Their names are Anger and Courage.

August 18, 2017


I don’t use this blog as a place to discuss political issues because I think the biggest impact we can have on the world around us is the actions we choose to live face to face with our neighbors, strangers, family, and communities. However, outside the realm of politics right now are basic humanity issues. And right now, humanity continues to suffer on so many levels. I see all of the pain and brokenness, and am trying really hard to hold onto hope. But out of respect and love for each other and the country we live in, I cannot turn a blind eye. Racism, abuse, prejudice, indifference…..these are all issues that affect the intrinsic fibers of our being. They tear at our creation story of how we were made with equal dignity to love and be loved. It has me wondering how we got here, and where we are heading. How can we take action towards a more peaceful and united world we all crave?  Empathy and acknowledgement are the first steps, but perhaps the greatest example to me thus far is this African American’s story. An action rooted in love will always be the most powerful source of light.


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  • Oh wow, thank you for sharing that story. It really moved me, and I’m going to help spread it too!

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

  • Shauna DG

    Hi Anna,
    Thank you for touching on this. I’m literally a Heinz 57 (multiple nationalities). This ugliness that has been deep rooted and present all along is now again being brought to the light in a more public scary way. Some more aware than others. There is to much to say, so many opionions to share. But I’ll just say this, its a very simple but powerful truth….. it STARTS in each and everyone of our homes. Like many have said we are not born hating, we are taught. We need to build a strong foundation in our homes of Love, respect, and exceptance for all races, religions, and beliefs.
    God Bless us and be with us all❤️

  • Thanks for posting about this and sharing the story. It’s a scary time in this country.

  • Jeannette Root

    Thank you for taking a stand.

  • Thank you, Anna! I am so glad you use your platform as a place to promote positivity and acceptance.

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