2016. Intentions and Expectations.

January 2, 2016

new years bar cart

Last year I didn’t really make resolutions, but had two clear guidelines: No expectations and break through limitations. Life delivers great opportunities to walk through new doors and accept closed ones….as well as be content with the door you already walked through. Those guidelines I kind of forgot about come summer, but I had already started forming the habit of this mindset. What a difference the right mindset can make. It was a challenging year, but one of my favorites. I hope this year can just be another opportunity to love my family well, try a few new things, and try to conquer life long bad and good habits. What are your resolutions and goals for 2016?

new year

 {An NYE that involved a night in with champagne, sushi, and sparklers // Dress from Free People}
new year disco ball drink stirs


new year baby
  {Sleeping his way through every holiday.}

  {When you try to take a pic for the family album…}

new year pic

{..and you just settle for take 22. // Little striped shirts from Everlane, mouse purse from Donsje}


I think many of mine will unravel as the year goes. I do know for certain I could conquer some goals in the fitness department (like run consistently for more than one month), and the kitchen (I am ready for you kitchen aid!). However, my biggest goal is to be perceptive to the needs of my family, and to love them with a diligent heart. It’s a tough one, but worth all of my energy.

I have some fun new series I am working on building for IHOD and I cannot wait to share them with you. 

Happy New Year!


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  • Adorable! Isn’t that the life of a mama trying to capture the Perfect pic but these kiddos have a mind of their own!! Looked beautiful, fun and real! Happy new year!!

  • Absolutely love your biggest goal for the year! I wish I was a runner, but it’s not my thing. However, barre has become my new favorite form of workout!

    Happy New Years!

    • Malia, thanks so much! And yes, never really liked running until college and it has slowly grown on me. I would love to try Barre though. I have heard only good things about it.

  • Those family photos are just awesome, Happy New Year. When I was fired 2 yrs ago from a job I did for 20 years (boss would not let me take time for my daughter’s operation), my daughter said “when one door closes, Mom, praise God in the hallway until another one opens”. Thank God I did because I opened my own interior decorating business and I could not be happier. (poorer but happier, and I was there for my daughter every day during her operation and weeklong recovery in the hospital) Looking forward to your upcoming new series.

    • Happy New Year Mary Beth! I love your perspective on this. Your daughter is wise! For sure there is any monetary value on the time you spent with her. Wishing you the best in the new year!

  • Beautiful designs ! Happy new year

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