chores are optional extra chores they can choose to do such as cleaning sinks, sweeping, washing windows, folding a basket of laundry, etc. This has been a big motivation for them, and I like how it teaches them responsibility, contributing to a team environment, save vs. spend, etc.
Free Audible books – Audible is offering free books for kids right now which is an awesome alternative to screens (since they are having to do so much of that for online learning).

A few things I am doing to stay mentally strong:
Make something – I started watercoloring again last month after years of keeping paints in storage. It was like dusting off an old record that still played music that I had forgotten about. It was good timing, because now that I am forced to be still I can do this with my kids (and hopefully share some easy projects along the way for you all too).
I signed up for a master class! I know for me, using my creative brain is essential for staying well. I signed up for on master class because it was only $15 a month for access to several classes. I can’t wait to learn about new topics. Currently listening to a few already from Sara Blakely and Kelly Wearstler.
Move your body – Another thing I know is vital for Gabe and I not to totally go stir crazy, and to stay strong for our kids is exercise. I am getting up an hour before the kids wake (if Chiara sleeps well of course) to get in a morning walk and prayer. If you aren’t able to get outside, might I suggest a punching bag? No, seriously. We are hanging one in our garage. Whatever you need to do to move your body and relieve stress!

Sticking to a routine – Everyone around the world has a new normal, including our kids. We are all adjusting to this sudden shift. Having even a loose routine can establish a sense of normalcy and peace.
Our current family schedule:
7:00 – Gabe and I wake up to prepare for the day, and get a head start on the kids.
8:00 – Breakfast and clean up
8:30 – Gabe starts school with the kids, I set up activities or music time with the little ones.
10:30 – Break (outside if possible for fresh air)
11:00 – Resume school and learning activities for little ones
12:00 – lunch
12:30 – Older ones resume school, little ones have nap/rest time. (This is when Gabe and I squeeze in a chunk of working on the house to prep to sell or blog work.)
3:00 – Outdoor or basement play
5:00 – dinner prep and clean up
6:30 – Show or movie time
7:30 – Bedtime routine
8:30 – Gabe and I are using this time to relax if we can, but also have to use it to work for the time being. We are fighting extra hard for quality time together knowing how vital that is for the peace of the home to remain.
It’s a lot of learning as we go right now, and to be honest the “working from home” thing is really challenging as we no longer have the pockets of time we did when the kids were in school. We are practicing extreme social distancing so we don’t have the extra child care help we usually do from my mom as well. This is why we most likely be using some after hours to develop content here as best we can. However, I also have a lot of hope that things will all be ok. I trust that this too shall pass. What are some things you are enjoying this week?
Much love, and happy weekend!