Pantry Organization + Grocery Planning.

January 22, 2019

We converted our laundry room into a walk in pantry last year, and I wasn’t sure if we would actually be able to stay on top of it being organized! We still have the small side pantry in the kitchen which many of the odd end items and half eaten bag of chips land. Overall, we’ve been able to keep up with this setup, and this pantry has been so helpful with staying on top of food organization. We no longer have to store half of of our food items in the garage, and we can now keep better track of what what food we have in stock and what we are running low on. Having a place for everything has really cut down on waste and spending!


The re-definition of superwoman.

January 17, 2019


We each may have a different perspective of who superwoman is. Usually it’s a woman who seems to be juggling many hats with grace. We may have even dubbed someone with the title in amazement as we try to comprehend how they do it. I know I have. I don’t think it’s ever meant to be mean anything negative. In fact it’s a term we often use to compliment someone we admire. As I see the achievement oriented, goal crushing, have it all culture continue to affect so many women I know, I felt the need to write this post. I think a re-defining of the term superwoman is in order…


$500 Powder Room Makeover Challenge

January 11, 2019


(design by Caseworkit)

We started on our first home project of the year this week with a $500 powder room makeover challenge! We have gotten to work with some wonderful companies this past year on renovation projects, but we really want to be able to share more budget friendly ideas with our readers. Designing your home doesn’t have to drain your savings account! The powder bathroom we are renovating is on the main floor of our home, so it is the most used. Read on for the before picture, and what we have started already…

5 habits that changed my life for the better.

January 9, 2019


As a chronic list maker and goal setter, I actually started the year with the determination to make zero goals. Odd right? But as someone who has put too much value in the past on productivity, this year is more about continuing the practice of rest and habits that fuel my life in the right ways. It takes a long time to become the person you hope to be, but the small habits we implement are what lead to the bigger outcomes. I wanted to share 5 habits that changed my life for the better, and that I am continuing to fight for throughout this year…


Our 2019 Home Renovation Project List

January 2, 2019


We moved into this home over 2 years ago, and the goal was always to renovate one room at a time. It helps me to put my focus and energy in one direction so it actually gets completed! The problem though is I already want to change up a few spaces we completed in the beginning! My mind is always turning and it is hard to shut off that creative side sometimes…to a fault! Gabe and I had a meeting the other day about our goals for this home in 2019, and I am sharing it here so you can follow along with the process as we go!

What is a Life Projection Plan?

January 1, 2019


I couldn’t think of a better post to begin 2019 with than to share a golden nugget of wisdom a long time family friend gave me recently. It was concrete advice that I wish I would have heard years ago. She recommended I sit down with Gabe and write a “life projection plan.”It is a mission statement of sorts that helps us keep the focus on the main goals for personal, marriage, and family. (Which in turn affects everything else!) As over-thinkers, it has already helped us both tremendously when we are facing both big and small decisions and choices. It has helped us narrow where our focus should be day to day, as well as long term vision. I thought I would share a list of starting questions you can adjust according to your own situations that might give you a positive start to the new year.


IHOD Readers’ Top 10 of 2018

December 28, 2018


Today we are re-capping the top 10 most read posts on IHOD in 2018. I am always tempted to withdraw the personal aspect of this blog and keep it mainly focused on design, because that would be easier than to put the hard parts of your life on display, right?  As someone who loves to find meaning in my work (INFJ here), I keep pushing myself to keep this place an honest one that doesn’t give a false portrayal of perfectionism. We would always prefer connection and community over painting a pretty picture!  It looks like you appreciate that too. Sigh of relief! So without further ado….


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