results for encourage beauty

Pregnancy Safe Skin, Hair, and Personal Care Favorites

May 28, 2019

Pregnancy safe personal care products

I hope this list is helpful with finding pregnancy safe beauty products that work well! It’s cool to see that the information surrounding our under regulated personal care industry is actually becoming more mainstream news, which will hopefully encourage more companies to clean up their ingredient list. Here is a helpful break down of WHY it is so important to understand what we are putting on our bodies every day.


The best of 2016 and moving forward.

January 5, 2017

I wanted to jump into a new fresh start on the blog this week, and not even take the time to look over and evaluate the past year. I realized, however, that I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the highs and lows of the year in order to move forward in the right direction. Each of you readers that visit IHOD are the reason I am able to keep going this year, and it is important to me that I keep an honest dialogue with you because if you are going to invest time in IHOD, I want that time to be an uplifting part of your day. I apologize in advance for the lengthy post, but these things need to be addressed!

I ended the year pretty burnt out as I do almost every year, and welcomed the extra time with my children and husband at home. I could have used two more weeks, but I decided the number one rule/resolution/goal whatever you want to call it, is not to force anything. This will apply in all areas of my life. Regret, bad moods, stressed relationships, missed moments….all of those things are a result of forcing good to happen. I just want to BE this year, and allow myself the ability to experience each day as it comes without self imposed expectations. Still with me? Okay good.




Let’s start with a look back on your favorite posts from last year shall we? Some of these surprised me, but others I quite agree with you on ;)….


Introducing Azelie Jane

September 2, 2016

brand new babe

She made her way into our lives as a surprise, and decided her debut should be one as well! Azelie Jane arrived a month early on Monday evening, Aug. 29th. I still can’t believe she is here, and that we get to keep her forever. Her life has taught us so much from the start, and I have a feeling she will continue to be a light bearer in the years to come.

By the way I had been feeling the week before her birth, I had the gut instinct she would be coming early….but maybe a week early like Rocco Samuel. It never crossed my mind she could come any sooner. I had just been to the doctor for a normal 35 week “measuring on time” visit. I was looking forward to this week to use up all of my nesting energy and clean the house from top to bottom, dig up Veronica’s old baby clothes, prepare meals, pack my hospital bag, and maybe do something spastic like chop my hair. As you can guess, none of it happened…

 early labor


After a weekend of hosting family who had just moved to town, I admit I was probably on my feet more that I should have been, and went to bed pretty zonked on Sunday night. I was having very restless dreams and kept being woken up by what I thought braxton hicks contractions. I finally acknowledged that they might be something more than that since they were getting painful. I started to panic slightly since I didn’t have a hospital bag packed, so at 5am, I got up and started pacing…. and packing. Never underestimate what the adrenaline of a woman in early labor can do! That bag was packed in ten minutes flat. Gabe woke up to get ready for work, and was slightly confused over the sight of his wife buzzing around the room at such an hour. After calling the doctor for advice on what to do, we called up family to stay with the kids so we could head to the hospital. My mind was spinning, as I tried to process what was happening. I wrote a goodbye note to my kids, and squeezed Rocco extra tight as tears welled up in my eyes. Life was about to shift sails. 

Gabe and I are so secondary that it didn’t really hit us until a few hours later when the nurse reported I was 4cm dilated. “You are going to have a baby today!” We looked at each other in disbelief. We were kind of expecting they would want to slow down contractions and send us back home. This is when we finally started to grasp the reality that despite being totally unprepared, this was the day we would meet our girl.

first moments

proud papa

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

new little one

It was my longest labor because the epidural slowed down the contractions….. but it was full of peace. Although, I am pretty sure Gabe’s hand was bruised by the squeezes I gave him throughout the process. My mother got to be there through the day, which brought me so much comfort (as only a mother can!) When the time came to push, it was evening, and I was more than ready to hold her! Pushing has always been pretty quick for me so it felt like only a few moments later, I had a dark haired little beauty on my chest taking her first breaths and letting out a little squeaky cry. It’s the sound that makes time stand still, and heaven draw near for a moment as you realize a new little soul has come into the world, and that you were just a part of their journey here.

