New gig! Style Contributor

April 21, 2014

IHOD - How to Pack Light
How to Pack Light - IHOD
In Honor of Design

How was your Easter??
As seemingly appropriate, we had a dark and rainy Good Friday and the most beautiful Easter sunny Sunday. Gabe and I really loved witnessing our kids on Easter morning, enjoying each other, and celebrating the Risen King! I could right a whole post on Easter ponderings, but for now…

I got a new gig! Was asked to be a style contributor for the new style blog! So honored, and cannot wait to share some of the fun projects we have planned.

You can read my debut post here, and my very first contribution: How to Pack Light: 12 Pieces, 8 Outfits🙂 Hope you enjoy! (All clothing sources on the eHow post!)

It seems to be a month of debuts, announcements, and introductions! Got a few more to share this week so come back tomorrow and Wednesday:)
x, Anna

The Brand Market ATL – Part 3 – Florals

April 16, 2014

Anna LKathryn-McCrary-Photography-Brand-Market-Workshop-Atlanta-55 
Kathryn-McCrary-Photography-Brand-Market-Workshop-Atlanta-49Kathryn-McCrary-Photography-Brand-Market-Workshop-Atlanta-40 Kathryn-McCrary-Photography-Brand-Market-Workshop-Atlanta-20 Kathryn-McCrary-Photography-Brand-Market-Workshop-Atlanta-14 Kathryn-McCrary-Photography-Brand-Market-Workshop-Atlanta-8Kathryn-McCrary-Photography-Brand-Market-Workshop-Atlanta-1Kathryn-McCrary-Photography-Brand-Market-Workshop-Atlanta-74 Kathryn-McCrary-Photography-Brand-Market-Workshop-Atlanta-80



The florals by Juli Vaughn at the Atlanta Brand Merket workshop were so beautiful that I felt like they needed their own post:)

Juli came up with mini styling packages for each attendee so that we could all play around during the photography and iphone photography portion of the workshop. Such a cool detail and I am so grateful to her for going the extra mile.

These table centerpieces were such a welcome note to March. We were all in awe over the vibrant arrangements. So perfectly done. I knew if I let Juli do her thing she would come up with something spectacular. She is the bees knees and I highly recommend her for any floral and event design needs you have! She really went above and beyond what I was hoping for. The copper floral tape wall was such a fun element. And her studio? To die for.

We were lucky to be able to use Blue Eyed Yonder’s stunning wood table and chairs for this event. Have you seen the rest of their rentals?? Krista and her husband travel the south to find the coolest pieces for their collection and the rest they hand make! So cool.

The Raleigh workshop is already next weekend with NYC, and L.A. soon to follow. Whew! It is going to be quite a ride!
In case you missed, The Brand Market Atlanta re-cap Part 1 and Part 2.


These incredible photos are by the talented Kathryn McCrary. Atlanta brews some talented people!!



Farro Roasted Carrot and Crispy Chickpea Salad

April 15, 2014

Farro Roasted Carrot and Chickpea Salad - Stir and Scribble for IHODFARRO-SALAD-IHOD FARRO SALAD-IHOD

Farro Salad - Stir and Scribble 

FarroRoasted Carrot and Chickpea Salad 

Farro, Roasted Carrot and Crispy Chickpea Salad

Grain salads are a culinary gift that keeps on giving. They’re easy to throw together, last forever, and can be eaten cold or at room temperature. This Farro, Roasted Carrot, and Crispy Chickpea salad is one of my favorites and perfect for an easy Easter brunch side or a make ahead lunch for work. It also makes a great vegetarian main dish!

Farro is an ancient grain that is beginning to grow in popularity. Originating in the Meditiarrean, farro is actually three varieties from the wheat family and well loved in Italy (it makes an extra creamy and rich risotto). Farro medio that is pearled or semi-pearled, meaning part of the outer hull has been removed, is what you’ll typically find in your mega-market. Farro is similar to barley in texture but have wonderfully nutty favor and bite.

The ingredient list for this Farro, Roasted Carrot and Crispy Chickpea Salad may seem long, but only take about 20 minutes of hand on prep time – the oven does all the work for you. You can also easy swap one of the components for something similar – feta cheese is excellent in place of the Parmesan and you can easily swap thyme for parsley. 

