Chicago + Travel Notes

August 17, 2015

Chicago | In Honor of Design

In my true spastic spur of the moment decision making form, I committed to a trip to Chicago before I had little Rocco. I knew he would only be a few weeks old, and in my experience, they are much easier to travel with when they sleep all the time;) He is already three weeks old, and really it took until now to feel back to normal energy wise (at least as much as you can with a new baby). I look forward to sharing about his first few weeks of life soon!

I was asked to mentor at the Create + Cultivate conference for bloggers and business owners. Gabe was actually the one who encouraged me to go, and he offered to hold the fort down while I was away. Since I have a weak spot for helping entrepreneurs, I jumped at the chance.

In Honor of Design

Create + CultivateBlue pots + Cactus | In Honor of Design

Frittata | In Honor of Design

My wonderful mother in law is from Milwaukee so she met me there to help with little man. The conference was one of the best I have ever attended. Incredibly organized down to the detail, a perfect location, and a knowledgeable line up of speakers. They spoiled both the speakers and mentors, and the attendees with hair and beauty stations, swag, and drink and food stations on hand. Rocco and I thoroughly enjoyed the day! It is always fun to connect with long time blog friends as well like Amber, Kate, Shalice, and Liz (check em outttt). If you are a blogger or creative business owner, I highly recommend you sign up for the next C+C conference since it offers some really thorough content and opportunities to learn.

We got to spend some time by the navy pier as well as brunch with old friends before taking off back to Atlanta. (Fun fact: Gabe and I met at the Navy Pier except I was clueless he would end up being my husband. We were only 18!)

Chicago | In Honor of DesignChicago | In Honor of Design

Boating in ChicagoProcessed with Chicago | In Honor of Design

Traveling with Rocco was actually pretty smooth sailing. My faith in humanity was restored by the end of our flights, as almost everyone was willing to lend an extra hand when needed. The flight staff loaded my luggage for me on the plane as I held Rocco, and even tried to get me an extra empty seat. You can check your carseat and stroller at the gate which was LIFE SAVING. I will say the security check was the only stressful part because as you know, it is already set up to make you have a minor panic attack before you make it through the body scanner. Thankfully in the ATL airport there is a line for strollers and babies and I teamed up with another mama traveling solo as we helped each other get all our gear through the line. Rocco slept the whole flight and pacifiers came in handy when I needed to hold him off till I could feed him. The Quinny Buzz Xtra and carseat was extremely easy to use and got us in and around the city with ease. Other than managed to book an international flight leg back to Atlanta and being lost on the wrong side of the airport, we didn’t run into to many hiccups. 

Packing for two | IHOD

Packing for two in one carry on and one tote bag was a puzzle I managed only by sitting on top of my suitcase (literally). I only packed what I absolutely needed for me, and left the rest of the space for little man’s items.
Outfit details: Top (nursing friendly), Pants (50% off!), Sandals, Diaper Bag/Tote c/o, Earrings Also wore this nursing friendly dress to the speaker dinner. (So helpful to travel with comfortable and versatile pieces!)

Have you traveled with a baby before? Any helpful tips you want to leave for fellow readers, please do!


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  • Thanks for the tips! As a new mama getting ready for her first flight with my 3 mo old baby, I was wondering if you wrap the car seat and stroller up with anything when you gate check them, or if they don’t get dirty. Thanks!

    • Hi Amy! I didn’t do that, but in retrospect I think it is a good idea to at least bring a plastic bag covering for the carseat since they are tossed in with all the luggage. It would prevent any harm and keep it clean!

  • So great to see you! Hope we can run into each other again!

  • You have the best taste – always love your outfits! I keep wanting to pick up that blush wrap dress but is it as short as it looks in the asos pic? I’m hoping that it’s just an über tall model because I love that dress…

    • Oh thank you so much Erika! I appreciate that! That dress actually goes right above my knee right now so definately longer on me. Although with an 8 month bump it was a couple inches higher;)

  • aww i miss chicago SO much! your photos are beautiful and you look great mama! xoxo

  • You look amazing! No one would ever guess you had a baby six seconds ago! It’s been so fun to see which blogger spoke at the c+c conference the last few days! I’m glad you got to have a fun time and some special one on one time with your little one!


  • This conference looks great and I love your photos! I may have to attend next year. I’ve done a ton of traveling with my baby girl over the past year and recently wrote a post with tips for traveling with infants here if anyone would like some helpful tidbits. 🙂

  • My husband and I just traveled with our 2 kiddos (almost 4 and almost 2) and I was 32 weeks pregnant at the time. We used the MacLaren Twin Techno (which I found on craigslist for $100)! Gate checking is the best.

    I actually purchased the Maxi Cosi in gray for the new baby but I am worried about the fabric. Does it show spots easily?

    Also, Target is sold out of those great booties… I’m slightly heartbroken!

  • Love the travel tips and I’m so glad the trip went well for you! Which lily jade bag do you have? I’m wanting to get one since I really don’t care for the one I have now but do you find you can fit both a baby and a toddlers things in it? I’m hoping you say yes because it sure is a beauty!

    • Hi Erin, thank you so much. I have the Elizabeth in Camel. What makes all the difference is the bag insert + backpack option! I needed a backpack for traveling solo with a stroller and carry on. The bag insert is loaded with pockets in addition to the interior pockets so I am always able to stow away all the items I need for the day when I am with my little ones. For both toddler and newborn and my own things if I am lucky! 😉

  • What an interesting thing to be asked to do, great experience I bet. Glad it was well organised and smooth too.

    Buckets & Spades

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