Style Tours: Loose Waves + Loose Tee

September 3, 2013

Loose Waves & Loose TeeLoose top + Jeans | IHOD
Best Denim

Loose tee and Jeans Loose Top + Jeans + Details

Top: Kiki LaRue// Jeans: 7FAM via Twice // Sandals: c/o Shoemint // Necklace: similar // Watch : Aldo 

How was your long weekend? We got one last lake visit in between some rainy days. Altanta has the most beautiful autumn season so I am finally willing to let go of summer to embrace the fall…but not until Sept. 21st mind you. Squeezing every. last. drop.

5 Things you may want to know:

1) It takes me ten pairs of jeans before ever finding the pair that fit you perfectly. Do you have this problem? That is why I am sticking to my 7’s lately. They always do me right. Found this pair on twice for a steal.

2) I have been doing my homework for the upcoming Brand Market workshops which lead to this discussion . Loved hearing your thoughts on social media!

3) Best recipe, best DIY, and best shop of the week.

4) I ALMOST booked a ticket to NYC next weekend, which is why when I saw this I almost cried a little. Someone go for me.

5) Gabe’s car wouldn’t start today which means we may become a one car family. Which also lead to another great discussion with readers who have survived and thrived on one car.

That’s all for now folks. Wishing you a bright week:)

*All photos by Chelsey Heidorn 

Celebrating the End of the Week with a Drink Recipe

August 30, 2013

Me and Maximilian

Fruit Water Beverage

*Max’s shirt via Twiddle and Tweet, photos via Printic app

Fridays are our favorite days around here. Maybe because its the fact that a whole weekend of possibilities are in front of us. Its also the day we try to wind down and rest after a full week. Work deadlines, car pool pick ups, photoshoots, editing files, laundry piles, meal making, etc. You get the idea.

One of my favorite things lately is putting on some good music while I work on a creative project with a drink in hand. Its a great way to relax for me. Gabe has been making these killer drinks lately that are really simple to make, so I thought would be fun to share…

Fruit Medley Refresher:
Deer Park® Brand Nature’s Blends in Mango Peach or Lemon Mint (1/2 bottle)
1 -2 Tbls. Lemon Juice (adds a little tarte)
Couple slices of chopped peaches
2 Chopped strawberries

Go ahead and sip your way to happiness.

How do you end a long week? Head on over to the Deer Park facebook page to see how others are celebrating and you can share your own story. (If you are a blogger, leave your blog link!)

Thanks to Deer Park® Brand Nature’s Blends™ Fruit Flavored Beverages for sponsoring today’s post. All words are 100% my own opinion.

5 Minute Make Up

August 29, 2013

5 minute makeup copy

You may or may not know I used to do special occasions makeup for brides and bridesmaids (it was a brief stint)….which is ironic because I actually don’t like to wear much makeup. I did learn a few tricks however on how with minimal here and there you can get a nice wake me up look.

On most days, its just mascara and a little liner to make me feel like I got it together that day. However, this is my less than five minute routine that I use most weekends or if I am going out…P.S. Totally wearing faux lashes for the photos above. Lets be clear;)

The 5 Minute Routine:

Smashbox Tinted Moisturizer – Amazing how light this applies and how light it looks. Its a great alternative to foundation, giving you some coverage and glow without the make up look. Also includes SPF which I find so important. The whole rave on BB creams…my take is they are kind of just glorified tinted moisturizers. Unless you are getting the good Japanese stuff you are better sticking with a tinted moisturizer.
E.L.F Face Whip – $1 hat trick that gives your face some good light reflection and a healthy glow.
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide on Eye Liner – I have tried many and some liners are too oily, too hard, smudge easily, etc. This one stayed hours in place. Also heard good things about Stila. I love a good deal on make up, but sometimes it pays to pay a little more for a good item that will last three times as long. It all comes out in the wash.
Revlon Eyelash Curler – My trusty rusty that has lasted me years.
Benefit’s They’re Real & L’Oreal Double Extend – I switch up my mascara every few months because just like your hair can get shampoo buildup from using the same type, so can your eyelashes. Sometimes layering your mascaras can give your lashes some extra volume as well.
Burts Bees tinted lip balm – easy, no fuss, and healthy!

In that order! If I am going out on the weekends, I may go the extra mile;)..

A few additionals for special occasions:

Bare Minerals Eye Powder in Drama – Simple and quick over the whole lid (before you apply liner)
Nars Blush or Maybelline Cream Blush – Both fantastic options. Nars lasts longer and is a light powder while Maybelline has a great glow and blending factor.
Lips – I never wear dramatic eyes and a dramatic lip color together. Focus on one or the other if you want to keep a more natural look. The key to glam is wearing the right things in the right places:) I don’t wear lipstick often but its fun on occassion and I really like these.

So what about you friends? Fave products? Do’s and dont’s?

Local Notes: Yarn bombed Museum of Art

August 28, 2013

Museum of Art-Marietta GA
have your next party here
denim swatch

Museum of Art - railings

crochet pillars museum of art - crochet pillar
museum of art - marietta

This new Local Notes series has been a fun challenge to get out in this huge city I live in and explore those spots I have never been to.