[yumprint-recipe id=’1′] 

 Meghan Splawn is a professional recipe developer, wife, and mama. Meghan’s blog, Stir and Scribble, is full of clever cooking and useful kitchen tips. She’s a fan of candy, classic cocktails, and fuss-free family dinners.  

Find more of Meghan here: twitter | pinterest |instagram.


P.S. More Easter Dinner ideas.


“The White Way of Delight”

April 14, 2014

Spring } IHOD Spring formSpring Step} IHODIHOD- Spring IHOD-Spring step

Over Gabe’s week off we all headed up to Nashville to visit my sister and her new little babe! (Who is more precious than words. A pic of Amelia here.) New life seemed to be the theme of the weekend. We were on a Sunday drive and drove past this incredible alley of dogwood trees. Gabe pulled over so we could observe the glory. I immediately thought of Anne Shirley and the “The White Way of Delight” on Prince Edward Island (which is on my bucket list to visit one day!). I had to do what Anne with an E would do….run my heart out right through and soak in all the glory of it. We took advantage and snapped some pics to share with you all. We resolved to someday plant rows of these trees along our driveway in our someday home;)

“Dear old world….you are lovely, and I am happy to be alive in you.” – Anne Shirley


Dress : Calypso St. Barth  (in stores) c/o, Necklaces: Gold and Gray c/o Mourning Dove Native // Shoes: Shoemint // Hat: Shop Sosie // Sunglasses: Free People

Gemvara Curated Collection

April 12, 2014


I had so much fun curating a collection for Gemvara for the Multi-faceted motherhood series.
It really made me stop and think about how so many aspects of my life at this moment are connected and influence each other. When you become a mother you have to wear many hats. You are a comforter, nourisher, protector, and so much more. Head over to Gemvara to see the feature and the pieces I chose! They did such a cool job with it!

Here are the reasons why I chose each piece…

Abbey Collection Earrings – Easy to leave in for days on end. Leaves you feeling put together, but easy to wear with anything on the go. Sometimes fast paced weeks need jewelry pieces that can accommodate (and won’t be pulled on by quick baby hands:)).

Key to Love Necklace – I especially love the intricate design of this key. It is four hearts into one which is such a perfect reflection of the four people I love most in this world (my husband and three children) that make up my own whole heart:)

Liana Ring – As a creative entrepreneur, my life is often tugged in many directions. This piece is a good reflection that every aspect of my life is intertwined and connected. It can be something beautiful if I take the time to stop and see.

Pure Double Earrings – Every gal love to dress up and feel feminine. This is that pair I would wear on a special evening out with my leading man;) Elegant, stated yet simple, and in my birth stone color amethyst.

Leaf Cross Necklace – A visual reminder of faith which is a very important piece in role as a mother. Faith is my motivation to every aspect of my life, and what gives me the strength to face every challenge both big and small.

Love Disc Bracelet – A simple reminder around the wrist to choose love in those moments that can be extremely challenging, like when my little Veronica is tugging at my shirt when I am making dinner;)

Love Knot Ring – I adore the design of this ring. Its a perfect reminder that my marriage is my main priority. When my marriage is strong, I am the best I can be for my children as well.

Key to Friendship Necklace – I don’t know what I would have done in the past few years without the friendships that have been woven into my life. I have learned so much from each of my friends, and they have been a strong source of support since our family lives far away. This necklace is a simple and stunning piece that reminds me to always invest time in friendships, because it is so nourishing for the soul!

Oval Cut Solitaire Necklace – My own mother is someone I admire and respect to no end. She is my role model of the kind of mother I hope to be. I chose this piece with her birthstone as a salute to one of my favorite people on this earth.

So grateful to get to know this company. The team is incredibly kind and I thoroughly enjoyed working with them!
Let me know which piece is your favorite?!

