Cabana Life – Protecting Your Skin.

May 11, 2015

Poolside via IHODSplashPool lifeCabana Life Swim Shirt via IHODSwim wear via IHODLittle swimmerSwim sledding Swim sledding | In Honor of DesignCabana Life rashguardCabana Life via IHOD

We have been counting down the days until our local pool would open, and luckily it was ready just in time for the heat that settled in here in Atlanta. I have a feeling I will be parking it by the water to get through the last trimester of summer. Give me all the popsicles and watermelon please!

Growing up, I admitedly would go for the tanning oil over the SPF 50 in high school. I opted for the quick tan! This lasted through college ( I have many freckles to show for it) without much thought to it, until we had a loved one diagnosed with skin cancer. My aunt, who my family loved dearly lost her battle with melanoma cancer when I was pregnant with Veronica. I still get an ache in my throat when I think of her, and I have resolved since to bring more awareness not only to the brevity of life, but an awareness of the causes of skin cancer. Generations ago there was not much information on the damage of UV rays, but we now have the research that directly links the damage of UVA and UVB rays to unprotected skin. I have no excuses, and I am choosing to be more proactive with my family about skin health.

I was really happy to discover Cabana Life which has an entire line of really fun swimwear and rashguards designed to protect you and your little ones over the summer. Since sunscreen is not always enough to prevent bad sunburn, I was thankful for swim options that protect 90% of UVA and UVB rays. I can’t get over Max in his striped number. So much cuteness. Veronica thinks she got a new dress, Gabriel didn’t even question the extra coverage, and my husband thought the men’s rashguard was really well made (he’s a tough critic!). So far, I’m winning. (Wink wink.)

You can see the full Cabana Life line here, and learn more about their efforts for skin cancer awareness. They are offering IHOD readers 20% off through the end of the month with code: MAYBL256. Hope you enjoy!
x, Anna

*Gabe’s rashguard // Anna’s Coverup // Gabriel’s swimset / Veronica’s rashguard // Max’s rashguard

A real Mother’s Day.

May 11, 2015

Little hugs | In Honor of Design

This weekend May in the south skipped right to summer with some hot and sunny weather. Per my request, we didn’t plan a thing for Mother’s Day. I was hoping for the wide open day with my family with nowhere to be. When life is busy, it’s the unplanned days I look forward to the most.

It was like most Sundays with an early rise time of 6:30AM to get 3 little early birds and myself dressed and fed in time to get to 9AM mass. Gabe hadn’t stirred yet after our late night date to see a movie the night before, and it was his only day of the week to get a little more sleep. I had already dissolved several squabbles, picked up a couple spills off the floor, and franticly searched the laundry basket for a pair of clean underwear for Veronica. Forget my hair, it would have to settle for the frizzy mess it was, because I had two curly little manes to detangle instead.

However, I did wake up to two voices downstairs whispering to each other….
I got to open two packaged cards with crooked tape across the top, some skewed letters on the front and little surprises inside. Gabriel wrapped up a sharpie marker he found around the house because he said he knew I liked them. His name was written out proudly on the back of the card (a new skill he learned in Kindergarten this year). Veronica had spent a while coloring a flower garden and wrapping up a picture of me and my sister she had found on the fridge. In another envelope she had packaged up a few of her favorite purse trinkets. They couldn’t wait to give them to me and I got a few more squeezes around the neck than usual. I teared up because I couldn’t believe they were mine to raise.

Gabe stumbled downstairs close to 8AM with a new cappuccino maker wrapped in Christmas paper. He had snuck out with Max the day before on a “secret mission.” His thoughtfulness and dedication to our marriage is what I really see underneath the wrapping. I look at him with prayers of gratitude that he is the one I get to raise our children with. After church (to which we were late to just like every other Sunday..), Gabe made us all a big brunch. My brother came over, and we spent the day at the pool, took some long deliciously deep naps, and finished the evening with an ice cream run.


