I have a weak spot for modern design, and let out an audible gasp when I saw this bag from The Common Knowledge. They were kind enough to send over a bag for me to style and share the line with all of you. Even though ethically made requires a higher price point, I am happy to at least share support for these companies, and this innovative line is one of them. Edgy design, but with enough practical benefits to help a girl out with comfort and space. Made in New York City with Italian Leather materials, I’d say these are #ConsciousClosets approved.
Gabe and lil’ Gabriel have President’s Day off, and there is snow in the forecast. I am thankful for the extra time with my boys, and the time we got to spend with good friends over the weekend. After one of my posts about ways to Battle the Winter Blues, one of you readers mentioned she looks at winter as an opportunity for togetherness. For some reason, that really made an impact on me. How true it is! What a fantastic way to look at it. Even when the togetherness can start to give you cabin fever;)
x, Anna
{Cape: Leslie Tessler (similar) // Denim: Henry and Belle (similar) // Boots: Sam Edelman (old but Similar) // Tote: The Common Knowledge c/o