Veronica Rose – 3 years old

April 11, 2014

Birthday girl Veronica Rose

v and gabe


Veronica Rose,

It’s like you knew you were turning 3 because you have an extra dose of sass these days. You have the cutest cheeks I ever have seen and hope they never leave you! Here are some other favorite things about you right now…

You love to stuff random things in a purse to bring with her on errands with me.
You always has her shirt inside out and her pants backwards.
You take much pride in getting yourself dressed, so I let you have at it.
You like to tell “baby Max” everything you are excited about.
You think all of Gabriel’s friends are your friends too.
You like to have mama “paint da mails” (paint your nails).
You could throw a ball for hours and have quite a mean pitch.
You always have a song to sing and dance to, and are our own live jukebox.
You have a love for adventure and ask pop to swing you on your feet every day.
You and Gabriel squabble often, but have a strong bond. He loves to look out for you, and you love to get into whatever he is doing.
You might be as strong willed as your mother, which hopefully will be a good thing one day. In the meantime you will probably continue to see a lot of time out time…

I know God has a beautiful plan for your life, because you have already impacted ours very deeply! Happy birthday my wild flower! We love you even more than you love treats!

Mama and Pop…and Gaber and Moose

P.S. A look back at her birth storyfirst birthday, and 2nd birthday


V’s Dress from Flor de Luz, Headband from Jen Ann Style

The Best Stroller on the Block.

April 10, 2014

 In Honor of Design Little one | IHODMother-Son} IHOD


Me and Max | IHODQuinny

Quinny Stroller | IHOD


I could live without social media.
I could live without a microwave.
Heck I could even live without my coffee maker….(or so I say)

However, when it comes to raising three children, I will take all the shortcuts and simpler products I can get. You need things that are durable, easy to tote around, and ALWAYS have pockets (I repeat this with emphasis!). That is why I am having a hard time not stuttering through this post over excitement about the Quinny Buzz Xtra. If we were talking about it in real life, I would probably be spitting my words out so fast you would be dodging and ducking to keep up. But first let me tell you a little story about what happened yesterday….

I was feeling extra ambitious and decided to run some errands with Veronica and Max. Max is swiftly growing out of his car seat and living up to his nickname Moose quite nicely. We were given a stroller when Gabriel was born that has been really great. We purchased a car seat that was not the same brand, but fit will inside. We have used them both for all three children. However, Max is now too strong and squirmy to set the car seat in the stroller anymore as I realized yesterday. As we got out into the parking lot of the store, I set the carseat in the stroller, and realized I had to adjust the back to allow it to nestle safely inside. Veronica decided she wanted to ride on the front of the stroller as she often does. I warned her not to because Max could topple out. Mere seconds later as I was adjusting the back to secure Max inside, I see Veronica hop on and they both start to fall…

My heart stopped altogether as I watched in slow motion as Max was about to tumble to his grave (or so my mind was playing out). He has a very vigilant guardian angel. The car seat bounced on its side on the pavement. I saw his head jolt and hit the side of the car seat. Had it been angled an inch more forward his precious head would have smacked the pavement. Of course I had just read about a child who lost his life that way so I was a mess after this happened. Veronica was in tears over a skinned knee, Max was in tears over the scare, and I was in tears over seeing him almost bust his head open. I resolved then and there that I would no longer use that carseat/stroller combo. (You know how mama bears can be.) Well that afternoon this stroller arrived from a jolly Fed-Ex man on my front door step. I wanted to hug him and then call Quinny and hug them too.

I was so anxious to open it up and put it together and knew I would probably have to be patient and wait till Gabe got home to help me figure it out, but OH MY GOSH! It is SO easy to assemble!

  • Everything snaps in, and every piece is adjustable. I assembled with little Gabriel’s help in 15 minutes.
  • The handle bar has adjustable height which Gabe was so happy about since he is taller and needs the added length.
  • The seat is also adjustable back and forth for when you want them to fall asleep or see the world.
  • It has the option to insert the infant carseat SAFELY and SECURELY inside.
  • The wheels are built for subterrain and easy movement. I have never felt a stroller so easy to move and so light at the same time. I am going to try running with it.
  • It collapses so easily, which is a lifesaver for us since we travel often. It even fits in an overhead compartment on an airplane!
  • And of course STORAGE on the bottom. Key to life folks!

This really is the cream of the crop friends! Worth adding to your baby registry! So grateful to Quinny for allowing me to experience it and be a part of their launch!

Wearing: Jacket – Sheinside c/o // Shirt – Everlane c/o // Jeans – J. Brand via Twice // Boots – J.Crew (similar) // Hat – Shop Sosie (out of stock but similar)
Max: Leggings // Moccs // Sweater

This post is sponsored by Quinny and is 100% my own opinion. Thank you for supporting the companies that make blogging possible for me and my family!

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