results for advent

My Favorite Christmas Books for Kids

December 4, 2019

best christmas books for kids

We bring out these books in December, and it’s like pouring through old familiar friends. My kids will spend hours looking through these. Here are some favorites…


A quick Sunday hello! + Memory banks.

October 7, 2019

Happy Sunday to you! We are working on getting back on our feet (literally), and navigating through life as a family of 8. I have so much to share about postpartum recovery, but for now a quick hello! Chiara is 3 weeks old tomorrow which has felt like one long blurry week. It was fall break for our kiddos, and it was a lot of juggling and surviving to be honest. There were lots of tears on my part. Today was actually the first day we navigated out all together. I was craving some quality time with them, and I knew they needed it from me too.  The weather went from 95 degrees to low 60 degrees in two days time, which gave us the last minute motivation to head up to the apple farm….


Family Travel: Disney World in a Day!

March 19, 2019

So glad we captured their reaction to the surprise on film.

Gabe and I have been wanting to take our kids to Disney World for so long, but there hasn’t ever been the right time. I would say this spontaneous decision could have gone either way, but this time it turned out in our favor. Phew! My nausea and fatigue from first trimester pregnancy had just came to a halt, and with the new burst of energy I felt like it just might be the right time to conquer the world! …..well Disney World at least. In today’s post we wanted to share this video of surprising the kids and a few highlights from the day, as well as a re-cap of making the most of one day in Magic Kingdom with varying ages!


The direction of IHOD – an update!

January 30, 2019

(photo from this Nashville airbnb)


At the start of every year we like to update you on this blog, and what we are focusing on for the year ahead! It has changed so much since I opened up a blogspot address when I was a new mother and freelance graphic designer. I never thought it would become our main line of work! Gabe and I both feel like the doors that opened and closed over the last several years have lead us here, and that is what gives us the motivation to continue on (with much gratitude). So here is a summary on the changes we made this past year, what we hope to continue to share this year, and even why we said no to doing a tv show…



5 Meaningful Family Christmas Projects

December 20, 2018


A lot has happened around this kitchen table in December. I didn’t set high expectations this year, and just decided on a few activities we could do as a family that were linked with either advent, family traditions, or act of service. Here are a few that really resonated with our kids I thought I would pass along…

More trust in stillness, and restoring equilibrium.

December 4, 2018


Taking a break from work this month gave me permission to actually write and post without the self imposed pressures or expectations! I can actually write more for my own personal self reflection and enjoyment, and share it for any of you still actually read blogs;)

As I wrapped the 30 Day decluttering effort, I found myself sitting with the realization that for so long I have desired rest without knowing how to actually rest. In theory, it is easy to opt for a peaceful and slow advent leading up to our favorite holiday, but in practice it has felt impossible for me to put into practice in the past. Last year, I was determined to slow down so we worked really hard to wrap everything up early, but I pushed myself a little too hard. My body shut down not long after and the flu took me out for several days before the New Year. Once again, I stepped into January exhausted, burned out, and determined to start over with better habits this year.



How our blog started, and where it’s going.

June 6, 2018


I realized most of you haven’t been with us since the beginning. Back when I started I believe only my family and a handful of friends read my blog. I was talking with my sister this week about way back when Gabriel was a toddler, and I set up a domain called It was never intended to become what it is today, so I thought I should share a summary of the side businesses and jobs that lead us here. I hope it will shed some light on how we made this our family business, and also encourage some of you fighting hard to get something off the ground. Your dreams are worth speaking out loud. They are worth fighting for, even if it does or doesn’t become what you want it to be. Every door open can be a grounds for coming to the place you are meant to stand. So here we go…


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