5 Minute Make Up

August 29, 2013

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You may or may not know I used to do special occasions makeup for brides and bridesmaids (it was a brief stint)….which is ironic because I actually don’t like to wear much makeup. I did learn a few tricks however on how with minimal here and there you can get a nice wake me up look.

On most days, its just mascara and a little liner to make me feel like I got it together that day. However, this is my less than five minute routine that I use most weekends or if I am going out…P.S. Totally wearing faux lashes for the photos above. Lets be clear;)

The 5 Minute Routine:

Smashbox Tinted Moisturizer – Amazing how light this applies and how light it looks. Its a great alternative to foundation, giving you some coverage and glow without the make up look. Also includes SPF which I find so important. The whole rave on BB creams…my take is they are kind of just glorified tinted moisturizers. Unless you are getting the good Japanese stuff you are better sticking with a tinted moisturizer.
E.L.F Face Whip – $1 hat trick that gives your face some good light reflection and a healthy glow.
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide on Eye Liner – I have tried many and some liners are too oily, too hard, smudge easily, etc. This one stayed hours in place. Also heard good things about Stila. I love a good deal on make up, but sometimes it pays to pay a little more for a good item that will last three times as long. It all comes out in the wash.
Revlon Eyelash Curler – My trusty rusty that has lasted me years.
Benefit’s They’re Real & L’Oreal Double Extend – I switch up my mascara every few months because just like your hair can get shampoo buildup from using the same type, so can your eyelashes. Sometimes layering your mascaras can give your lashes some extra volume as well.
Burts Bees tinted lip balm – easy, no fuss, and healthy!

In that order! If I am going out on the weekends, I may go the extra mile;)..

A few additionals for special occasions:

Bare Minerals Eye Powder in Drama – Simple and quick over the whole lid (before you apply liner)
Nars Blush or Maybelline Cream Blush – Both fantastic options. Nars lasts longer and is a light powder while Maybelline has a great glow and blending factor.
Lips – I never wear dramatic eyes and a dramatic lip color together. Focus on one or the other if you want to keep a more natural look. The key to glam is wearing the right things in the right places:) I don’t wear lipstick often but its fun on occassion and I really like these.

So what about you friends? Fave products? Do’s and dont’s?

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