Lulu and Georgia – $100 Gift Card Giveaway

November 27, 2013


 Ampersand Book End // Leah Pillow // Marielle Throw // Kate Spade Thermal Mug // Kate Spade Agenda // Wishful Wall Hook // Thomas Paul Sunglasses Case // Rosa Print

The girls at Lulu and Georgia are truly such a great bunch and I am so happy to be a part of the 12 Days of Giveaways again this year! They just opened up a Gift Shop full of fun gift options too! This is a round up of some of my top picks, but you can enter to win $100 gift card to shop your own favorites below! Best of luck!

P.S. You can take %10 off your purchase TODAY ONLY with code INHONOR10!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Cinnamon Orange Cider

November 26, 2013

Cinnamon Orange Cider 
My sister Maria is back just in time to serve up the most aromatic and soul warming cider you can drum up for your guests for upcoming gatherings with family and friends!
In Honor of Design - Cinnamon Orange Cider
Cinnamon Orange Cider - IHOD
This cider will make your whole house smell like the holidays! I just made it over the weekend for my extended family and every man woman and child wondered what smelled so lovely. You will never go back to plain cider again. 🙂 Sip slow and enjoy the warm goodness. Happiest Thanksgiving wishes to you all! ~Maria
Cinnamon Orange Cider: 
1 Jug of of Apple Cider (64 oz)
4 Cups of Orange Juice
2 Tbs. Whole Cloves
1/3 – 1/2 Cup of Red Hots or Cinnamon Candy
Heat all ingredients to boiling, then reduce heat and simmer for 5 -10 minutes or until red hots are melted. Strain out cloves.
Serve and Sip!

The Brand Market Workshop – Part 3

November 26, 2013

Final segment of the Atlanta Brand Market workshop recap:)

We had some big changes occur a few weeks before the workshop happened that are worthy of note! Savannah and Jenny were so instrumental in laying the foundation for this new venture, and were so wonderful to work with this past year. Due to their pregnancies, moves, and other major life changes, they realized the BMW was something they no longer could tackle. Although I am sad we no longer will get to work together, I am so thrilled for them to experience so many new adventures their life is about to bring.

I was lucky to have two phenomenal ladies step up to the plate to still make the workshop a spectacular one…

Brand Market Workshop

group at bmw
bmw 06 (1)

Leslie Kerrigan - BMW One on One Sessions - BMW

BMW - Instructors bmw 71 (1)bmw 67 (1)

bmw 70 (1)

bmw 46 (1)

Mandy Rye of Waiting on Martha lead the way in the Branding portion of the workshop, sharing the story behind her biz, her rules of ethics, secrets to success, strategies, and tips for making big strides in a short amount of time. We were all ferociously taking notes.

I also shared my portion on marketing, going over how to grow your business through social media, a breakdown of a memorable media kit, pitching to your dream brands, and even studying the brands of a few successful friends who have made it big! (A big thank you to Camille Styles, Little Hip Squeaks, Freshly Picked, and Hilary Rushford for sharing some wisdom with us from afar!)

Leslie Kerrigan of Seniorologie wrapped up the workshop with a portion on photography, lighting, and photo styling. She also snapped some gorgeous headshots of each attendee to use for their professional portfolios and sites.

The day included one on one sessions in which I got to chat with each individual on their business….their goals, their business strategies, and a plan of action on how to get there. This of course was my favorite part…I am so energized by talking with entrepreneurs and doing a small part in helping their business succeed. I can’t wait to see where they go!

I really am so excited about the upcoming workshops we have in store for 2014! You can hop on the email list on The Brand Market website if you want the announcement of what cities and dates we will be hitting up next:)

Chelsey Heidorn is the awesome photographer behind these photos.


*Part One and Part Two of the workshop in case you missed!


Rukaa Knits

November 22, 2013

Rukaa Scarf- IHOD rukaa scarf

We are packing up and headed north to a blustery forecast and you can bet your bottom I am bringing this warm and cozy knit cowl!  Its a neapolitan color blend with the softest feel!

So just a quick hello and a heads up about this sweet etsy seller Amy and her beautiful shop Rukaa!

Happy weekend!


Coffee Chat: Back to Schoolish

November 19, 2013

Back to Schoolish - IHOD Back to Schoolish In Honor of Design | Back to Schoolish
IHOD- Back to Scoolish Plaid + Stripes
Jacket: c/o Love Shopping Miami // Plaid Shirt: AE via Twice  // Skirt: c/o Love Shopping Miami
Beanie: Target // Boots: J. Crew (Sample sale but similar) // Watch: Aldo

As you instagram friends know, I like to have virtual coffee chats once in a while, so taking it here again on the blog. Join in on your own blog if you like! I would love to read! 

1). Current shows Gabe and I are stalking on Netflix: ONCE and Revolution. After whining about having to wait for Downton to Return, you all came through for me with many ways to acquire these episodes beforehand. I feel horribly guilty (maybe I don’t but I should) for watching them early, but with convenience of early peeking at my fingertips, what’s a girl to do? 😉

2). We have successfully held off on Christmas music until now, but once I found this record player and then a stack of old school Christmas records, I caved. Don’t tell my sisters I broke out long standing family rule! If it keeps us all happy with high spirits (especially Veronica), than I have no qualms. The rug is being cut as a result;) Gabe already put lights on the house so that when we get back from our upcoming trip he can come home and plug them right in. What a goose.

