#EncourageBeauty Challenge: The Details

February 28, 2013

Yesterday Hilary of Dean Street Society & I introduced you to something we’re calling #EncourageBeauty. Today we are sharing how you can get involved..
The idea is simple: Print out this calendar (and share if you like!) & commit to encouraging beauty in someone each day this month. Fill in those blanks as you go along, and by the end of the month, you will have uplifted, inspired, and given heart to 31 deserving people. Maybe your commitment will be 31 handwritten notes or 31 sincere emails and phone calls – whichever it is, the goal is to make small and significant change in those around us, which always leads to big change in the world around us. You can even share the completed calendar at the end of the month!
Some ideas to get you going: 
A compliment to a coworker in person // a thoughtful comment on a blog // a handwritten note to an old friend // a message left in lipstick on the mirror for your roommate at 5am. // It can be 11:58pm when you head over to Instagram to pay a stranger a compliment with #EncourageBeauty. There are no rules. There is just generosity & moments to encourage and uplift.
Share your stories all month by leaving comments on our blogs & Instagram profiles. You can also write your own blog posts & add the button to your sidebar. Search #EncourageBeauty to find other bettys who share your heart in this…
Thank you for inspiring these ideas in us & being the kind of community we know shares our heart.
And to close, a reminder from the wise Audrey Hepburn: People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.”

P.S. Here’s a recap of your next steps:
1. Print out the calendar & save it somewhere easy to write on. 
2. Print or download the manifesto, part 1 or part 2. Save them in places where you’ll see them: Your mirror, your desk, your journal.
3. Share those graphics on social media to invite others to join: Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook & your blog. (Use the hashtag #EncourageBeauty so we can see what waves your making!)
4. Write a blog post & install the button on your sidebar (just make sure to link back to this original post to explain the meaning) so your readers can join in with you.

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