Now that we have had a good amount of time to process the news, we thought it might be time to share with you dear friends and readers…
So many emotions run through me on a daily basis with this pregnancy. How can we in our human limitations manage another baby in the mix? Why us when I watch friends suffer from infertility or miscarriage? We wanted a big family, but this soon?! These are questions that I will toss around for months to come, but deeply rooted in our hearts we know without a doubt that God makes no mistakes, that He created this life knitted in my womb with great love, and He will provide the strength we need. And so, this is our baby that has already taught us to “leave room”….there is something much greater here than we could have dreamt of ourselves. We are anxiously await September!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the outpouring of love and support you continue to show this crazy caravan! We are so grateful for each of you.