I don’t have the words to adequately describe what it feels like to have 5 children. Just typing that out has me looking over my shoulder. Who me? My new reality is equally dumbfounding as it is encompassing. As I looked at the face of our daughter for the first time, I felt a brand new love rush over me. Another chamber of my heart I didn’t know was there, manifested in the shape of a tiny 6 pound soul. Every emotion of the year from the surprise beginning, the fear and doubt, and the shock of her early arrival were swept away with the downward flood of tears as I held her on my chest for the first time, and our hearts beat on top of each other. The emotions rooted in the conviction that this little girl was written into our lives by our creator long before we came to meet her, and that she was always meant to be. My heart is officially split 6 ways for my husband and 5 children.

baby love

first day of life

baby girl

first day of life - Azelie

 one day old

We took two days to name her….until they were asking for the birth certificate forms. We knew we wanted her name to hold meaning, but we had a hard time finding a good fit. Not many names flow well with Liesemeyer, ya know. Veronica suggested we name her “flower” the day she met her (Rainbow Dash being another suggestion) so I wanted to try to make that happen somehow! St. Therese the “Little Flower” was always a personal favorite saint of mine, and her mother’s name was Marie-Azelie, whose life story is even more impactful to to me now as a mother of 5. Gabe and I both loved her story and felt this was fitting for our little flower. Azelie (Ah-zell-ee) Jane.

Thank you all so much for your outpouring of love and support through this journey. I can’t tell you enough how much it has encouraged me along the way. I will share soon the pics and video of my little ones getting to meet their sister for the first time. It deserves it’s own post!

Post baby photos by Chelsey Heidorn

Chicago + Travel Notes

August 17, 2015

Chicago | In Honor of Design

In my true spastic spur of the moment decision making form, I committed to a trip to Chicago before I had little Rocco. I knew he would only be a few weeks old, and in my experience, they are much easier to travel with when they sleep all the time;) He is already three weeks old, and really it took until now to feel back to normal energy wise (at least as much as you can with a new baby). I look forward to sharing about his first few weeks of life soon!

I was asked to mentor at the Create + Cultivate conference for bloggers and business owners. Gabe was actually the one who encouraged me to go, and he offered to hold the fort down while I was away. Since I have a weak spot for helping entrepreneurs, I jumped at the chance.

In Honor of Design

Create + CultivateBlue pots + Cactus | In Honor of Design

Frittata | In Honor of Design

My wonderful mother in law is from Milwaukee so she met me there to help with little man. The conference was one of the best I have ever attended. Incredibly organized down to the detail, a perfect location, and a knowledgeable line up of speakers. They spoiled both the speakers and mentors, and the attendees with hair and beauty stations, swag, and drink and food stations on hand. Rocco and I thoroughly enjoyed the day! It is always fun to connect with long time blog friends as well like Amber, Kate, Shalice, and Liz (check em outttt). If you are a blogger or creative business owner, I highly recommend you sign up for the next C+C conference since it offers some really thorough content and opportunities to learn.

We got to spend some time by the navy pier as well as brunch with old friends before taking off back to Atlanta. (Fun fact: Gabe and I met at the Navy Pier except I was clueless he would end up being my husband. We were only 18!)

Chicago | In Honor of DesignChicago | In Honor of Design

Boating in ChicagoProcessed with Chicago | In Honor of Design

Traveling with Rocco was actually pretty smooth sailing. My faith in humanity was restored by the end of our flights, as almost everyone was willing to lend an extra hand when needed. The flight staff loaded my luggage for me on the plane as I held Rocco, and even tried to get me an extra empty seat. You can check your carseat and stroller at the gate which was LIFE SAVING. I will say the security check was the only stressful part because as you know, it is already set up to make you have a minor panic attack before you make it through the body scanner. Thankfully in the ATL airport there is a line for strollers and babies and I teamed up with another mama traveling solo as we helped each other get all our gear through the line. Rocco slept the whole flight and pacifiers came in handy when I needed to hold him off till I could feed him. The Quinny Buzz Xtra and carseat was extremely easy to use and got us in and around the city with ease. Other than managed to book an international flight leg back to Atlanta and being lost on the wrong side of the airport, we didn’t run into to many hiccups. 

Packing for two | IHOD

Packing for two in one carry on and one tote bag was a puzzle I managed only by sitting on top of my suitcase (literally). I only packed what I absolutely needed for me, and left the rest of the space for little man’s items.
Outfit details: Top (nursing friendly), Pants (50% off!), Sandals, Diaper Bag/Tote c/o, Earrings Also wore this nursing friendly dress to the speaker dinner. (So helpful to travel with comfortable and versatile pieces!)

