We squeezed in as much as we could for our weekend getaway to Chattanooga, so I split it into two posts. You can check out some of the spots we visited in the part 1 re-cap post. We got really lucky because despite the rainy forecast, we had a fairly sunny Saturday where we were able to visit Rock City, have lunch outdoors, hit up the TN Aquarium (more details about that here!), and even squeeze in a visit to High Point Climbing and Fitness before evening rolled around. I know…. I am tired just typing that out, but I think the excitement of it all is what carried our kids through the day (in addition to quick naps and rest breaks in the car). How about that pub trolley above? Downtown Chattanooga was full of life and activity. We had fun just watching all the different buzz going on. If you are visiting for a weekend, the TN Vacation site has a guide you can request with all of the options for the weekend. We used this when deciding our schedule for the day:) VIEW FULL POST