Just like every other day my patience grew short by with a crabby 4 year old, my back was sore from lifting my clingy toddler, and I was weary by the end of the day from settling fights about sharing toys. After the kids fell asleep I cleaned a messy kitchen and made sure things were in order for the last school week of the year. 

Motherhood never takes a break. You receive it with open arms the moment your first child enters your life, and you continue to keep those arms open until death. And as you spend your time, energy, emotion every waking moment on their well being, your whole being changes. These every day moments stacked into days and years is what produces an instrument capable of giving and receiving love in depths you never thought you were humanly capable of. Your limits are pushed, bent, and broken, and you become an instrument with a great ability to receive and distribute love. With the grace of God you become a constant source of life for your children. You are now the receiver and the giver. 

Just like every other mother, I will never be able to find the words in the human language to describe the receiving part. The part where you experience unearthly joy and happiness only received when you give over a part of yourself to another. 

I hope you all had a beautiful weekend! As always, thanks for being a reader and accompanying me on this wild adventure of motherhood:)

This one’s for you…

May 8, 2015

Peonies in paper via In Honor of DesignFlower Bundle Gifts via IHOD

As we were wrapping up some peonies in paper for some mama friends this morning, I couldn’t help but whisper a prayer for those who have a difficult weekend ahead. 

There are wombs in waiting.
There are arms aching for the children they have lost.
There are sons and daughters with fresh wounds from the loss of the person who raised them. 

It is easy for me to be overwhelmed with tears these days.
I tear up when I notice my child is growing.
I straight up weep when I think of their birth.
But today I can’t help but shed some tears for those mothers in waiting, those who mourn, and those who are trying to muster through the weekend.

A prayer for you today and through the weekend that God brings you peace, comfort, and HOPE that life still holds so much goodness for you, and is not too far in the distance. Know you are not forgotten, and that big bouquet right there^^…that one is for you.

And for each of you new and long time mothers, cheers to the life you give to your children tirelessly. I hope you are celebrated this weekend, and throughout the whole year!
x, Anna

Black and White and Audrey all over.

May 6, 2015

Bump style via IHODvia IHODBlack and White - IHOD

{Top – J.O.A. // Skirt – Wang // Bodystyler Tank – Blanqi // Shoes – Schutz (sold out) // Necklaces  – Acute Designs  (Psst* I’m giving away a set of these druzy necklaces from Acute Designs on facebook! // Sunnies – ASOS //  Shopbop pieces are c/o}

I wear tennis shoes more than I wear heels, but once a week (usually Sundays), I like to dress my best. The heels will start to see less and less wear as the bump grows and my feet just crave the comfort soles, but I am not afraid to put on a 4 inch heel and bold lip for the right occasion. It is my nod to femininity at its finest, and a salute to Audrey Hepburn, which speaking of, would have been 86 this week!…

Audrey and her FawnAudrey in PinkAudrey as a mother

I’ve taken notes from what made Audrey the grace filled style setter that she was, and I have come to conclude it only partly had to do with the pieces she actually wore, but her ability to connect her interior strengths with her outward appearance. Her confidence, positivity, poise, and natural beauty were projected through the way she addressed her life, even down to the art form of her wardrobe. The clothing reflected her inner sass and class, which as a result always garnered a jaw dropping reception from all who filmed, photographed, or knew her personally. There was no denying she had an acute awareness of the connection between style and dignity, which is why she will always be on the top of my list of women who embodied true femininity.

Anyways, that was a tangent I hadn’t intended to ride, but I will hit publish anyways. And maybe leave you with a few images you haven’t seen before?… (Source 1, 2, 3)

Cheers to the legend!


Peach, Please! Cinco de Mayo Cocktail Recipe

May 5, 2015

peach, please! cocktails by Project Sip | IHODPeach, Please! Cocktail by Project Sip via IHOD
Peach, Please! Cocktail by Project Sip via IHOD

I couldn’t leave you all without a 5 o’clock Cinco de Mayo beverage! 
Jenn Gietzen and Kathryn McCrary of Project Sip are back to share this smooth peachy cocktail, that is just as refreshing as it looks…

Peach Please Cocktail | Project Sip via IHODKathryn-McCrary-Photography-Jenn-Gietzen-Write-On-Design-Project-Sip-Peach-Please-39

Peach, Please!”

