3 Ingredient Powder Puff Surprise Cookies

November 20, 2014

3 Ingredient Powder Puff Surprise Cookies | In Honor of Design

As my children get older, I want to make the effort to spend one on one time to each of them when I can. Since Veronica is now 3 1/2, she has become very curious in the kitchen. Since I never like doing anything alone (big family problems), I welcome the little assistant. At the right time of course. ie: Not at dinner time. More like when Max is napping, big brother is at school, and there is a little time for mistakes. We put on the record player, tie little aprons and get baking. 

3 Ingredient Powder Puff Surprise Cookies3 Ingredient Powder Puff Surprise Cookies

Baking with kids gives them a little challenge of responsibility and independence, which my little miss loves. These cookies are easy for kids to bake, and also a good option for them to eat at holiday gatherings! I adapted this recipe from Averie Cooks slightly because I always have a hankering for caramel, and made the batch for larger yield.

3 Ingredient Powder Puff Surprise Cookies3 Ingredient Powder Puff Surprise CookiesBaking with Kids

Powder Puff Surprise Cookies
2 Pie Dough Sheets (They usually come in 9 inch size and two in a pack!)
1 c. Powdered Sugar
Bite Size chocolate (The possibilities are endless!)

We used milky ways which was spectacular, and now I am anxious to try reeses!

Directions (Veronica did many of these steps!):
1) Pre-heat oven to 350
2) Unroll pie dough (at room temperature) on a cutting board. Use pizza cutter to cut into 16 pieces. Pardon my totally uneven squares.
3) Roll one to two sections into a 1 inch ball form and set aside. If you do both crusts you should have about 2o pieces!
4) Thumbprint the centers, and add a chocolate piece in the middle.
5) Enclose the chocolate in the center by pulling dough over the top and rolling back into a ball shape.
6) Bake for approx. 15 min. and let cool.
7) Roll in powdered sugar.
We hope you enjoy these!  Let us know if you have any questions;)

P.S. Beware of sneaky toddlers… (He woke up from his nap.)


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