Little Finds: Joules Rainboots + Giveaway

June 19, 2013

Little Finds - Joules

Joules Rain Boots
Joules-Rain Boots
Little Finds - Joules Wellies  Little Finds | Joules
We had the strangest weather pattern yesterday. It was stormy and sunny, on and off all day long. I love a good summer storm tough. It comes strong and leaves quick. My little Veronica and Gabriel love them as well. They are like mini music boxes, and have songs for every occasion. As soon as it starts raining, I hear Veronica:
“Rain rain go away, come again. Rain rain go away, come again.”
Gabriel chimes in with: “If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gumdrops or what a rain that would be…!”

They also have this thing with rain boots. Its the preferred shoe of choice…at all times….even if its 90 degrees and sunny. Last week I got to show them their new ones from Joules Clothing. A lot of emphatic and enthusiastic expressions ensued. They were a hit as you may have guessed. Gabriel’s boots had sharks on them…enough said. Veronica made sure to tell me that they were “pretty mama!” as she slipped her little feet inside. You have to check out the other girls rain boots. So adorable. ( So impressed with the quality as well. )


Summer Postcard .01

June 18, 2013

summer postcard

Outside photo // Inside photo

Here is your weekly dose of color/photo inspiration!
If I could send you a postcard, here is what it would look like:)

Today its a slow and steady drizzle outside,
My sister Jana is teaching Veronica songs on the front porch as they watch the rain fall.
Gabriel is riding around me on his tricycle.
I am writing out a very long to-do before baby arrives list.
Gabe is reading his daily dose of morning news.

I couldn’t  take enough handfuls of these days. I love being surrounded by my family.
This morning is just a taste of summer and its many facets.
Raising my glass of chocolate protein shake to you!
Cheers to the week ahead friends!


Style that Bump: Maternity Fashion Collaboration

June 17, 2013


Work Fashion

My outfit: Shorts and Top: More of Me, Jacket: J.Crew(old), Sandals: Guess (similar), Earrings: Bauble Bar

I am sure its fun for you all to see some fresh faces over here! All beautiful mamas to be. Lynzy had the fun idea of sharing a different ways to style the bump throughout your pregnancy. I know I could use all the inspiration I could get on that front.

Tiffany from I am Style-ish –  26 weeks
Abbey from Along Abbey Road – 19 weeks
Emily from The Freckled Fox – 22 weeks
Lynzy from Sparkling Footsteps –  24 weeks
Now that I am down to a few weeks left, I am kind of sad maternity fashion will be coming to an end. This pregnancy challenged me to go a little further in finding comfortable options that don’t compromise your style. Now I will just have to have fun watching these lovely ladies work it through pregnancy! You can check out their blogs for more on these looks and the outfit details!

Wedding Gift Picks with Uncommon Goods

June 14, 2013

uncommon goods

Wedding season is in full swing. I get really excited whenever we get the chance to attend one. Its kind of magical. That newlywed bliss hits everyone around the bride and groom. Not to mention the food, decor, and pretty dresses are a major perk. We won’t be able to attend but one this summer due to the impending child I have in my womb;) but I do get to still buy some wedding gifts which is fun to do when it can be done from the comfort of your living room, right?

Found so many fun ideas at Uncommon Goods. Unique, fun, and affordable! Here are a few I am debating between to gift this summer! ..

1. Personalized prints – I thought it was clever how you can add the names of the bride and groom to this 20’s-esque modern art print. EVERY bride and groom need art to hang in their new home also so its a win win. This would be a good joint gift from a group of friends too. Also check out the city line prints! Maybe one of them is their honeymoon spot or where they live!

2. Baseball Bat Bottle Opener – This one would be more for the groom, unless they are super cool chicks who are crazy about baseball! These bottle openers can be made from a game opener of their favorite team! My husband would die over a gift like this. (Major Brewers fan!)

3. Soup and Crackers Bowls – because how cute?! I love ceramic pieces that have extra functions like this. Would be an original gift that you can guaranty won’t be gifted by someone else. (Hate it when that happens!)

4. Yours, Mine, and Ours Decanter Set – One of my favorite old movies by the way if you have never seen it – Yours, Mine, and Ours – check it out! Thought this set is a fun way to get their bar cart started and a reminder to cheers to each other and enjoy the friendship you have in a marriage.

5. Anniversary Wine Box– giving them celebratory wine three years in advance! I like it! Its a great way of wishing them many happy years together:)

6. Chalkboard Cheese Plate – This makes me want to throw another wine and cheese party. Such a cute way to display cheese and inform guests what they are tasting. A perfect wedding gift for the social couple. (And for under $50!)

You can check out the rest of Uncommon Goods wedding gift ideas here.
Are you attending any weddings this summer??
Hope you all have a fantastic June weekend ahead!

*This is a sponsored post and is %100 my own opinion!


Real Chat: Change and Peace

June 13, 2013

Veronica and Mama

I used to be able to watch just about any movie and not shed a tear. I wasn’t the emotional type. I kind of took pride in this because I hated vulnerability.

Well a few things changed that in the past few years….experiencing love, marriage, and having children. You know, those major life events that seem to break down all the wall barriers you have around your heart. I can’t seem to watch a movie without finding some element to get weepy about. Simple moments in my day turn into emotional ones. Sometimes I wish I could turn off the vulnerability I feel….that so much of my heart is held by my husband and children. That my happiness rests in theirs.

We are about to have another season change…a new life will enter our little world, and everyone’s place will shift and maybe even tilt for a while. Its leaving me feeling pretty vulnerable and emotional. As the mother, you feel everyone’s pains and joys in the most real way. So I am feeling what each person will go through when this little love arrives…

Gabe and I will seek to find a new daily rhythm, Gabriel will feel have to adjust and understand our attention diversion, and Veronica will no longer have her place as the baby. My heart aches a little when things change. Its letting go of something familiar that you love and are comfortable with and accepting and making room for something different. However, by experience, God has always proved to us that when you hand over and trust him with a big part of your lives, it always ends up being even better than your before.

