Christmas morning is one of those days I feel immense gratitude for my children, and the gift of being their mother. Their joy is contagious. Just like any other family, the prep to make Christmas morning happen is a marathon and a half. There are chaotic moments, lots of noise, and an abundance of coffee. VIEW FULL POST
Before we sign off for Christmas, we wanted to wish you and yours a Christmas and Holiday full of love and joy! Here is a little glimpse at our crew at the end of 2018… VIEW FULL POST
Welcome inside our home! It’s always full and usually a mess, but we cleaned up for you to take a peek through the rooms at Christmastime;) I add a little greenery or garland here and there throughout the month all the way till the week of Christmas, and we don’t take decorations down till mid January, so we enjoy the lights as long as we can…. VIEW FULL POST
A lot has happened around this kitchen table in December. I didn’t set high expectations this year, and just decided on a few activities we could do as a family that were linked with either advent, family traditions, or act of service. Here are a few that really resonated with our kids I thought I would pass along… VIEW FULL POST
As you know, simplicity is something I have been focusing on this year, and the holidays have already felt so much lighter as a result. I have in a way removed all of the expectations I usually place on myself to do, see, and check off the list before the 25th. I always say I will be better at this, and yet I fill my plate till it is overflowing. Why do we feel the need to do all of these things in the first place? Is it a fear of missing out? Or maybe quite the opposite…we feel the need to stuff. To stuff our minds and schedules to make sure we maximize every bit of happiness possible? I find it ironic that in the moments where I felt like I was forced to be still, the relief and the peace came? VIEW FULL POST
It has been on my mind now more than ever how fast time goes as I watch my children shoot up faster than bamboo. This year has felt like a chain of dominos tipping one day into the next and watching as the speed only progresses. When I started to think about Christmas and what I hoped it could be for our family, I knew I needed to not only pause the work, but also make time for our marriage. A peaceful home starts with peaceful parents after all. In a rare moment of spontaneity, we decided to use up some skymiles and do something we have been wanting to do for years….NYC at Christmastime.
I admittedly have a blanket problem. I love a cozy throw, and have a hard time passing them up when they are on sale! They are my favorite gift to give. Throws also are an easy way to warm up bedding if the duvet’s are thinner like in our guest room above. I noticed I bookmarked quite a few on sale, so sharing them today for you! 10 cozy throws under $50.