3). I should be whipping out Christmas and Thanksgiving DIY’s right about now as most successful bloggers are doing, but I am afraid my brain cannot be cable jumped at the moment, and there are no creative thoughts that are producing. I am taking the cue to take it easy and focus on making my children’s advent and Christmas a memorable one. I was frantically putting together the IHOD Holiday Guide last year, and though I will miss doing it, I am more than a little relieved to have no looming deadlines. And on that note, this.

4). After mentioning in this post I would probably need to hire an inbox assistant soon, I received some incredible resumes and decided to jump start this thing a little early. My type frantic fingers won’t know what to with their new found freedom! I will be sure to report how it’s going.

5). I may have tips for successful family photos down, but someone want to help me out with how to pack for a family a five for a week? Because there has to be a better way than packing two outfits for each child + laundry detergent to save room;)

6.) I am taking the pledge NOT to shop on Thanksgiving.

*All photos by the lovely Chelsey Heidorn

The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It’s the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows & the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years.” 

~ Audrey Hepburn

The Brand Market Workshop – Part 2 – Swag Bags

November 18, 2013

If you missed part one of the decor and space recap, you can check it out here.

I am SO grateful for each of the companies that sponsored the bags full of swag to make our first workshop totes top notch! It is always a perk to get to know new handmade and small business indie shops…

The Brand Market Totes
Grove Street Press

Acute Designs

Carde Blanche

wind and willow home


Threads Bracelets Shop Rkitekt Necklaces

45 Wall Design Jotters 

WOM Keychains

verily mag

skoope home
^^Photo by the lovely Tranae of Becoming Fab ^^

Wild Tonic



bmw 45 copy

Brand Market Totes
^Last three photos by Chelsey Heidorn Photograpy^^

Quite the array of itmes, right?! Thank you to the following companies for making our attendees so happy:

45 Wall Design Jotters
Acute Designs Earrings
A Wild Tonic Prints
Carde Blanche Note Cards
Mes Petites Etoiles Pencils
Rifle Paper Co. Notebooks
Shop Rkitekt Necklaces
Skoope Home Pillow Cases
The Grove Street Press Letterpress Cards
Threads Bracelets
Verily Magazine November Issues
Waiting on Martha Keychains
Wind and Willow Home Wooden Dipped Bowls

Each bag also included a stack of resource prints to help with social media tips, branding visuals, and resources for all the sites they would need to know about as a creative entrepreneur.

We are going to be giving away some extra goodies we have on hand all week on the facebook page if you want in on that action;)

Stay tuned for Part 3 about the Atlanta Brand Market Worskhop!




November 15, 2013

Bohemian Dress - IHOD

IHOD - Bohemian

bohemian dress- ihod

Hat: c/o Shop Sosie (out of stock but similar) // Dress: c/o Shop KikiLarue // Boots: Jeffrey Campbell (similar here or here)

Well loves,

Here to report on how I am doing with taking it easy…..

Not so well. (shocker.) This week was actually non-stop, BUT the good thing is, the majority of my time this week was spent with friends and family. Been focusing on catching up and checking in and calling to say hi, etc. Its been great actually. And I even cleaned that dirty corner of the family room I had been hiding behind the couch. Big strides. I never had much appreciation for the month of November but this year it has been a grand one. It has taken me years to figure out how to live in the present, but when you can do so, it makes you feel like you are fully ALIVE. My little ones are at such a fun age and Gabe and I feel like kids counting down till Christmas. We will be starting the weekend off with a date with friends which is welcomed and needed for both of us!

Now on to the fun link round up….

The savvy, smart, and Hilary (who came up with our #EncourageBeauty campaign) is launching a book. And oh boy, you will not want to miss this.

You know how I am perpetually on the hunt for the perfect mascara? Well my top favorite right now is L’Oreal dual action. However, my friend Grace is the honest blogger I am going to trust on this one and I may be trying her #1 pick.

If you have never read one of Meg’s “Conversations” posts, now would be the time.

A  new to me shop I swooned for this week.

Delivered in my inbox every morning that I thoroughly look forward to.

Newest design blog I am crazy about. (AND she is the nicest blogger ever.)

The perfect affordable gift.

The recipe I am hoping to tackle try next.

Gabe and I recently saw this movie. Intense and really well done (as MOST of Tom Hanks movies are).

In Other news…
*Totally honored to be featured over at SMP Living for Best Dressed Blogger. You can head over to check out my 5 must haves for every woman’s wardrobe!

My sister Jana is in college and with a few of her friends, she is helping 5 new single mothers who are in tough financial situations (with two of them having babies in NICU!), by throwing them a big baby shower. Pretty cool right? If you are a shop owner that covers the genre of babies or mamas, and you are up for donating a few items, please email me! If you are able to donate even $5 to help with the diapers and basics they are getting for them, I will be posting the link to do so over on facebook. Thanks friends!

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