I have shed a few tears letting go of the fact that my Veronica Rose is no longer a baby. That suddenly she is a spunky independent little miss ready to explore life. I can’t help but give into her pleas for more time for me to hold her or stay with her at night. I don’t want those minutes to slip away. Her little world may be confused for a time, but we know that a brother or sister will soon be much more fun than mama and daddy’s attention anyways. I already can’t wait for her and Gabriel to see that they get to keep this baby forever. (They are both crazy about new babies!)

I look at these last few weeks before due date as a chance to accept the change and vulnerability of these roller coaster emotions and make room for peace. That blissful peace that comes in waves after you give birth to a new life….if you let it in. I think we can prevent so many grand experiences when we hold onto fear and worry. There are too many what if’s and how will we’s to count…so I let them go. I choose peace. Its really the only way to receive. There is much to receive ahead and we anxiously await:)


Good Design, Designed for Good : Method Products

June 12, 2013

Method Hand Soap Packaging
DIY Housewarming gift


I admit I totally judge a product by its cover. I am drawn to good design and packaging (just check my pinterest board dedicated to it;)), so I was all about Method’s new Designed for Good product line. Pretty perfect, right? Kudos to the designer on this one! I want to line my kitchen windowsill with these squeeze me cute droplet shaped bottles. My kids were excited about them to because of all the animal shapes and colors:)

I think these bottles are cute enough to be gifted! I put together the housewarming gift idea above and used a simple wood tray as the gift box. All you need is a few bottles of Method Hand Soap, some dishwasher pods, a scrub brush, and any other cleaning supplies that are helpful, and you have a cute and easy way to welcome someone to their new home. Maybe throw in a pair of yellow rubber hand gloves as well;)


What’s also brilliant about this design is that it directly ties into their current efforts to prevent animal cruelty (they never test any of their products or ingredients on animals, and never use animal by-products) and keep their ingredients 100% naturally derived. So not only is it Good for Design, but its Designed for Good. Pretty cool, palindrom there, huh? Combine these perks with the fact that the scent is spectacular (and I mean, like the kind you keep sniffing to keep you in that happy place..) and you have yourself a real winner of a product.

Have you tried their products before? Thoughts?

Fun perks you should know about:

~ You can get 20% off method products on Soap{dot}com if you are a first time buyer! (use code PAWPRINT)

~ If you want to enter to win these soaps + a $50 gift card to Soap{dot}com, you can upload a photo of your pet to either facebook or instagram for a chance.
Facebook: Find the ‘pet photo contest’ tab on Method’s Facebook page (mobile here) and follow the instructions on the tab for uploading your photo.
Instagram: Post your pet’s photo to your Instagram account using the hashtag #methodcutepets, and follow @methodhome. The contest will begin on June 11 and end June 30. Method will select one winner each week!

Have fun with this!

Full Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Method and is %100 my own opinion.

Charleston Getaway

June 11, 2013

Charleston Beach Houses
Isle of Palms
Beach StrollCharleston, SC MarketCharleston Farmers Market Streetside
Pasta - Charleston Farmers MarketCharleston MarketCharleston Market CrepesBike ridebike ride - Charleston copyBattery Park
beach - Charleston
Shem Creek Shem Creek Charleston
Captain AmericaSullivans Island

Despite tropical storm forecasts, Gabe and I took our chances and headed to Charleston for our last chance to get away for the weekend before the new baby arrives. We made it on Friday at midnight and headed straight to the beach. We saw what seemed to be the whole galaxy and the big beautiful vast ocean all to ourselves. It was just us with a whole weekend of possibilities ahead. When you are without your kids for the first time in four years, you feel a sense of……freedom! We were back at the beach by 7am ready to conquer the day. Since our time was short we wanted to make the most of it.

By what I would like to tribute as a complete gift from the Almighty, we had beautiful weather all weekend, had extremely good food experiences, and Gabe’s favorite – found perfect parking spots. I even got to meet up with my friend Hallie, a talented writer/blogger who I stalk for motherhood and marriage advice. I actually had brought her book in my bag for some beachside reading, so when I found out impromptu she lived in Charleston, a dessert meet up became imperative. She is now a real life friend. Don’t you love when things align as such??

Gabe and I chased the weekend hard and are wiped out as a result (and hello swollen feet), but had such a blast. We wouldn’t mind living in Charleston…..the charm gets a hold of you. Its pretty apparent that a weekend away gives you that chance to completely detach from distractions and really zone in on each other. Its needed and necessary in a marriage. Anyways…on to the recs… 

Good Eats:
Farmers Market Crepes – There are breakfast and lunch booths in the Market. We chose one that offered many crepe varieties. The Count of Monte Cristo was memorable!
Shem Creek Bar and Grill – Overlooks the marshy area of Shem Creek. Still dreaming about that dinner.
Seabiscuit – Chill, relaxed, small joint, with just about the best breakfast menu you could dream up. Right off the beach.
Basil Thai Restaurant – Green Tea Fried Ice Cream…yeah.

Isle of Palms (more quite residential)
Sullivan’s Island (more commercial/hotel)

Battery Park
King Street
Rainbow Row
Saw the above sites via Bike Rental (We used The Bicycle Shoppe)
Stella Maris Church

Thank you all SO much for the great tips on facebook and instagram! We were able to fit so much in because we had so many great leads to follow. We need a whole week to hit them all:) If you have any questions about these spots let me know!

And that my friends is a brief summary of a successful (miraculously so) babymooniversary:)


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