Summer Capsule Wardrobe: Week 3 Looks

July 29, 2017

Top // Denim shorts // Sandals // Wicker tote

Somehow I made it through the summer wearing only 22 pieces of clothing! Part of me didn’t believe I would be able to stretch a summer capsule wardrobe this long! Although I don’t have to use these pieces anymore, I still packed them up for trip to Nashville. After packing up 5 kids I had no brain juice left for my own suitcase….so summer capsule to the rescue. I’ll be sharing my last round up of looks next week!


16 throw pillows under $35

July 24, 2017





Pillows are the easiest way to refresh a space, but why do a few throw pillows have to equal a car payment these days? I don’t know, but never fear. There ARE places you can find some really fun options with prices that won’t make you cry. World Market is one of my favorite places to shop for throw pillows, and Nordstrom surprisingly has a lot of good options as well. Society 6 is a great way to support designers and artists. What are some of your favorite places to browse for pillows?

Happy Monday schmonday!




Part 3 of How we Met: An end and a beginning.

July 21, 2017

(A hint that this story ends well..)

Part one here and part two here.

After the breakup
I came back from that trip feeling like I had a part of me ripped from my chest, and replaced with an anvil to sit on my lungs. If I gave a second’s thought to the fact I just said goodbye to Gabe, a pain would well up so strong that it would immediately take the form of tears streaming down my face. I know anyone who has experienced a heartbreak can grasp what it felt like. Words don’t ever seem to fairly describe it. In some ways, I felt like I was mourning the loss of the person I could never bear the thought of losing. Next to my family, Gabe had become deeply rooted into my heart and soul more than anyone else in my life. The only way to console the overwhelming dread I woke up to every morning when I realized I couldn’t see or talk to him anymore was that it was somehow for the better. Somehow, someway, I had to trust that this was the best thing for Gabe. That is all I wanted for him. To figure out who he was meant to be and find happiness in this life. I knew deep down that God had our best interest at the center of His heart, and that the answers would unfold one day. In the meantime, I had to find a way to move forward.


Buying a Home: DIY or No?

July 19, 2017

This post is sponsored and paid for, by SunTrust Mortgage.  All opinions are my own.

Last May we bought our first home here in GA, after 7 years of renting. It was something both Gabe and I worked hard for, and will never take for granted. I will get into how we saved for our first home another time, but for today I thought it would be helpful to cover how we determined what homes were worth considering, and which required a pass, as well as what we decided to DIY in our own home!


Summer Capsule Wardrobe: Week 2 Looks

July 15, 2017


(Dress // Tote // Sandals (similar) // Earrings // similar watch)

These last few weeks this 22 piece summer capsule wardrobe really came to the rescue! I still haven’t purchased anything for my closet this month because I have had everything I needed. I no longer have the struggle of trying to piece impulsive purchases together. It also made packing for our Florida trip a breeze, and I’m beginning to think it’s the way to live! It was time consuming to think it through in the beginning, but the mental freedom its given me since has been incredible.



Family Travel: Clearwater Beach, FL

July 13, 2017


We purposely didn’t plan a thing for the month of June to make sure we got plenty of long summer days. It was very needed. We only have about a month left till the kids start school, so we thought a family adventure was in order. I don’t think there is anything our kids love more than water. Makes us wonder if we should be living near the coast! Here is a quick re-cap of our trip to Clearwater Beach, FL.


Best Amazon Prime Day deals.

July 11, 2017


I’m never patient enough to sift through the Amazon Prime Day deals…..but Gabe is! So here is a short cut list of what we both found to be really good deals and steals for the home. (If you aren’t an Amazon Prime member they have 30 day free trials if you want to take advantage.)


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