Chattanooga Weekend Getaway Part 2

May 27, 2015

Pub Trolley

We squeezed in as much as we could for our weekend getaway to Chattanooga, so I split it into two posts. You can check out some of the spots we visited in the part 1 re-cap post. We got really lucky because despite the rainy forecast, we had a fairly sunny Saturday where we were able to visit Rock City, have lunch outdoors, hit up the TN Aquarium (more details about that here!), and even squeeze in a visit to High Point Climbing and Fitness before evening rolled around. I know…. I am tired just typing that out, but I think the excitement of it all is what carried our kids through the day (in addition to quick naps and rest breaks in the car). How about that pub trolley above? Downtown Chattanooga was full of life and activity. We had fun just watching all the different buzz going on. If you are visiting for a weekend, the TN Vacation site has a guide you can request with all of the options for the weekend. We used this when deciding our schedule for the day:) 

Rock Climbing for kids
High Point: Rock climbing for kids

Gabriel and Veronica were most excited about rock climbing at High Point Climbing and Fitness. I couldn’t believe the size of this place. There were walls indoor and outside for all levels of skill. I actually was super pumped about trying it myself until the guys at the front counter kindly reminded me I had to wear a harness that probably wouldn’t be so good for the pregnant belly;) The kids zone was a large variety of walls and climbing options that was adaptable for all ages. Veronica and Gabriel had their little shoes and gear on and after a few warm ups, wanted to scale the walls by themselves. I was so proud of how brave they both were. Gabe spotted them from behind. Max and I cheered them on from the sidelines.

Taco MamacitasMilk & Honey, Chattanooga TNMilk & Honey Gelatovia IHOD

We had worked up quite an appetite so we headed to Taco Mamacitas thanks to a readers recommendation and indulged on some seriously good Tacos and guacamole. I crave tacos frequently as of late, and these didn’t disappoint. We walked next door for dessert to Milk & Honey where we indulged in some of the best gelato I have had since Italy. I think I might just shimmy up there again this weekend just for another gelato visit. Pregnancy cravings are real friends. You think I’m kidding…;)

via In Honor of Design
As you can imagine, the gang was wiped out after the long day so they got a little netflix in bed before crashing hard. I am so happy I managed to capture Veronica’s hand over mouth giggle. Makes me laugh every time I see it.

Plaid crew

Got up early for breakfast in our hotel atSpringhill Suites, and then to the cathedral for morning Mass service. It was a rainy day, but we were hoping it would clear for a short time for one more event…

Train StationTicket counterTrain ride
Train ride
Train ride

My son Gabriel has been crazy about trains since he was two years old. The Tennessee Valley Railroad has the opportunity for you to take a real train ride through original TN railroad tracks. Half way through they even did a demo on trains switching tracks on a turntable. This is the stuff little Gabriel’s dreams are made of! There was a train yard full of old and new trains to look at as well.


We finished the trip at a cool little spot called The Yellow Deli. At this point Max did not want to sit down, and they happened to have this cool corner upstairs with a big wooden table and wooden benches that was secured by a gate. I couldn’t believe it! All kids contained for one last meal;) Their sandwiches though….magnifique.

Chattanooga offers so many options for families. We could have made a week out of it! I loved that everything was available within a short distance with easy access. We hope we can continue to take trips together and encourage in our children the curiosity to seek new cultures and maybe even countries one day.

This post is in partnership with TDTD and is 100% our own experience and opinion. Thanks for supporting the companies that make this blog possible!

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