How We Met Part 2: The golden days, a missed first kiss, and heart break.

July 10, 2017

(themed parties, rugby games, and first notes)

In case you missed, read part one here.

So that was that. Gabe and I had just met at that corner between our two houses, and mutually agreed we wanted to get to know each other better. What was next? I had no idea. I just knew I had tossed the ball in his court, and it was his turn to make a move. I knew by now that if Gabe wanted something, he would go after it full force.

Extremely lucky for me he did…the very next day in fact. I was relaying the story out in my front yard to my friend Rose, who listened intently with her jaw to the floor about how I had just spilled it all to Gabe the night before. As we were talking, I saw a figure walk towards us in the corner of my eye. My stomach flopped….it was Gabe. So, in my most stealth mode possible I whispered to Rose, “Don’t turn around! Gabe is walking up as we speak.” Rose did a convincing job acting like we were just casually hanging out, and then excused herself suddenly. An awkward silence ensued, but that would be a recurring theme in the beginning of our relationship. 


Red, White, and Blue 4th of July Desserts

June 30, 2017


The simpler, the better these days. I love making strawberry shortcake or a good strawberry pie, but many times, gatherings are last minute! These are really easy grab and go 4th of July dessert ideas to serve up or bring to a party.


How we met Pt. 1: Dolphins, premonitions, and land line phones

June 29, 2017

I’ve talked in bits and pieces about how Gabe and I met and started dating, but for my own memory’s sake I thought I it was time to write it down. Back when I was miss independent with no plans in the near future to get into a relationship or have kids. Back when Gabe had just bet his friend $50 that he wouldn’t date anyone that semester. Both of us were a little blindsided by each other…

This could probably be its own book of comical short stories. Maybe we will get around to recording it soon, but for now here is my best attempt in writing.


City Guide: Atlanta Botanical Gardens

June 27, 2017

(dress from UO)

We have lived in Atlanta for about 8 years now, and still have so much we have yet to see and do. It is a very large city with a good deal of options for families to take advantage of. May usually offers prime weather, so we headed to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens for a day trip adventure over Mother’s Day weekend because our kids have never been!



Summer Capsule Wardrobe: Looks 1-7

June 26, 2017

Look 1: Striped muslin dress (similar for less), straw bag, soludos
Side notes: Soludos run a tad small, so go up a half size. Super comfortable!

What happened to June?! It is supposed to be good and long, and it disintegrated into thin air it seems! I owe you all an update on the Summer Capsule Wardrobe. Here are what I have found to be the pros and cons of the capsule, and the first 7 looks!


Backyard Campout.

June 24, 2017


Before the summer humidity arrived, we wanted to take advantage of the cooler evenings. My kids have been requesting a backyard campout all year so we finally gave in. 🙂 When we told them we were camping out in the backyard I don’t think I had seen that level of excitement since Christmas morning.  We bought our home mainly for its big backyard so we take advantage of it as much as possible!


Summer Makeup Routine

June 23, 2017




I confess I used to use tanning oil in high school to chase that summer tan. (And dare I say baby oil anyone? I know. What in the actual heck was I thinking??) After losing a loved one to skin cancer, I had a sobering wake up call to take better care of protecting my skin. I usually wear hats and sunscreen, but doesn’t mean I don’t still love a good summer tan.

I’m probably most excited to share this post with you today, because these are some of my favorite products in my makeup bag. Here is my step by step makeup routine for a sunless summer glow!


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