1st and 3rd Birthday Celebration Details

April 18, 2012

Since this was a party with lots of little ones and double the amount of adults, I focused on having a relaxed and open setting with good food, drinks, and activities on hand:) I wrapped both the food table and kids table with kraft paper (you can buy it by the roll). The kids could use their space to color and it also makes for an easy clean up! Since it was a party for Gabriel AND Veronica, I used Navy, Lime, and Bright Pink as the color theme. I had such a hard time finding these colors in stores (especially navy) so I was thrilled when these shops came through for me! ….
Plates, Napkins, Cutlery, Balloons, Striped Straws via PlatesandNapkins.com (the only place I could find these colors!)
Cupcake liners and toppers kit via The Papered Nest
Tissue Pom Kit via Pom Love
We were blessed to celebrate with many good friends, and hopefully captured some memories for our children:) I will post three party DIY’s tomorrow so stay tuned!
P.S. The winner of the GCOCH giveaway was #3….Danielle! Please contact me for info! Thanks to everyone who entered! Look forward to seeing you on the site:)

Veronica Rose: 1 Year

April 17, 2012

We celebrated Veronica Rose’s 1st Birthday over the weekend, and when your baby turns one, the whole year flashes before you. You can never turn back time, and the most you can do is try your best to soak up the fleeting moments…
We thought she might get a head of hair for her first birthday….maybe for her 2nd birthday;)
Gabe and I can’t get over how much love Gabriel and Veronica have for each other. One of our favorite aspects of seeing them grow together…
She has got the words mama, dada, and apple down. The world of vocabulary awaits her.
Can’t get enough of this plum cheek’s smile, and I sure hope and pray that her sweet disposition lasts through this next year:)
So bittersweet to see them grow up.
We love you so dearly Veronica Rose!

True Beauty Files: Styling Mint 3 ways

April 16, 2012

I have a fun mix up for today’s lookbook post:) I teamed up with Kristen and Carly to bring you three different ways to style Mint this season…

I thought it would be fun to pair seafoam and mint since they compliment each other so well – a great monochromatic look. I added a punch of orange to complete the look, because as you can see in Friday’s post, I love the pairing of mint and tangerine;)
{Top: HM, Tank: F21, Pants: LOFT (similar here or here), Tote: HM, Shoes: HM (similar), Necklace, HM, Bracelets: DIY, made by me, Sunglasses: UO}
Every season there are a few colors that I gravitate towards and one of them for Spring 2012 is most definitely “Mint”!   I personally think it looks sensational and unexpected when paired with black but also adore it paired with a soft palette of cream, khaki or white.  When a piece/color can be that versatile, it is a win win in my fashion book!  Hope this inspires you to find something “mint” for your Spring wardrobe. Happy Shopping!

I know the color of the year is Tangerine Tango and as much as I love it, I’ve been even more obsessed with a certain pastel hue. I’ve been on the hunt for mint pieces to add to my wardrobe for weeks and weeks. Unfortunately, a rather BIG baby bump prevented me from indulging in my mint obsession, until I came across this gorgeous statement necklace. It pops against my plain black maxi and I can see it working with more neutral hues, as well as prints. Score!

Be sure to check out Thirty Something Fashion and BonBon Rose Girls to see their full post!
(Both these mamas have babies on the way and are beautiful, aren’t they??)