Juice of 2 limes
3-4 tbsp of agave nectar (depending on how sweet you like it!)
6 tsbp (a double shot) of clear tequila
2 peeled medium peaches, pureed

Step 1 : mix lime juice, agave nectar and clear tequila in shaker
Step 2 : peel your peaches and puree in blender or food processor
Step 3 : add to shaker and mix with other margarita ingredients
Step 4 : pour into salt rimmed glass, add garnish (optional)
Step 5 : enjoy!

Project Sip Creators : Jenn Gietzen and Kathryn McCrary
Hand lettering : Jenn Gietzen
Photography : Kathryn McCrary
Model and Assistant : Candice Beaty
More easy drink recipes on Project Sip!

Hello May + Teva Mother’s Day

May 4, 2015

In Honor of DesignLakeside Dateinstavia IHODAll you need is sand and water.

May in Georgia is possibly it’s finest in my humble opinion. Although October is right up there with it. I love the turn of spring, and having the sun synced with your rise and rest times. (Because really, who functions well when the sun sets at 5:30pm?!) New life is around every corner (no seriously, baby bumps are everywherrreeee!), and hibernated neighbors are now frequent passers by.

This month will hold two weddings, the last day of Kindergarten, High school graduations, traveling, and of course Mother’s Day. I look forward to it all since it will be with friends and family that I don’t see enough of. I don’t plan on sleeping much because there is so much adrenaline turning our wheels and running our calendar, so I am just holding onto my hat for the ride. I guess literally and figuratively;)

So Happy May to all of you!
I am guest pinning for Teva this week and will be sharing some original images as well as favorite pics in their Mother’s Day board! Would love to have you stop by:)

Cheers to a fresh new month!

P.S. A ridiculously good Mother’s Day giveaway I am hosting along some friends on instagram!

(Wearing: DIY Kimono, AE shorts, Blanqi tankUniversal Teva sandals. Second look: thrifted dress, Madewell hat.)

DIY Tripod Planter + The New Boho Book

April 30, 2015

DIY Tripod Planter | In Honor of Design
DIY Tripod Planter | In Honor of Design

Last summer when I traveled to L.A., I was able to have lunch with friend Justina Blakeney, who I consider one of the most brilliant creative minds in the industry. She has the golden touch to ingenuity and original design. You may remember the creative profile I shared on her last year. When I first heard about her book, The New Bohemians, I circled my calendar and made a big note in capitalized letters, DON’T MISS!. Not even joking, and I have been anxiously awaiting it’s launch ever since.

So happy to be a stop on the Book Tour today. I devoured every page of the book (and I am not kidding when I say it is one of my top 3 prized books I currently own). Maybe because it speaks to my bohemian eclectic loving heart and makes it actually seem tangible. Now while the book is loaded with home tours, and dreamy images of all the home details, there are also instructions for easy and clever DIY’s for your home. I tried out the DIY Tripod Planter….

DIY Succulent Tripod Planter via IHODDIY Succulent Bowlsupplies
The New Bohemians

I filled the planter with mainly succulents, portulaca, and creeping Jenny. You can find the very thorough and helpful instructions to assemble in the book. I purchased the tapered wooden legs from the vintage section on etsy, and used my old wooden salad bowl. Tip: Spray the inside of the bowl with a weatherproof varnish so it lasts a little longer despite water use. We drilled a hold in the middle bottom as well for draining. Couldn’t get over how easy it was, and it has been such a nice addition to our back patio (if I can keep Max out of it for a few weeks;)).

The New Bohemian Book - Bathroom

One of my favorite rooms in the book^^. Just a teaser. I’d say it doesn’t even matter if you are need of home decor, textile, DIY, lifestyle, or color ideas. This book is worth it for the visual eye candy;) Snag a copy here.

*All images and styling by IHOD

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