Have you traveled with a baby before? Any helpful tips you want to leave for fellow readers, please do!



November 15, 2013

Bohemian Dress - IHOD

IHOD - Bohemian

bohemian dress- ihod

Hat: c/o Shop Sosie (out of stock but similar) // Dress: c/o Shop KikiLarue // Boots: Jeffrey Campbell (similar here or here)

Well loves,

Here to report on how I am doing with taking it easy…..

Not so well. (shocker.) This week was actually non-stop, BUT the good thing is, the majority of my time this week was spent with friends and family. Been focusing on catching up and checking in and calling to say hi, etc. Its been great actually. And I even cleaned that dirty corner of the family room I had been hiding behind the couch. Big strides. I never had much appreciation for the month of November but this year it has been a grand one. It has taken me years to figure out how to live in the present, but when you can do so, it makes you feel like you are fully ALIVE. My little ones are at such a fun age and Gabe and I feel like kids counting down till Christmas. We will be starting the weekend off with a date with friends which is welcomed and needed for both of us!

Now on to the fun link round up….

The savvy, smart, and Hilary (who came up with our #EncourageBeauty campaign) is launching a book. And oh boy, you will not want to miss this.

You know how I am perpetually on the hunt for the perfect mascara? Well my top favorite right now is L’Oreal dual action. However, my friend Grace is the honest blogger I am going to trust on this one and I may be trying her #1 pick.

If you have never read one of Meg’s “Conversations” posts, now would be the time.

A  new to me shop I swooned for this week.

Delivered in my inbox every morning that I thoroughly look forward to.

Newest design blog I am crazy about. (AND she is the nicest blogger ever.)

The perfect affordable gift.

The recipe I am hoping to tackle try next.

Gabe and I recently saw this movie. Intense and really well done (as MOST of Tom Hanks movies are).

In Other news…
*Totally honored to be featured over at SMP Living for Best Dressed Blogger. You can head over to check out my 5 must haves for every woman’s wardrobe!

My sister Jana is in college and with a few of her friends, she is helping 5 new single mothers who are in tough financial situations (with two of them having babies in NICU!), by throwing them a big baby shower. Pretty cool right? If you are a shop owner that covers the genre of babies or mamas, and you are up for donating a few items, please email me! If you are able to donate even $5 to help with the diapers and basics they are getting for them, I will be posting the link to do so over on facebook. Thanks friends!

21 Dates of Summer: Dates 6, 7, and 8

July 13, 2012

(Outfit details here.)
(My love for dancing comes from my dad. He’s got the moves. My husband loves to dance as much as me as you can see. )
Our vacation got to start with a big wedding in the family. One of my cousins (I have many!)  got married in Ohio, and not only all eleven of my brothers and sisters and I went, but so did most of my cousins, aunts, and uncles. It was a beautiful ceremony and the reception was a party to say the least. Since it was a late one, my sisters and I got a sitter for our babies, and we all got to go sans kids. I highly recommend going to a wedding once in a while with just you and your hubby. (Not always easy to achieve but so worth it!) Its a chance to renew your vows, remember the newlywed love, and then you get to dance and celebrate with family and friends. We had a blast. Wish I would have captured a few more pics of us dancing. We practiced our rhumba moves of course;)
The simplest dates turn out to be the ones we enjoy most. While we were in St. Louis for the rest of the week with my family, my mom encouraged us to sneak out for a bike ride. Just twenty minutes of cruising through their beautiful neighborhood. Not much needed to be said, we just enjoyed the ride.
When my family all gets together, its crazy fun. With 24 people in one house, there is always something going on! Not much sleep happened. 😉 We managed to organize a night where all the adults went out to celebrate my sister Madeline’s graduation from highschool. If you are from St. Louis, you already know the spot….if not, add The Hill to the top of your list of places to try in St. Louie. This infamous spot has several Italian food joints, and the one we hit up (Cunetto’s House of Pasta) was out of this world! I am still dreaming about it…
It has been rough coming off of post vacay and back to reality, so this post was a great escape from my work load, and dirty laundry;) What are you all up to this weekend?? Hope its long and restful!

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