Real Talk Over Coffee: Victoria’s Sacred

April 14, 2012

Hi friends, I am so very excited to start this new series on IHOD, because I feel as women, we seek to be encouraged and uplifted by each other. This series will cover many topics and experiences, and I hope it will inspire and uplift your spirit. I don’t guaranty you will always agree with what I say or what my guest posters write, but I do hope on the most part this series can become one you look forward to reading every Saturday with your cup of coffee (I have mine in hand)!
Let me introduce you to Elizabeth, who writes over here. My sister is a friend of hers so when she shared this post, I read it mouth agape and glued to the screen. I identified with it. I think you will to. I took excerpts from the full post, so take a moment to read and leave your thoughts!
(image via here. Trying to track down the source.)
“It was a night in the Fall and my Facebook newsfeed was blowing up, as it tends to do, when there is some important sporting event or national crisis or holiday taking place. But the guys and girls weren’t posting about their favorite team or what they were eating for Thanksgiving. For guys, the statuses went something like this:
And the girls, like this:
…Never looking in the mirror again.
My Facebook friends were watching the Annual Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.
I’ve only seen a snippet of it, but the part I saw included an interview with one of the “angels” (what they call the lingerie models.) She spoke about dreams and following them and how any girl can be whatever she wants to be if she just believes, etc. and generally, this seemed to be a large part of the feel of the show. Building self-confidence. Empowering women. And while it may empower the models in some ways, we can’t help but notice that it does quite the opposite to most of the female viewers. Again, you need only look at the Facebook statuses. Most girls and women I know who see a Victoria’s Secret model think not, oh that’s so empowering, I feel better about myself, but instead, oh wow, I’m so ugly. She’s so hot. How can I ever look like her?
..Often the answers involve some sort of reason for why the models aren’t really that great so that we can feel better about ourselves.. 
Some will answer the problem with the classic “every girl is beautiful” concept. Dove does this in many of their ads by taking “regular women” (makeup-less, different shapes and sizes) and having them model in underwear. But while many of us may feel comparatively better about ourselves because of this type of campaign, it doesn’t seem to be enough. We want to know why we’re beautiful. And we want to know we are beautiful even while standing next to a Victoria’s Secret model.
I am going to suggest that the answer to this problem lies in our recognition of the fact that we are sacred. There was a time when this was commonly accepted. There was a time when a man would kneel down and kiss every woman’s hand because she was a woman. But by the fault of both men and women we have created a culture in which women are either treated as men or as sex objects. Rarely something in between, and too often they are treated as both. Many women don’t like the idea of being labeled because of their womanhood. But the truth is, this labeling is the only way our daughters and sisters and mothers and friends—ourselves—will ever truly feel beautiful. We need to bring back the age-old concept of the woman as sacred. In Part Two, I will address how we go about doing this.” -Elizabeth Hannah (You can read part Two here.)

Color File: Mint + Tangerine

April 13, 2012

{Img: Backstage at Tory Burch | Headphones | Necklace | Scallop Tee | Glasses | Skirt | Sandals}
Fun Links for your Weekend:
Pretty easy sock bun tutorial.
A very clever idea for your next picnic.
Sarah launched her new Events site, and its pretty spectacular.
Leah posted a really cool DIY body scrub!
If you are a beginner blogger, you will want to check out Dana’s e-book!
In Case You missed it:
Floral + Pastel Lookbook Post
A fun new site + a giveaway to Madewell, J. Crew, Gap, etc!
DIY Chunky Pearls and Crystal Statement Necklace
Stay tuned for the start of tomorrow’s new series!

DIY: Chunky Pearl and Crystal Statement Necklace

April 12, 2012

I admit, I miss accessory designing, so I had to get my hands into something;)
Bead Strand
(I purchased mine in store at Hobby Lobby, but you can also buy a similar one here.)
1/4 in. wide Ribbon
2 Jumprings
2 Crimps (got mine here)
The bead strand was %50 off at Hobby Lobby, so the grand total: $4.00
This DIY can be applied to any bead strand types you find!
Since bead strands already have strong fish wire cord and stoppers at the ends, it makes it really easy to turn it into a necklace! I am lucky to have most of these supplies still around from jewelry making.

1) Using your pliers wrap the crimp around the ends of the fishwire, BELOW the small bead stoppers. Press and pinch closed so that it is tight and secure.
2) Loop your jump rings through both ends.
3) Measure how long you want your ribbon to hang. I usually make it longer so it is adjustable. Loop through the jumprings (you will have four total ends), and trim ends if needed. Tie around your neck.
Happy beadmaking!

Take 3: Image Meets Type

April 11, 2012

One of my favorite aspects of being a graphic designer, is brand and typography research. These past few months, image and type have been a hot trend in the field…
1) Kling’s Spring campaign is stellar! As well as everything in their shop…
2) Wouldn’t you want to have coffee and breakfast with a buddy at this little corner?
3) This Beach Vacation print reminds me of those childhood memories of summer I miss!
Today is my little Veronica Rose’s first birthday. Hands down the fastest year of my life so far! Definately bittersweet. It is hard to see your babies grow up but exciting to see their little personalities grow. She will be celebrating along with her brother this weekend (both April babies) and I will be sure to share a peek next week along with her last month by month photo:)

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