Birthday Blessings

June 22, 2011

I woke up this morning and got to spend some time snuggling with little Veronica. It was going to be a good day already. When I turned to get out of bed I saw this pretty little box on my nightstand….

My husband picked out a beautiful little birthday surprise for me. (Despite my pleas for no gifts this year!) I went to thank him and found him cooking me quite the breakfast…. I was so grateful in that moment that God had given me someone that continually shows me selfless and unconditional love. 
This year I am thankful…..
…for two healthy children with squishy cheeks and smiles that make the sun rise.
….for a husband who works hard for our family and never thinks of himself.
….for a house over our heads and jobs to provide.
….for family and friends to learn from, be inspired by, and grow with. 
…for a God who is much greater than my meager mind, 
and who never fails to demonstrate his love in my life.

Looking forward to the years to come. Cheers!

Understanding Aperture

June 21, 2011

Since receiving my new camera, I have had to dig out my old notes from college and refresh my memory on things like lighting, ISO speed, and aperture. I found this on pinterest via thedailydigi, and thought I would pass along. A visual lesson which is sometimes the easiest way to learn! Don’t see the difference? Look at the opening in the lens! (The larger the whole, the more light that enters the lens:)
Hope you all are having a great week so far!
The 1000 celebration will continue next week…..HINT: look out for some bloggers sporting some IHOD accessories;)

Little Finds: Edition 1

June 20, 2011

1. Tin Tub- Well Appointed House 2. Book Holder – Dwell Studio 3. Zoo Packs – Skip Hop
4. Stacked Animals Puzzle – Dwell Studio 5. Green Suitcases- Basic French 6. Teething Rings – Koukku via Black Eiffel

I have had baby on the brain since my sister just had a sweet little girl this weekend! Avila Maria. She is beautiful! Veronica now has a best buddy for life!
There are so many fantastic products for children on the market right now!! The colors are spectacular and the majority are baby safe! Hope you enjoy the round up!!
<3 Anna

Style files: Glitter Guide

June 17, 2011

(Blair Eadie on Glitter Guide)
Have you seen it? Glitter Guide launched this week. An immediate addiction:)
…and they interviewed one of my favorite fashion bloggers!
**I am guest posting with Jessica over at Creative Index and spilling my favorite artists, simple pleasures, and more:) You will love her blog! **

What are your weekend plans?? I am on pins and needles waiting for my sister’s baby to arrive! She is due on monday! AND we don’t know what she is having! SO EXCITED!

The Perfect Pair

June 15, 2011

They belong together:)
I am behind on catching up with all of you, but promise to come visit soon!

Veronica Rose: 2 months

June 14, 2011

I originally got the month by month baby photo idea from Nicole of MakingitLovely. I thought it was such a fantastic idea to document baby’s growth this way. It will hold me accountable! 😀
I already shared with you her Veronica’s newborn photos. For her one month photo, I didn’t have these month by month stickers yet (thanks Carrie!). When I saw them, they were to cute and easy to use to pass up!
Oh and guess what?! My little Canon Powershot Camera broke last week.  SO, we used the Royalty Program and traded it in for the Canon Rebel XS at a super discounted price! Excited would be an understatement. Felt like Christmas morning! I snapped this lovely pic of little miss Veronica Rose with my new toy:) 2 months has FLOWN by and I kiss her sweet cheeks hundreds of times a day to make sure I am soaking her up. She is such a wonderful baby. She is starting to smile every time we talk to her, and she even recognizes big brothers voice:) I count my blessings every day…
P.S. I almost forgot to announce the winner of the Mokkafiveoclock Skirt giveaway! ….#38 – Aspiring Kennedy!! Congrats! will be contacting you to claim your prize! Thank you to all who entered!


June 13, 2011

When I mentioned it was a crazy week last week, this is one of the reasons why…
My husband accepted a job in Atlanta, and we are moving our little family from KS back to GA next month! Mixed emotions come with this move. Atlanta feels like home to us since it is where we got married and had our first child, and made many good friends….so we are excited to be back again. However, it is very difficult to leave my sister and her family:( We are very close to them and have loved having them as such a big part of our lives in the last few years.
But every chapter in life brings both trials and blessings. I am thankful for both these last few years, and looking forward to the next chapter and what it will bring!
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