A Very Hungry Caterpillar’s First Birthday

July 25, 2016

first birthdays

Our little Rocco Samuel turns one this week so we had a crew of family and friends over to celebrate this Very Hungry Caterpillar’s first birthday. Like each of my children’s birthdays, they are always bittersweet for me. Letting go of the babyhood phase of their life and accepting that outside of your control, they are growing faster than you can grasp. Rocco has been healing balm for some very tough days for me this year, and so it is especially hard to swallow that he is already one. Gabriel, Veronica, and Max were so excited to celebrate their baby brother’s birthday that it motivated me to make it a fun theme for all of them. He may not remember the little details, but for me it is just a part of celebrating his irreplaceable life. Here are a few snaps I was able to get during party chaos! 


first birthday
very hungry caterpillar party
 first birthday cake
 party peeps
A few sweet peeps from the party pack!
Bffs (my friend Jessica’s littlest)

very hungry caterpillar

We came off of a whirlwind week….or more like a whirlwind month, so I was scrambling to get together even a cake made. Was totally thrilled to find this cutout pack on amazon, and decided to use them over the glass canisters and across the buffet table. We also filled a big pool with bouncy balls in Very Hungry Caterpillar colors which is really the only way to keep all the kiddos entertained (and cool!) in 90 degree heat. I kind of wanted to jump in myself.

Rocco has always loved interacting with people, and was very content observing all the action. He had no idea what to do when I placed the large cake in front of him, and after tasting a few bites of icing, he gagged it up. Too much, too soon? Apparently. His plump cheeks were grinning throughout the day, and I will never forget how wonderful those suspenders were;)

We love him to bits and pieces. 

P.S. Rocco’s birth story and first few weeks of life. (Which feels like last month….HOW.)

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