We headed down to Marietta square and had originally intention of visiting a different spot. I drove past this museum and immediately pulled over into the closes lot. (We paid for this later since one of our cars got towed…yikes.) Currently, this museum of art is yarn bombed, and its spectacular. Every pillar is wrapped in a colorful assessment of crochet art which was a joint collaboration among many individuals who donated time to this project. Part of the inside is yarn bombed as well. Check out their gallery for additional photos!

It just takes a moment in a place like this that leaves you feeling completely refreshed creatively. Thank you Chelsey Heidorn for taking these amazing photos and being my partner in crime (literally;)).

Outfit details: (An accidental outfit due to a change of clothes and a forgotten shirt…) *Denim shirt: HM (similar), Jeans: 7FAM, Monogram necklace: (gift from Tiffany!) via this etsy shop, Layered Necklace: F21, Bracelet: Mes 2 Petites Etoiles

P.s. Just added a press/sponsor page where you can now purchase ad spots directly from the site!

Styled Space for Lulu and Georgia + Glitter Guide

August 27, 2013

Audrey Lamp - IHOD Audrey Lamp Style
Vintage telephone

Today along with 4 other bloggers, I am sharing how I styled the Audrey Lamp from Lulu and Georgia over on The Glitter Guide! This came at the perfect time for me, since I was in the middle of decorating our living room area. I had the couch and wall decals, and end tables, but needed just the right lamp to get the look and feel I was going for. Cue the Audrey Lamp. The details came easier after this. I found the coolest vintage phone at an antique market and used a couple different spray paint colors to get it the chartreuse gold color I was  hoping to achieve. The green palm tree (aka our love fern), brought everything to life. I now have my favorite Saturday morning reading corner in the house!

Head on over to Glitter Guide to see how the other lovely bloggers styled their Audrey Lamps! And guess what? Today only, you can score 10% off your entire purchase at Lulu and Georgia with code “AUDREY10”! They are one of my favorite go to sites for home decor inspiration! Enjoy!
*Couch: Target,  Pillows: Home Goods, Lamp: Lulu & Georgia, World Map: Pottery Barn, Striped Rug: Dwell Studio c/o, Table: Antique Market, Votive: Target, Phone: Vintage (you can actually find some cool ones online like here and here), Plant: Home Depot, Wall decals: Walls by Mur 

Shop Scoop: Inspired by Tess + Giveaway

August 26, 2013

Inspired by Tess shop

Inspired by Tess - IHOD
inspired by tess skirts Me and V

I don’t think I was one to ever dream about having a little girl, dressing her in cute clothes, and matching our outfits. I was for sure having at least 5 boys. When Veronica came along, suddenly I was thanking the heavens that I had been given a little girl. She gives you a furrowed brow when she first meets you but is all sweetness once she approves. She has gotten into an age of being very particular about what she wears and still prefers tennis shoes and her brothers t-shirts to bows and dresses. That is why I was floored she liked this skirt. She even showed Chelsey just how proud she was of it (bottom pic). I admit I totally enjoyed this mini me session and now might be stalking Inspired by Tess for every new print release.

I couldn’t wait to introduce her shop to you. The print styles are current, the material is as soft and comfortable as it gets, and the prices are unbeatable. She even custom fits them! Inspired by Tess is generously giving away a matching skirt set or a $50 shop credit! Best of luck friends!

All photos by Chelsey Heidorn


a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Brand Market Site Launch + Giveaway

August 23, 2013

Today is the day…
The day we walk through a new door….except I am running through it.

I am so thrilled to start this adventure with Savannah and Jenny, and I am so thankful for the road that got me here.

Introducing The Brand Market website!!…

The Brand Market

brand market team
{that time we got drenched at our photoshoot…}

A few things to note on the new site!..

  • Registration is now open for Atlanta and Greenville! There are 15 spots available.
  • You can request a city for The Brand Market workshop to come to you!
  • You can sign up via email to get notified when we open up new locations across the country.
  • Check out the sponsor section where your business or talents can become a part of the workshop!
  • Make sure and read about our Ambassador program!

We designed the site using Virb, (Which actually made it a fun and seamless experience!) and our group photos are from the talented Chelsey Heidron.

We can’t thank you enough for all the love and support you all have shown and I hope this will allow me to meet some of you in person very soon! If you think this might help some of your creative friends, we would so appreciate it if you could share in any way (pinterest, twitter, facebook, instagram, email, etc.)!



The launch wouldn’t be complete without a fun giveaway right???

We have rounded up some fun goodies for one of you to win! (U.S. Residents only) Enter easily via Rafflecopter below. Best of luck, and thank you for helping us celebrate the launch!

* Ampersand Design Studio- iPhone 4 or 5 “Hello” case 
* BKR Glass Water Bottle – Color of your Choice!
* Rifle Paper Co. Blue Botanical Journal 
* Pencil Shaving Studio Neapolitan Art Print 


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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